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How Fo Come God’s Fren?

How Fo Come God’s Fren?


How Fo Come God’s Fren?

Wen sometin supa sad had happen to Jeremy, he wen figga out how importan it iz fo be tight wit God. He wen say dat ‘wen I wuz 12 years ol, my fadda wen bag out on oua ohana. I wen pule to Jehovah an I wen beg Him fo my fadda come back home’.

Cuz he wuz all soa inside, Jeremy started fo read da Bible. Wen hit him hard wen he wen read Songs Fo God 10:14. Talkin about Jehovah it tell ova dea: “You da One dat take kea da peopo dat no mo faddah o muddah”. Jeremy wen say ‘I felt like Jehovah wuz talkin to me an lettin me know dat he wuz goin take kea me, dat he wuz my Fadda. No moa one betta Fadda den him.’

Maybe you goin thru da same stuff az Jeremy, but maybe not. Either way da Bible tell dat Jehovah like you be his fren. Da Bible tell “come close to God, an he goin come close to you.” (From James 4:8) Try tink litto bit wat dose words mean. Even tho you no can see um—an we nottin compare to him—Jehovah God aksin you fo be his fren!

Fo be God’s fren not goin jus happen. Gotta put in da work. Try picha dis. If you get one plant in yoa house, da ting not goin jus grow. Fo grow good, you gotta watta um erytime an put um in jus da right spot. Same same wen come to bein God’s fren. So wat we gotta do fo come moa close to him?

Gotta Check Out Da Bible Real Good

Fo be somebody’s fren you gotta talk to dem—but you gotta lissen too. Same same wit bein God’s fren. Da way dat we lissen to God iz wen we read an check out da Bible real good.​—Songs Fo God 1:2, 3.

Maybe you no like fo study. Plenny younga guys dey radda watch T.V., play one game, o jus cruz wit frens. If you like come real close wit God, no moa one shortcut. You gotta lissen him by lookin his Word real good.

No worry. Checkin out da Bible no gotta be one drag. Even if you tink you one guy dat no like fo study, you can learn fo like um. Da firs ting you gotta do iz make time fo do um. One girl named Lais wen tell: ‘I get one schedule. Ery mornin da firs ting I do wen I get up, I read one chapta of da Bible’. One 15 year ol named Maria do um diffren. She wen say: ‘I read litto bit erytime befo I go sleep’.

Fo make yoa own plan, go spock  da box on page 292. Undaneath go write down wen you can spen half hour wen you can check out da Bible real good.


Makin time ony da firs step. Wen you get into um, maybe you goin find out ho, not so easy fo read da Bible. Maybe you feel same like 11-year-ol Jezreel who straight up wen say: ‘some parts of da Bible real hard fo read an I no like readin um’. If you feel lidat, hang in dea. Rememba dat checkin out da Bible iz how you lissen to Jehovah, yoa fren. Da moa you try yoa bes fo check um out, da moa you goin get out of um!

Gotta Pray

Wen we pray az how we talk story wit God. Try tink how unreal dat stay! Can talk to Jehovah weneva. He always dea fo you. Moa den dat, he like hea wat you get fo say. Dass how come da Bible tell: “eryting dat happen, pray bout um, an go aks God fo do wateva you guys like him fo do. An same time, no foget tell him “Mahalo plenny!””.”​—Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:6.

Jalike da scripcha wen tell get choke tings can talk story wit Jehovah about. Like yoa pilikia an odda tings dat bodda you. Can be stuff you like tell mahalo fo. Jalike wen yoa frens do nice tings fo you, you no tell um tank you? Can do da same wit Jehovah. He wen do way moa plenny stuff fo you den anybody else.​—Songs Fo God 106:1.

Make one list of tings you like tell Jehovah mahalo fo.


Garanz get stuff you worry an stress out about. Songs Fo God 55:22 tell: “All da stuff dat bodda you guys, turn um ova to Da One In Charge. He goin make shua you can handle. Da peopo dat stay do wass right, he no goin let dem come all weak, eva, fo dem no stan up”.

Can make one list of stuff dat bodda you dat you like pray about.


Stuff You Wen See Fo Yoaself

Wen come to yoa frenship wit God, get one odda ting you should tink about. Da song writa, David, wen tell: “Go check out Da One In Charge! You, find out fo real kine how good he stay!”. (Songs Fo God 34:8) Wen David had write dis, he had jus go thru some nutz stuff. King Saul wuz tryin fo kill um. So David wen dig out—dat wuz scary enuff. But den he had fo go hide wit da Filisha guys, guys who wen hate him. Wen look like garanz David wuz goin mahke. So he wen do sometin real akamai. He wen ack pupule an cuz of dat, he wen get away.​—1 Samuel 21:10-15.

David neva tink he wen get away cuz of his own smarts. But he wen give Jehovah all da credit. He wen say in Songs Fo God 34:4: “I wen try fo come close to Da One In Charge, an he let me. He wen get me outa eryting dat make me come real sked”. Wuz from stuff he wen see fo himself dat David could tell oddas fo “find out fo real kine how good he {Jehovah} stay”. *

You can tink of one time in yoa life dat wen show Jehovah kea about you? If can, try write um down. No need be sometin real mayjah. Try tink about da eryday kine stuff, da kine dat maybe you no even realize iz one blessin.


Yoa parents wen teach you about da Bible? If yeah, dass one blessin. Still yet, you gotta make God yoa fren. If you neva do dat yet, use da stuff inside dis chapta fo start. Jehovah goin give you good stuff fo tryin. Da Bible tell: “Go aks God, an you goin get um. Go look, an you goin find um. Go knock, an God goin open da door fo you.”​—Matthew 7:7.



Iz hard fo you talk to oddas about God? Learn how back up wat you believe in.


^ Some Bibles write um “find out fo real kine how good he stay” az “discover for yourself”, “find out for yourself”, an “by experience you will see.”​—Contemporary English Version, Today’s English Version, an The Bible in Basic English.


“Da peopo dat know dey pooa an need God inside dem, dey can stay good inside.Matthew 5:3.


Read ony four pages of da Bible ery day, an you can be pau in about one year.

YOU HAD KNO . . . ?

You jus reading dis book an lissenin to wat tell from da Bible sho dat Jehovah kea bout you.​—John 6:44.


Fo come moa good at checking out da Bible, I goin ․․․․․

Fo pray moa regulah, I goin ․․․․․

Stuff I like aks my parent(s) bout dis iz ․․․․․


● How you can make checking out da Bible moa fun?

● How come Jehovah like lissen wen us guys who not perfeck pule to him?

● How you can make yoa prayas moa betta?


‘‘Wen I wuz younga, my prayas wuz da same erytime. Now I try fo pray about da good an bad stuff dat wen happen dat day. Eryday diffren, so dis help me fo no say da same tings ova an ova.’’​—Eve


 Check Out Yoa Bible

1. Pick one Bible story you like read. Pray fo da smarts fo undastan wat tell.

2. Read um good. Take yoa time. Wen you read, try pikcha um in yoa mind. Try fo see da action, hear da peopos voices, smell da air, taste da grindz. Make um real inside yoa mind!

3. Tink about wat you wen jus read. Aks yoaself stuff like:

● Why Jehovah wen put dis in da Bible?

● Who I like copy, an who I no like copy?

● Wat I can learn from dis reading?

● Wat dis teach me bout Jehovah an how he do tings?

4. Say one short praya to Jehovah. Tell him wat you wen learn from yoa Bible study an how you goin use um in yoa life. Erytime tell Jehovah mahalo fo dis gift he wen give you​—his Word, da Bible!


“Da tings you tell, dass jalike one lamp fo show me wea fo put my feets, dass jalike one light dat let me see da road.”​—Songs 119:105.


Wat Mos Importan?

Too busy fo pray? No time fo check out da Bible? Plenny times matta wat come firs fo you.

Try dis: Get one bucket, an put some big rocks inside um. Den fill um wit sand​—all da way to da top. So now you get one bucket wit rocks an sand.

Now empty um, but keep da sand an rocks. Try do um again but: Fill da bucket wit sand, den try fo put da rocks inside. No fit? Dats cuz you wen put da sand firs.

Wat dis mean? Da Bible tell: “Den dey can pick da bestes kine stuff, an tell ‘Laytas’ to da junk kine stuff.” (Philippi 1:10) If you put fun stuff firs, you no goin have enuff room in yoa life fo big tings​—spiritual kine stuff. But if you lissen wat da Bible tell, you goin have room fo both spiritual kine stuff an still yet time fo do fun stuff. Iz all about wat you goin put in yoa bucket firs!


Jalike one houseplant, gotta take kea yoa frendship wit God if you like um grow