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Who Jesus?

Who Jesus?

Jesus, almos erybody know who him, yeah? But even if plenny peopo know his name, dey no really know too much about him. If you ask peopo who Jesus, you goin get plenny diffren kine ansas. But wat da Bible tell about who him?

1. Who Jesus?

Jesus one supa strong spirit who live in heaven. Jehovah God wen make him befoa eryting else. Dass why da Bible tell about Jesus: Jehovah, “Da One In Charge, he wen make me . . . firs ting, befoa da world start.” (Smart Guys 8:22, 23) Da Bible tell dat Jesus, dass God’s “one an ony Boy” cuz Jesus da ony one dat Jehovah wen make by himself. (John 3:16) Jesus wen work side by side wit his Faddah, Jehovah, an wen help him fo create eryting else. (Read um Smart Guys 8:30.) Even now, still yet, Jesus stay tight wit Jehovah. Dey call him da “‛God, He Talk’ Guy” cuz he tell wat God like us fo know an do.—John 1:14.

2. How come Jesus wen come to da earth?

About 2,000 years ago, Jehovah wen take Jesus from his life in heaven an make one young wahine name Mary come hapai wit Jesus, even if she neva sleep wit nobody. Jehovah wen use his spesho spirit fo do dat. Dass how Jesus was born az one human. (Read um Luke 1:34, 35.) Jesus wen come to da earth fo be da Messiah, o Christ, dat God wen promise, an fo save erybody. a Eryting da Bible wen tell about da Messiah befoa time, Jesus wen make um come true. Dass how peopo wen know dat Jesus, he da Christ, da spesho guy God wen send. “Da God dat stay alive fo real kine, [he] his Boy.”Matthew 16:16.

3. Wea Jesus stay now?

Afta Jesus’ life az one human was pau, he wen come back alive az one spirit an wen go back to heaven. Ova dea, “God put Christ in charge a eryting inside da world an inside da sky.” (Fo Da Efesus Peopo 1:22) So now, Jesus he get plenny powa. Ony Jehovah get moa den him.


Learn some moa about who Jesus stay fo real kine an how come is supa importan fo learn about him.

4. Jesus, he not Da God Dat Get All Da Powa

Da Bible tell dat even tho Jesus is one supa strong spirit dat live in heaven, he still gotta lissen to his God an Faddah, Jehovah. How we know dat? Play um da VIDEO fo see wat da Bible teach wea Jesus stay compare to Da God Dat Get All Da Powa.

Da scripchas we goin read goin help us fo undastan wat kine relationship Jehovah an Jesus get. Read um each scripcha, an den talk story about da questions afta.

Read um Luke 1:30-32.

  • Wat kine relationship da angel wen tell Jesus an “Da God Dass Mo Importan Den All Da Odda Gods”, Jehovah, get?

Read um Matthew 3:16, 17.

  • Wen Jesus wen get baptize, wat da voice from sky wen tell?

  • Whose voice you tink dat was?

Read um John 14:28.

  • Who is moa older an get moa powa? One faddah o one son?

  • Wat Jesus mean wen he wen call Jehovah his Faddah?

Read um John 12:49.

  • Jesus tink him an his Faddah da same person o wat? Wat you tink?

5. How Jesus wen show he was da Messiah

Da Bible wen tell plenny tings from befoa time dat was goin help peopo figga out who da Messiah was goin be—da one God wen choose fo save erybody. Play um da VIDEO fo learn some prophecies Jesus wen make come true wen he had come to da earth.

Read um dese Bible prophecies, an den talk story about da questions afta:

Read um Micah 5:2 fo learn wea da Messiah was goin be born. b

  • Wen Jesus was born, he wen make dis prophecy come true o wat?—Matthew 2:1.

Read um Songs Fo God 34:20 an Zekariah 12:10 fo see wat da Bible wen tell about how da Messiah was goin mahke.

  • Dese prophecies wen come true o wat?—John 19:33-37.

  • How we know Jesus neva have control ova how all dose tings wen happen?

  • Wat dis show you about Jesus?

6. Good kine tings goin happen to us wen we learn about Jesus

Da Bible tell how come az importan fo learn about Jesus an wat he do. Read um John 14:6 an 17:3, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come az importan fo learn about Jesus?

Jesus jalike da road fo come God’s fren. He da one dat tell da trut about Jehovah an cuz of him we can get da fo real kine life dat stay to da max foeva.

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Witnesses Fo Jehovah, dey no believe in Jesus, aah?”

  • Wat you would tell um?


Jesus one supa strong spirit. He God’s Boy an da Messiah.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Who da firs one Jehovah wen make an how he wen help his Faddah?

  • Befoa he wen come to da earth, wat Jesus wen do?

  • How us guys know Jesus da Messiah?

Someting Fo Do


Try look if da Bible teach dat God wen make Jesus same same da way humans make keikis.

“How Come Dey Call Jesus God’s Boy?” (Web article)

Da Bible teach dat Jehovah, Jesus, an da spesho spirit is all da same ting?

“Jesus An God, Dey Da Same?” (Da Place Fo Watch From, April 1, 2009)

Read about how one lady’s life was diffren afta she look good at wat da Bible tell about Jesus.

“One Jewish Wahine Tell How Come She Wen Check Out Her Faith” (Wake Up!, May 2013)

a Lessons 26 an 27 goin talk about how come erybody gotta get saved an how Jesus save us.

b Go look Endnote 2 fo see how da Bible wen tell exackly wen Jesus was goin show up on da earth.