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Dating—Paht One: I Ready Fo Date, Or Wat?

Dating—Paht One: I Ready Fo Date, Or Wat?

 Wat dat, dating?

 Some guys tink dating iz someting you do jus fo fun. But ova hea, “dating” mean wen one guy an one wahine spend time wit each odda fo figga out if dey goin be one good husband an wife fo each odda. So, dating iz not jus fo fun or jus cuz you like all da attention from somebody else.

 Wen you date somebody, bumbai you gotta choose eidda fo keep seeing each odda till you get married or fo breakup. If you start fo date, make shua you ready fo eidda one.

 Da trut iz: If you tink you not ready fo get married, den you not ready fo date.

Dating witout tinking about getting married iz like goin to one job intaview wen you no like get one job

  You ready fo date, or wat?

 Cuz dating can end up wit you getting married, would be good fo tink about wat kine qualities you would bring to da marriage. Try check out dis kine stuff:

  •   How’s tings wit da family. How you treat yoa maddah an faddah, an braddahs an sistahs—speshly wen you stay stressin out—probly goin show how you goin treat yoa odda half.

     Bible trut: “No make jalike da kine peopo dat had it wit somebody an no like let da guy go. No get mad an snap. No stay huhu. No yell pilau kine stuff at each odda. No talk bad. Wipe out all dat kine stuff an no hate nobody no moa.”—Fo Da Ephesus Peopo 4:⁠31.

     Try ask yoaself: My family say I treat dem wit respeck? Wen I no agree on someting wit dem, I can talk about um nice kine, or I lose um an start fo argue?

    If you no can hando pilikias wit yoa parents, you tink you goin be able fo hando um wit yoa odda half?

  •   Putting oddas firs. Wen you get married, you gotta tink about wat yoa odda half like an no like, an sometimes you gotta give up wat you like.

     Bible trut: “Mo betta us no try fo do ony da stuff dat us guys like do. Mo betta us do da stuff dat help da odda peopo too.”—1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 10:24.

     Try ask yoaself: I always gotta have my way? Do odda peopo tink I treat dem fair? How I wen show dat I put oddas firs?

  •   Being humbo. Somebody good fo marry goin fess up wen dey make mistakes an goin say sorry fo real kine.

     Bible trut: “We all jam up plenny.”—James 3:⁠2.

     Try ask yoaself: I quick fo say wen I mess up, or I always gotta make one excuse? I get huhu fas wen somebody give me good advice dat can help me?

  •   Money stuff. Somebody who stay akamai wen come to money stuffs, goin stay away from one of da biggest problems dat married peopo fight about.

     Bible trut: “If one a you guys figga you can make one towa, you betta sit down firs an figga out how much goin cost fo know if you get enuff money fo pau build da towa?”—Luke 14:28.

     Try ask yoaself: I know how fo spend my money or plenny times I stay in debt? How I wen show dat I stay akamai wit my money?

  •   How you stay spiritually. If you one Witnesses Fo Jehovah, you should awready be studying da Bible an goin to da meetings on da regula.

     Bible trut: “Da guys dat know dey need God stay happy.”—Matthew 5:3 NWT.

     Try ask yoaself: I doin all I can fo stay healthy spiritually? I put spiritual tings firs, or I let odda tings get in da way of um?

 Da trut iz: Whoeva you goin marry deserve somebody solid wit good kine qualities. If you tryin hard fo be lidat, goin be mo easy fo find somebody who lidat too.