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Cuz Jesus Had Mahke, How Dat Save Us?

Cuz Jesus Had Mahke, How Dat Save Us?

Cuz da firs humans, Adam an Eve, neva lissen God, dass how come we sin, suffa, an mahke. a But dat no mean we no moa hope. Jehovah wen give his Boy, Jesus Christ, fo make da way out fo us. Da Bible teach dat wen Jesus wen mahke, he wen give one ransom. One ransom is wen you pay fo cut loose somebody. Da price Jesus wen pay fo cut us loose was his perfeck human life. (Read um Matthew 20:28.) Jesus had da right fo live foeva on da earth but he wen give dat up so dat we can get back wat Adam an Eve wen lose. Jesus wen show how much love him an Jehovah get fo us. Dis lesson goin help you be moa tankful fo wat Jesus wen do wen he had mahke fo us.

1. Cuz Jesus wen mahke, how dat can be good fo us today?

Cuz all us sin, we do plenny stuff Jehovah no like. But if we fo real kine sorry fo da bad stuff we do an ask Jehovah thru Jesus fo let us go, an try oua bes fo no do dat stuff anymoa, we can be real good frenz wit Jehovah an stay tight wit him. (1 From John 2:1) Da Bible tell: “Christ wen mahke ony one time cuz erybody stay do bad kine stuff. He erytime do da right ting, but den he wen mahke fo all da peopo dat stay do bad kine tings. He wen mahke fo you guys come nea God.”1 From Peter 3:18.

2. Cuz Jesus wen mahke, how dat goin be good fo us layta on?

Jehovah wen “sen . . . his one an ony Boy,” so dat erybody dat trus Jesus “no goin get cut off from God foeva! Dey goin get da real kine life dat goin stay to da max foeva!” (John 3:16) Cuz of wat Jesus wen do, Jehovah goin hemo all da bad stuff dat wen happen cuz Adam neva lissen. So dat mean dat erybody who show trus in Jesus’ sacrifice goin get da chance fo live good foeva in one paradise earth!—Isaiah 65:21-23.


Undastan moa betta how come Jesus wen mahke an tink how dat goin be good fo you.

3. Cuz Jesus wen die, dat cut us loose from sin an death

Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • Wat chance Adam had lose out on cuz he neva lissen God?

Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 5:12, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Cuz Adam wen do bad kine stuff, how dat affeck you?

Read um John 3:16, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come Jehovah wen sen his Boy to da earth?

  1. Adam was one perfeck guy who neva lissen God, an cuz of dat peopo sin an mahke

  2. Jesus was one perfeck guy who wen lissen God, an cuz of dat, peopo get chance fo be perfeck an live foeva

4. Jesus’ death good fo erybody

Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How can da death of one guy be good fo erybody?

Read um 1 Fo Timoty 2:6, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Adam was one perfeck guy who wen make peopo sin an mahke. Jesus was one perfeck guy too. How he wen “pay da price fo free erybody up”?

5. Da ransom, one gif from Jehovah fo you

Da guys who close to Jehovah look da ransom az one gif to dem. Read um Fo Da Galatia Peopo 2:20, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How Paul wen show dat he wen see da ransom az one gif fo him?

Wen Adam wen do bad kine stuff an sin, him an all da guys dat wen come from him, had fo mahke. But Jehovah wen sen his Boy fo mahke so dat you can get da chance fo live good foeva.

Try tink how Jehovah had feel wen his Boy wen suffa. Read um John 19:1-7, 16-18, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How you feel about wat Jehovah an Jesus wen do fo you?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “One guy mahke so erybody can live? How dat can?”

  • Wat you goin say if dey tell you dat?


Cuz Jesus wen mahke, Jehovah can let us go from all da bad kine stuff we do an give us chance fo live good foeva.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How come Jesus had mahke?

  • How Jesus’ perfeck life wen pay da price fo free erybody up from sin an death?

  • Cuz Jesus had mahke, how dat good fo you?

Someting Fo Do


Learn how come Jesus’ perfeck life stay called one ransom.

“How Is Jesus’ Sacrifice ‘a Ransom for Many’?” (Web article)

Find out wat we gotta do fo get saved.

“Jesus Saves—How?” (Web article)

Mayjah kine sins, Jehovah can let um go?

“Bible Questions Answered” (The Watchtower, May 1, 2013)

Try look how Jesus’ sacrifice wen help one guy fo change da kine person he was.

“I Am No Longer a Slave of Violence” (Web article)

a Sin is not ony doing bad kine stuff but also mean da bad way we stay cuz we come from Adam an Eve.