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Wat Kine Life God Like Fo Us?

Wat Kine Life God Like Fo Us?

Da Bible tell dat humans ‘live ony short time an get mo plenny trouble inside den [dey] can handle.’ (Job 14:1) Dass da kine life God like fo us o wat? If not, wat he like den? Goin eva happen o wat? We go look wat da Bible tell.

1. Wat kine life Jehovah like fo us?

Jehovah like us fo live da bes life we can. Wen he wen make da firs humans, Adam an Eve, he wen put dem inside one beautiful paradise, da garden of Eden. “Den God tell um, ‘I give you guys da powa fo you do eryting I wen make you fo do. So, born plenny bebes, an fill up da world wit um, an take ova!’” (Da Start 1:28) Jehovah wanted dem fo have kids, fo make da whole earth one paradise, an fo take kea da animals. God wen like erybody fo have perfeck health an live good foeva.

Even if oua life no stay lidat right now, a dass still wat God like fo us. (Isaiah 46:10, 11) He still like da guys who lissen to him fo live good foeva wea eryting stay perfeck.—Read um Jesus Show 21:3, 4.

2. How we can live one happy life now?

We like know an worship Jehovah cuz dass how he wen make us. (Read um Matthew 5:3-6.) He like us fo stay his good frenz, “fo live da way he tell [us] guys fo live, fo get love an aloha fo him . . . [an] fo go all out fo work fo him.” (Rules Secon Time 10:12; Songs Fo God 25:14) Wen we do dat, we can stay good inside even if we get pilikia. Wen we worship Jehovah, we feel oua life stay worth it cuz get someting fo live fo.


Try learn some moa about da choke love Jehovah wen show wen he was making da earth ready fo us an wat da Bible teach about why we stay hea.

3. Jehovah like humans fo have one cherreh life

Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How come God wen work so hard fo make da earth awesome?

Read um Da Teacha 3:11, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Wat you learn about wat Jehovah like fo us?

4. Wat Jehovah like fo us neva change

Read um Songs Fo God 37:11, 29 an Isaiah 55:11, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How us know dat wat Jehovah like fo us neva change?

5. Wen we worship Jehovah, dat make oua life worth it

Fo know how come we stay hea, make us happy. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How was good fo Terumi fo learn how come we stay hea?

Read um Da Teacha 12:13, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Cuz Jehovah wen do plenny good tings fo us, wat us gotta do fo him?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “How come we stay hea? How come we stay alive?”

  • Wat you goin tell dem?


Jehovah like us fo live good foeva wea eryting stay perfeck hea on top da earth. Wen we go all out fo worship him, worth it fo live oua life—even now.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How Jehovah wen like Adam an Eve fo live?

  • How we know wat Jehovah like fo us neva change?

  • How yoa life can be worth it?

Someting Fo Do


Try look how come we know da garden of Eden was one real place.

“The Garden of Eden—Myth or Fact?” (The Watchtower, January 1, 2011)

Try learn how come we know fo shua dat da earth goin be hea foeva.

“Will the Earth Be Destroyed?” (Web article)

Try look wat da Bible tell about why we stay hea.

“What Is the Meaning of Life?” (Web article)

Dis guy thought he had eryting but he neva. Try look how he wen find wat was missing in his life.

Now I Have a Life of Purpose (3:55)

a In da nex lesson, you goin learn how come we no moa dat kine life today.