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Show Yoa Tanks Fo Wat Jehovah An Jesus Wen Do Fo You

Show Yoa Tanks Fo Wat Jehovah An Jesus Wen Do Fo You

Wen yoa fren give you one awesome kine gif, how you goin feel? Stoked, aah? Fo shua, you like dem know dat you stay supa tankful fo wat dey wen give you. Jehovah an Jesus wen give us da bestes gif we could eva get. Wat is dat? An how us can show we stay supa tankful fo um?

1. Wat one way fo show oua tanks fo wat God an Christ wen do fo us?

Da Bible promise “erybody dat trus [Jesus]” get chance fo live foeva. (John 3:16) Wat dat mean, fo trus? Dat no ony mean you believe in Jesus. We gotta show oua trus by da tings we choose fo do. (From James 2:17) We come betta frenz wit Jesus an his Faddah, Jehovah, wen we show oua trus by da tings we do an by wat we tell.—Read um John 14:21.

2. Wat spesho event help us fo show oua tanks fo wat Jehovah an Jesus wen do?

Da night befoa he wen mahke, Jesus wen tell his guys one odda way fo show tanks fo his sacrifice. He wen tell his guys fo have one importan meeting fo rememba his death o da Meeting Fo Rememba Wen Jesus Had Mahke. (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 11:20) Jesus wanted his guys—an all fo real kine Christians afta dem—fo rememba dat he wen mahke fo us. Jesus wen tell about dis importan meeting: “Dass goin be fo you guys no foget me.” (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 11:24) Wen you go to da Meeting Fo Rememba, you stay show yoa tanks fo da choke love an aloha Jehovah an Jesus get fo us.


Learn odda ways you can show yoa tanks fo da choke love an aloha Jehovah an Jesus wen show. Learn how come da Meeting Fo Rememba Wen Jesus Had Mahke is supa importan.

3. Wat us can do fo show oua tanks

Wat if you was drownin an somebody wen save yoa life? You goin jus foget wat dey wen do fo you o wat? O you goin look fo ways fo show yoa tanks fo wat dey wen do fo you?

Us get da chance fo live da fo real kine life cuz of Jehovah. Read um 1 From John 4:8-10, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How come Jesus’ sacrifice is one spesho kine gif?

  • How you feel about wat Jehovah an Jesus wen do fo you?

How us can show oua tanks fo wat Jehovah an Jesus wen do fo us? Read um 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 5:15 an 1 From John 4:11; 5:3. Den talk story about dis question afta reading each scripcha:

  • From wat dis scripcha tell, how us can show oua tanks?

4. Copy Jesus

Anodda way fo show oua tanks is fo copy Jesus. Read um John 13:15, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How you can copy wat Jesus wen do?

5. Go to da Meeting Fo Rememba Wen Jesus Had Mahke

Fo look wat wen happen da firs time dey had da Lord’s Evening Meal, read um Luke 22:14, 19, 20. Den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat wen happen at da Lord’s Evening Meal?

  • Wat da bread an da wine mean?—Go look verses 19 and 20.

Jesus wanted his guys fo go da Meeting Fo Rememba once a year on da day he wen mahke. Dass how come Witnesses Fo Jehovah lissen wat Jesus wen tell an come togedda ery year fo rememba wen he had mahke. Fo learn moa about dis importan meeting, play um da VIDEO. Den talk story about da question afta.

  • Wat happen at da Meeting Fo Rememba Wen Jesus Had Mahke?

Da bread an da wine rep someting. Da bread rep Jesus’ perfeck human body dat he wen sacrifice fo us. Da wine rep his blood

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “If you believe in Jesus, dass nuff fo get save.”


We show oua tanks fo wat Jesus wen do fo us wen we show oua trus in him an by goin to da Meeting Fo Rememba Wen Jesus Had Mahke.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Wat dat mean fo show trus in Jesus?

  • How you like show yoa tanks fo wat Jehovah an Jesus wen do fo you?

  • How come is supa importan fo go to da Meeting Fo Rememba Wen Jesus Had Mahke?

Someting Fo Do


Cuz Jesus wen mahke wat dat make you like do?

He Used His Body to Honor Jehovah (9:28)

Inside da story “I Feel Clean, Alive, and Whole,” try look wat wen happen to one lady who wen learn about Jesus’ sacrifice.

“The Bible Changes Lifes” (The Watchtower, August 1, 2011)

Try look how come ony litto bit guys eat da bread an drink da wine at da Meeting Fo Rememba Wen Jesus Had Mahke.

“Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Observe the Lord’s Supper Differently From the Way Other Religions Do?” (Web article)