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How Da Bible Can Help Me?​—Part 2: Make Readin Da Bible Good Fun

How Da Bible Can Help Me?​—Part 2: Make Readin Da Bible Good Fun

 Will, one teenaga had tell: ‘If you donno how fo read da Bible da right way, you might tink iz borin.’

 You like find out da secrets on how fo make Bible readin good fun? Dis article goin kokua you.

 Make da Scripchas come real

 Jump inside da readin. You can do some of dese tings:

  1.   Try pick sometin dat wen happen in da Bible o one story from Jesus’ life. O you can pick one story dat stay in da action kine Bible readin dat stay on

  2.   Read da Bible story. Can read by yoaself, o you can read um out loud wit some frens o yoa family. Can have diffren peopo read diffren parts.

  3.   Try one of dese tings:

    •   Draw pichas fo tell da story. O make one action kine comic book. Can even draw word bubbles dat tell wat da guy stay tellin.

    •   Draw pichas fo make um easy fo undastand. You can draw da good stuff dat peopo wen do an how Jehovah wen bless dem fo dat.

    •   Try ack like one news reporta. Tell da story from diffren angles an intaview da main guys an da guys dat wuz dea fo see um.

    •   If one of da guys from da story wen jam up, try tink how it would be if he wen do sometin diffren. Fo exampo, try tink wen Peter wen ack like he donno Jesus. (Mark 14:66-72) How Peter could have hando dat moa betta?

    •   If you like do even moa, you can even write yoa own action kine Bible story. An throw in tings you wen learn from um.—Fo Da Rome Peopo 15:4.

      You can make da Bible come real!

 Check um out good!

 If you look da story moa close, you goin find unreal stuff dat stay no easy fo find. Gotta look moa close cuz maybe one o two words can change da meanin of wat you stay readin.

 One exampo, wat stay diffren wit Matthew 28:7 an Mark 16:7?

  •    How come Mark wen tell dat Jesus wen go by his “guys an Peter”?

  •  One clue: Mark no wuz dea wen it happen. He wen hea dis from Peter.

  •  Da treasure hard fo find: How come Peter wen feel real good dat Jesus wanted fo meet up wit him again? (Mark 14:66-72) How Jesus wen show he wuz one real good fren to Peter? How you can copy Jesus an be one real good fren to oddas?

 Wen you make da Scripchas come alive an you look um real good, Bible readin can be good fun!