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Who Preach Da Good Kine Tings?

Who Preach Da Good Kine Tings?

Pretty soon, Jehovah goin use his Govament fo wipe out all oua pilikia. Brah, dass so good dat erybody gotta know about um, aah? Jesus wanted his guys fo tell dis good kine tings to erybody! (Matthew 28:19, 20) How Witnesses Fo Jehovah wen do wat Jesus wen tell?

1. How Matthew 24:14 stay happening right now?

Jesus wen tell befoa time: “All ova da world goin get peopo dat goin tell all da Good Kine Stuff bout how fo get God fo dea king.” (Matthew 24:14) Witnesses Fo Jehovah ony happy fo do dis importan work. We stay telling da good kine tings all ova world in ova 1,000 languages! Dis mangus job take plenny work an erybody gotta work togedda. No way can do um witout Jehovah’s help.

2. How us guys try hard fo go preach to oddas?

We try tell peopo da good kine tings wea eva dey stay. Jalike da firs Christians, we go talk story wit da peopo “inside all da houses.” (Jesus Guys 5:42) By doing um lidis, us can talk to millions of peopo ery year. An cuz peopo no stay home all da time, we go wea da peopo stay fo preach ova dea. Us always look fo da chance fo tell oddas about Jehovah an da tings he like do.

3. Who get da kuleana fo preach da good kine tings?

All fo real kine Christians get da kuleana fo share da good kine tings wit oddas. Dis kuleana is no joke. We preach az much az can cuz dat can save peopo’s lifes. (Read um 1 Fo Timoty 4:16.) We do dis work fo free cuz da Bible tell: “God give you guys plenny, an he no expeck notting back. So den, you guys give plenny too, an you guys no expeck notting back.” (Matthew 10:7, 8) Even if not erybody lissen wat we tell, we still yet preach cuz we lissen Jehovah an dat make him happy.


Learn some moa about how Witnesses Fo Jehovah preach all ova da world an try look how Jehovah help us.

4. Us work hard fo preach to all da peopo

Witnesses Fo Jehovah go all out fo tell da good kine tings to peopo all ova da world. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • Wat is mean about how Witnesses Fo Jehovah try hard fo preach?

Read um Matthew 22:39 an Fo Da Rome Peopo 10:13-15, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wen we go preach, how dat show love an aloha fo odda peopo?

  • How Jehovah feel about da guys who go preach da good kine tings?—Go look verse 15.

5. Us guys an God, we work togedda

Plenny times, can see dat Jehovah da one dat stay in charge of oua work. One time in New Zealand, dis braddah named Paul wen go preach house-to-house one aftanoon an meet one lady. Dat morning, da lady wen pray to God an wen use his name, Jehovah, an she wen ask fo somebody fo come help her know him moa betta. Paul tell: “Ony three hours layta, I wen go to her house.”

Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 3:9, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How tings jalike wat wen happen in New Zealand show dat Jehovah da one in charge of da preaching work we do?

Read um Jesus Guys 1:8, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come us need Jehovah’s help fo do da preaching work we do?

You wen know?

Ery week we get oua middo of da week meeting. Ova dea, az wea we learn how fo preach moa betta. If you wen go one of dese meetings, wat you wen tink about how we learn fo preach?

6. We lissen wen God tell us fo preach

Way back in da firs century, had guys dat wen try stop Jesus guys from telling good kine tings to odda peopo. Da firs Christians wen “use da law fo get an proteck da right fo preach da good kine tings.” (Fo Da Philippi Peopo 1:7) Witnesses Fo Jehovah do da same ting today. a

Read um Jesus Guys 5:27-29, 31-42, an den talk story about dis question:

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “How come Witnesses Fo Jehovah knock on peopo’s houses?”

  • How you goin ansa?


Jesus wen tell his guys fo go preach da good kine tings all ova da world. Jehovah stay help his peopo fo do dis work.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How da good kine tings getting preached all ova da world?

  • Wen us go preach, how dat show love an aloha fo odda peopo?

  • You tink preaching to oddas can make you happy o wat? How come?

Someting Fo Do


Try look how Witnesses Fo Jehovah preach to peopo in da big kine cities.

Special Metropolitan Public Witnessing in Paris (5:11)

How Witnesses Fo Jehovah help peopo who had fo dig out from dea country?

Satisfying Spiritual Thirst Among Refugees (5:59)

One lady tell how good fun life can be wen you preach full time.

Glad I Chose This Career (6:29)

Learn about da tings da courts wen decide dat wen make um moa easy fo preach da good kine tings.

“Kingdom Preachers Take Their Case to Court” (God’s Kingdom Rules!, chapta 13)

a God da one who give us da right fo preach. So Witnesses Fo Jehovah no need ask da human govament guys if az ok fo preach da good kine tings.