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How Come Go Oua Meetin Place?

How Come Go Oua Meetin Place?

 Two days ery week, Witnesses Fo Jehovah get togedda at dea Meetin Place fo go worship God. Wat stay happen ova dea? An how come iz good fo you if you come?

 Wat stay happenin at da Meetin Place?

 Da Meetin Place iz wea you can learn good kine stuff from da Bible dat goin kokua you fo:

  •   learn da trut about God.

  •   know how come tings stay happenin nowdays.

  •   make you one betta person.

  •    get fo real kine frens.

 You wen know? Da place we meet stay called one Meetin Place fo Witnesses Fo Jehovah cuz dass wea we meet togedda fo talk plenny about God’s Govament.​—Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:14; Luke 4:43.

 How come good fo you go?

 Da stuff you learn goin help you. Da Bible truts dey talk about at da meetins fo Witnesses Fo Jehovah goin help you fo get da smarts fo know wat fo do. (Wat Da Smart Guys Tell 4:5) Dat mean da Bible goin help you fo be akamai wit wat you choose fo do wit yoa life. An ansa big kine questions like:

 Dis one sampo of wat some of da talks stay called at oua weekend meetins:

  •   How Come Iz Good Fo Follow Wat Da Bible Tell?

  •   Wen You Havin Hard Time Wea You Can Get Help?

  •   Wat God’s Govament Doin Fo Us Now?

 One guy I know from school had come meetin. He wen sit by us an we wen share oua books wit him. An afta wuz pau, he said he wen really like wat peopo wen say in da meetin. He wen tell dat at his church dey no moa study stuffs like us.’​—Brenda.

 You wen know? Stay free fo come to da Meetin Place an no need pay nottin.

 Hangin out wit us goin make you feel good. Da Bible tell at Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 10:24, 25 fo “no stop come togedda…[an] give each odda good kine words.” An dass why us guys meet togedda. Nowdays you see peopo dat ony kea about demselves but ova hea at oua meetins, get peopo dat kea about God an oddas. An dat goin make you feel good inside.

 ‘Afta one junk day, I feel all buss up an wipe out. But wen I go to da Meetin Place, da peopo always make me feel betta. Wen iz pau, I always feel good inside an ready fo hando anodda day.’​—Elisa.

 You wen know? Get moa den 120,000 congregations of Witnesses Fo Jehovah all ova da eart an dey stay meetin at ova 60,000 diffren places. Ery year, dey build about 1,500 new Meetin Places cuz get so much guys dat like come to da meetins. a

a Fo find one Meetin Place close by, go check out da “Meetin Place Fo Witnesses Fo Jehovah” page an try click on “Check Out One Place Close By You.”