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Da Bible Spot On Wen It Talk About Jesus’ Life?

Da Bible Spot On Wen It Talk About Jesus’ Life?

Wat Da Bible Tell

 Wen da Bible writa Luke wen write about Jesus’ life, he wen tell: “I wen check out real good all da stuff dat wen happen from da start.”—Luke 1:3.

 Matthew, Mark, Luke, an John had live aroun da same time wen Jesus wuz on top da eart, an dese four guys wen write da Gospels about Jesus life. But some peopo tell dat in da fourth century had guys dat wen mess aroun wit da Gospels.

 But in da beginning of da 20th century, dey wen find one importan piece of John’s Gospel in Egypt. Ova dea get da scripcha dat you find in Bibles today, John 18:31-33, 37, 38. Dey try fo keep um in good shape at da John Rylands Library, Manchester, England. An now stay called da Papyrus Rylands 457 (P52).

 Dis iz da oldest piece from one manuscript dat dey kno about from da Christian Greek Scripchas. Da guys dat study da Bible tink dat dey wen write dis aroun 125 C.E., dat wuz about twenty five years or so afta John wen write da original one. Da words in dis piece line up almos exackly wit odda manuscripts dat guys wen write layta on.