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Epsilon aminocaproic acid prevents bleeding in severely thrombocytopenic patients with hematological malignancies. (opens new window)

Antun AG, Gleason S, Arellano M, Langston AA, McLemore ML, Gaddh M, el Rassi F, Bernal-Mizrachi L, Galipeau J, Heffner LT Jr, Winton EF, Khoury HJ.

Forrás‎: Cancer 2013;119(21):3784-7.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 23921838

DOI‎: 10.1002/cncr.28253 (opens new window)

Low dose bolus aminocaproic acid: an alternative to platelet transfusion in thrombocytopenia? (opens new window)

Chakrabarti S, Varma S, Singh S, Kumari S

Forrás‎: Eur J Haematol 1998;60(5):313-4.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 9654162

DOI‎: 10.1111/j.1600-0609.1998.tb01046.x (opens new window)

The use of antifibrinolytics in pediatric patients with hypoproliferative thrombocytopenia. (opens new window)

Delaney M, Matthews DC, Gernsheimer TB

Forrás‎: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2017;64(12):e26641.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 28544698

DOI‎: 10.1002/pbc.26641 (opens new window)

Preliminary experience with epsilon aminocaproic acid for treatment of intractable upper tract hematuria in children with hematological disorders. (opens new window)

Kaye JD, Smith EA, Kirsch AJ, Cerwinka WH, Elmore JM

Forrás‎: J Urol 2010;184(3):1152-7.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 20650477

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.juro.2010.05.020 (opens new window)

A controlled trial of tranexamic acid therapy for the reduction of bleeding during treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. (opens new window)

Shpilberg O, Blumenthal R, Sofer O, Katz Y, Chetrit A, Ramot B, Eldor A, Ben-Bassat I.

Forrás‎: Leuk Lymphoma 1995;19(1-2):141-4.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 8574160

DOI‎: 10.3109/10428199509059668 (opens new window)

Rekombináns aktivált VII-es faktor (rFVIIa)

Pediatric off-label use of recombinant factor VIIa. (opens new window)

Alten JA, Benner K, Green K, Toole B, Tofil NM, Winkler MK.

Forrás‎: Pediatrics 2009;123(3):1066-72.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 19255041

DOI‎: 10.1542/peds.2008-1685 (opens new window)

Recombinant activated factor VII usage in life threatening hemorrhage: a pediatric experience. (opens new window)

Bhat S, Yadav SP, Anjan M, Dinand V, Sachdeva A.

Forrás‎: Indian J Pediatr 2011;78(8):961-8.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 21328080

DOI‎: 10.1007/s12098-011-0364-6 (opens new window)

Control of bleeding caused by thrombocytopenia associated with hematologic malignancy: an audit of the clinical use of recombinant activated Factor VII. (opens new window)

Brenner B, Hoffman R, Balashov D, Shutluko E, Čulić SD, Nizamoutdinova E.

Forrás‎: Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2005;11(4):401-10.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 16244765 (opens new window)

Safety and efficacy of recombinant factor VIIa by pediatric age cohort: reassessment of compassionate use and trial data supporting US label. (opens new window)

Croteau SE, Nakar C, Neufeld EJ, Shapiro A, Cooper DL

Forrás‎: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2016;63(10):1822-8.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 27232114

DOI‎: 10.1002/pbc.26082 (opens new window)

Use of recombinant factor VIIa prior to lumbar puncture in pediatric patients with acute leukemia. (opens new window)

Das P, Carcao M, Hitzler J

Forrás‎: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006;47(2):206-9.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 16007583

DOI‎: 10.1002/pbc.20467 (opens new window)

A comprehensive review of rFVIIa use in a tertiary care pediatric center. (opens new window)

Heller M, Lau W, Pazmino-Canizares J, Brandão LR, Carcao M

Forrás‎: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2008;50(5):1013-7.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 17960639

DOI‎: 10.1002/pbc.21375 (opens new window)

Recombinant activated factor VII for severe gastrointestinal bleeding after chemotherapy in an infant with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. (opens new window)

Kurekci AE, Atay AA, Okutan V, Yavuz ST, Ozcan O

Forrás‎: Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2005;16(2):145-7.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 15741803

DOI‎: 10.1097/01.mbc.0000161569.66764.70 (opens new window)

Off-label use of recombinant factor VIIa in pediatric patients. (opens new window)

McQuilten ZK, Barnes C, Zatta A, Phillips LE; Haemostasis Registry Steering Committee

Forrás‎: Pediatrics 2012;129(6):e1533-40.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 22641758

DOI‎: 10.1542/peds.2011-2561 (opens new window)

Single-center experience: use of recombinant factor VIIa for acute life-threatening bleeding in children without congenital hemorrhagic disorder. (opens new window)

Yilmaz D, Karapinar B, Balkan C, Akisü M, Kavakli K.

Forrás‎: Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2008;25(4):301-11.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 18484474

DOI‎: 10.1080/08880010802016904 (opens new window)


The use of DDAVP in children with bleeding disorders. (opens new window)

Ben-Ami T, Revel-Vilk S

Forrás‎: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2013;60 Suppl 1:S41-3.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 23109357

DOI‎: 10.1002/pbc.24335 (opens new window)

Treatment of refractory thrombocytopenic bleeding with 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (desmopressin). (opens new window)

Kobrinsky NL, Tulloch H

Forrás‎: J Pediatr 1988;112(6):993-6.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 3373409

DOI‎: 10.1016/s0022-3476(88)80234-8 (opens new window)

Lokális hemosztatikumok

The use of Tachosil as hemostatic sealant in nephron sparing surgery for Wilms tumor: preliminary observations. (opens new window)

Mele E, Ceccanti S, Schiavetti A, Bosco S, Masselli G, Cozzi DA

Forrás‎: J Pediatr Surg 2013;48(3):689-94.

Azonosító‎: PubMed 23480936

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2013.01.019 (opens new window)