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Dey Wen Change Da Bible O Mess Wit Um?

Dey Wen Change Da Bible O Mess Wit Um?

 No. Wen dey had match um up wit old manuscripts, dis wen show dat da Bible iz pretty much da same, no matta dey wen copy um fo tousands of years on stuffs dat no las long.

Dis mean dey neva make mistakes wen dey wuz copying um?

 Dey had find tousands of old Bible manuscripts. Had some mistakes wen dey wuz copying um, could tell cuz some pahts wuz diffren wen dey had compare um. Mos of dese pahts wuz mynahz an neva change da meaning. But, dey had find some mayjah diffrences, dat look like dey wen do um on purpose long time ago to change da meaning of da Bible. Like dese two:

  1.   At 1 John 5:7, some olda Bible translations get dese words: “in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” But, had get manuscripts we can trus dat show proof dese words no wuz in da original text. Dey wen add um laytas. a Cuz of dat, get good Bible translations nowdays dat had take out dese words.

  2.   In old Bible manuscripts, God’s name iz in dea tousands of times. Still yet, get plenny Bible translations dat wen swap out God’s name wit titles like “Lord”, “God” or “Da One In Charge.”

How we can kno fo shua dat no get too many moa mistakes dey neva find yet?

 Right now, get so many manuscripts dey wen find dat make um way moa easy fo spock out mistakes. b Wen you compare da manuscripts wit da Bible today, iz da Bible spot on?

  •   Scholar guy William H. Green wen tell dis about da Hebrew Scriptures (or wat plenny peopo tell iz da “Old Testament”): “Ony easy fo say dat no odda old book wen get pass down an stay so spot on lidis.”

  •   Scholar guy F. F. Bruce wen tell dis about da Christian Greek Scriptures, or da “New Testament”: “Get plenny proof fo backup da New Testament, way moa den odda old writas get, an nobody even tink fo question dem.”

  •   Sir Frederic Kenyon, one guy who kno his stuff about Bible manuscripts, had tell dat somebody “can put da whole Bible in his hand an no be shame o hold back fo say dat dis iz God’s Word fo real, dass been pass down fo hundreds of years witout losing da importan stuff.”

Wat odda reasons get fo trus dat da Bible iz right on wen it had get passed down?

  •   Both Jewish an Christian guys who wen copy da Bible neva take out da stories dat show da serious mistakes God’s peopo wen make. c (Census 20:12; 2 Samuel 11:2-4; Fo Da Galatia Peopo 2:11-14) Same same, dey wen keep stories dat wen show dat da Jew guys neva lissen an wen show da kine rules dat dey wen make up, not God. (Hosea 4:2; Malakai 2:8, 9; Matthew 23:8, 9 nwt; 1 From John 5:21) Cuz dey wen copy dese stories right on, da copyists had show you can trus um an dey get plenny respeck fo God’s Word.

  •   Ony make sense dat cuz God wen tell da guys wat fo write, he goin make shua it stay right on. d (Isaiah 40:8; 1 From Peter 1:​24, 25) He wen like da Bible be good fo peopo back den an fo all us guys nowdays. (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 10:11) Like how da Bible tell, “Eryting dat peopo wen write inside da Bible befo time, all dat stay inside da Bible fo teach us guys fo come mo strong fo hang in dea. Dass da good kine words we get from da Bible. Fo shua we goin know dat bumbye God goin do plenny good tings fo us.”​—Fo Da Rome Peopo 15:4.

  •   Jesus an his guys wen repeat words from da old copies of da Hebrew Scripchas an dey neva worry dat dose scripchas wuz wrong.​—Luke 4:​16-​21; Jesus Guys17:​1-3 nwt.

a No can find dese words inside da Codex Sinaiticus, da Codex Alexandrinus, da Vatican Manuscript 1209, da original Latin Vulgate, da Philoxenian-Harclean Syriac Version, or inside da Syriac Peshitta.

b Like dese ones, dey wen find ova 5,000 Greek manuscripts of wat dey tell iz da New Testament, or Christian Greek Scripchas.

c Da Bible no show da guys dat rep God like dey iz perfeck. It tell strait up: “No mo nobody dat no do bad kine stuff.”​—1 Kings 8:46.

d Da Bible tell dat God wen help da writas tink wat fo put down, but he neva tell dem ery single word fo write.​—2 Fo Timoty 3:16, 17; 2 From Peter 1:21.