Xpring tsu was too trin is

Tsum inhalt xpringe

Tuu acht hale uf ti antworte fer tiise frooche

Tuu acht hale uf ti antworte fer tiise frooche
  1. 1. Wii khome meyer in Kot sayn ruu rin? (Xee. 2:1-3; Hep. 4:1, 11)

  2. 2. Wii khan “Kot sayn wort” xtark in unser leepe sin? (1 The. 2:13; Hep. 4:12)

  3. 3. Warom mise mer wayter Yeehoowa sayn oryentiirunge suuche? (Isa. 26:7-9, 15, 20)

  4. 4. Was mise mer mache fer Yeehoowa uns seechne? (1 Phe. 1:13-15; 1 Yoo. 5:3)

  5. 5. Wii khene meyer Yeehoowa sayn hërts fraye? (Psal. 71:14, 15; Rom. 12:2; 1 Phe. 4:10)

  6. 6. Wii khene meyer uns fraye wën meyer Yeehoowa tiine? (Yoo. 5:17)

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