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How Da Bible Can Help Me?​—Part 1: Checkin Out Yoa Bible

How Da Bible Can Help Me?​—Part 1: Checkin Out Yoa Bible

 ’I had try fo read da Bible but I get sked wen I see how big dat book stay!’​Brianna, 15.

 You feel lidat? Dis article goin help you!

 How come good fo read da Bible?

 You tink iz borin fo read da Bible? If you tink so, can undastand why. Wen you tink of da Bible, maybe you jus see choke pages an you tink ‘Ho, iz plenny fo read!’ No can compare to TV o videos.

 But try picha dis: If you wen find one big ol box of treasures, garanz you like know wat stay inside, aah?

 Da Bible stay jalike dat box of treasures. Da good kine words inside dea stay jalike gold dat can kokua you fo

  •   Make akamai choices

  •   Be all good wit yoa parents

  •   Make good kine frens

  •   Hando wen get presha

 How come dis real ol book can help us today? Az cuz “eryting inside da Bible stay dea cuz God breave um inside da guys dat wen talk fo him befo time.” (2 Fo Timoty 3:16) Since God wen put erytin in dea, we know iz da bes ting fo us.

Da Bible stay jalike one box of treasures. Da good kine words inside dea stay jalike gold dat can kokua you.

 Wat iz one good way fo read da Bible?

 One way fo read da Bible iz from da start to da end. Dat goin give you one moa clea picha about wat da Bible tell. Get plenny ways fo read da Bible. Try check out dese two ways:

  •    You can read da 66 Bible books from da firs book Da Start to Wat Jesus Show John.

  •    You can read um in da orda dat wen happen an follow one timeline from wen erytin wen start.

 Some kokua: Appendix A7 inside da New World Translation, get one lis of all da mayjah tings Jesus wen do wen he wuz on eart, an stay in da orda dat wen happen.

 One second way fo read da Bible iz fo lookup one story dat stay jalike wat you stay goin thru. Maybe you stay goin thru da same kine tings. Fo exampo:

 Some kokua: Wen you read da Bible, make shua you stay someplace quiet so you no get sidetrack.

 One third way fo read da Bible iz fo pick one story o one song. Read um an den tink about how you can use um in yoa life. Afta you read um, try aks yoaself questions lidis:

  •    How come Jehovah wen put dis inside da Bible?

  •    Wat dis tell about Jehovah? Why he do tings lidat?

  •    How I can use um in my life?

 Some kokua: Use da study edition of da New World Translation fo get videos, maps, an odda tings dat goin help you fo undastand da Bible real good.