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How Fo Know Who Da Real Kine Christians

How Fo Know Who Da Real Kine Christians

Uku billion peopo tell dey one Christian. But not erybody believe da same tings o live da same way. So how we know den who da real kine Christians?

1. Wat is one Christian?

One Christian is somebody who follow wat Jesus tell an do. (Read um Jesus Guys 11:26.) How dey wen show dey follow Jesus? Jesus tell: “If you guys stay tight wit me an da stuff I stay teach you, den you goin be my guys fo real kine.” (John 8:31) Dis mean dat da fo real kine Christians gotta lissen an do wat Jesus tell. Jalike Jesus wen use wat stay inside da Bible fo back up wat he teach, da tings fo real kine Christians believe come from da Bible.—Read um Luke 24:27.

2. How fo real kine Christians show love an aloha?

Jesus wen tell his guys: “Dis wat I tell you guys fo do: Get love an aloha fo each odda, jalike I stay get love an aloha fo you guys.” (John 15:12) How Jesus wen show his love an aloha fo his guys? Jesus wen take time fo cruz wit dem, give dem good kine words, an wen kokua dem. He even wen mahke fo dem. (1 From John 3:16) Same same, fo real kine Christians no ony jus talk about love. But dey show dat love by da tings dey tell an wat dey do.

3. Fo real kine Christians stay busy doing wat?

Jesus wen give his guys work fo do. “Den he sen um all ova fo tell erybody bout how dey can get God fo dea king.” (Luke 9:2) Da firs Christians wen go preach, not ony da place wea dey go worship, but dey even wen go odda kine public places an peopo’s houses. (Read um Jesus Guys 5:42; 17:17.) Same same, fo real kine Christians today tell da trut dat stay inside da Bible wea eva peopo stay. Dey love odda peopo. So dey happy fo take da time fo tell odda peopo da good kine words an hope dat stay inside da Bible.—Mark 12:31.


Check out how you can tell da fo real kine Christians from da odda peopo who no copy wat Jesus tell an do.

4. Dey wen look fo da trut dat stay inside da Bible

Da firs Christians wen show dat da Bible was worth plenny to dem

Not erybody who tell dey one Christian tink dat da trut inside da Bible is worth plenny. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How some churches dat ony tell dey Christian neva teach da tings Jesus wen teach?

Jesus wen teach da trut dat stay inside da Bible. Read um John 18:37, an den talk story about dis question:

  • From wat Jesus wen tell, how we know who da Christians dat “stick wit da trut”?

5. Dey tell oddas da trut dat stay inside da Bible

Da firs Christians wen preach to oddas

Befoa Jesus wen go back up inside da sky, he wen give his guys work fo do, an dat work still stay goin on today. Read um Matthew 28:19, 20 an Jesus Guys 1:8, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Till wen an how far dat preaching work was goin go?

6. Dey do wat dey tell

Wat wen prove um to one guy named Tom dat he wen find da fo real kine Christian religion? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • Inside da video, how come Tom wen bag from religion?

  • How come he stay shua dat he wen find da trut?

Wat you do moa importan den wat you tell. Read um Matthew 7:21, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Wat moa importan to Jesus—wat we tell we believe o how we show um by da tings we do?

7. Dey get love an aloha fo each odda

Da firs Christians wen show love an aloha to each odda

Had Christians dat no was sked fo mahke fo odda Christians o wat? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • Inside da video, how come Lloyd was ready fo mahke fo Braddah Johansson?

  • You tink he wen ack like one fo real kine Christian o wat?

Read um John 13:34, 35, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How Jesus guys (fo real kine Christians) would treat peopo who come from one odda place o is one diffren race?

  • How dey goin do dat wen get war?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Christians, dey wen do all kine pilau kine stuffs so how dey can have da true kine religion?”

  • Wat scripcha you would show dem fo show how us know who da fo real kine Christians?


Fo real kine Christians do wat da Bible tell, show love an aloha fo oddas befoa demselfs, an tell da trut dat stay inside da Bible.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Wea da tings da fo real kine Christians believe come from?

  • How somebody ack if dey one fo real kine Christian?

  • Wat kine work fo real kine Christians do?

Someting Fo Do


Learn some moa about one group dat try hard fo copy wat Jesus tell an da tings he wen do.

Witnesses Fo Jehovah—Who Us? (1:13)

Try look how one lady who used to be one nun wen find one “true spiritual family.”

“They Used the Bible to Answer Every Question!” (The Watchtower, April 1, 2014)

Learn how fo real kine Christians show love an aloha fo odda Christians wen dey need help.

Helping Our Brothers When Disaster Strikes—Excerpt (3:57)

Try look how da firs Christians an fo real kine Christians today do da tings Jesus sed his guys was goin do.

“What Are the Marks of True Christianity?” (The Watchtower, March 1, 2012)