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Wat Is God’s Govament?

Wat Is God’s Govament?

Da main ting da Bible talk about is God’s Govament. Jehovah goin use his Govament fo make tings da way he wanted um from da start. Wat is God’s Govament? How we know stay up an runnin now? Wat dis Govament awready wen do? An wat goin do bumbye in da future? Us goin find out da ansas in dis lesson an in da nex two.

1. Wat is God’s Govament, an who is da King?

Jehovah God wen set up da Govament in heaven an Jesus is da King. (Matthew 4:17; John 18:36) Da Bible tell about Jesus: “He goin stay King . . . foeva.” (Luke 1:32, 33) Cuz Jesus da King of God’s Govament, he goin be in charge of erybody on top da earth.

2. Who goin be leadas wit Jesus?

Jesus no lead by himself. Guys “from ery ohana, an language, an peopo, an country . . . goin lead all da peopo inside da world.” (Jesus Show 5:9, 10) Since Jesus was on top da earth, uku million peopo wen follow him. All of dem goin be leadas wit him? No. Ony 144,000 of dem goin go heaven an be leadas wit Jesus. (Read um Jesus Show 14:1-4.) All da odda peopo dat follow Jesus goin live unda God’s Govament on top da earth.—Songs Fo God 37:29.

3. How come God’s Govament moa betta den human govaments?

Even wen human leadas try do good kine tings, plenny times dey no moa da powa fo do eryting dey like. Afta awhile, somebody else goin take ova fo dem an maybe da new leada ony tink about himself an no like help odda peopo. But nobody eva goin have to take ova fo Jesus Christ, da Rula of God’s Govament. “God . . . set up anodda kine govmen. Dat govmen, no goin come wipe out eva.” (Daniel 2:44) Jesus goin be da leada ova erybody on top da earth. He not goin treat one guy moa betta den da odda guy. He goin treat erybody same same. He goin teach peopo fo make jalike him an treat each odda wit plenny love an aloha, fo do good tings, an fo be fair.—Read um Isaiah 11:9.


Try look how come God’s Govament is moa betta den human govaments.

4. One govament dat get plenny powa goin be in charge ova da whole earth

Jesus Christ get moa powa fo rule den any odda leada eva. Read um Matthew 28:18, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come da powa Jesus get fo rule is betta den da powa any odda human leada get?

Human govaments change all da time, an each one of dem ony rule ova one small part of da earth. Wat about God’s Govament? Read um Daniel 7:14, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How come az good dat “no mo nobody goin ovathrow” God’s Govament?

  • How come az good dat God’s Govament goin be in charge ova da whole earth?

5. Human govaments, no can

How come God’s Govament gotta take ova fo da human govaments? Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da question afta.

  • How tings stay now cuz of human govaments?

Read um Da Teacha 8:9, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • You tink God’s Govament gotta take da place of human govaments o wat? How come?

6. God’s Govament get leadas who undastan us

Cuz oua King, Jesus, was one human befoa time, he can “undastan how us guys not strong.” (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 4:15) Jehovah wen choose 144,000 guys fo be leadas wit Jesus. Dey come “from ery ohana, an language, an peopo, an country.”—Jesus Show 5:9.

  • Make you feel good fo know dat Jesus an his leada guys know wat az like fo live az one human o wat? How come?

Jehovah wen choose kanes an wahines from all ova fo be leadas wit Jesus

7. Da laws God’s Govament get is da bes

Govaments make laws dat suppose to be good fo da peopo an proteck um. Da peopo unda God’s Govament gotta follow laws too. Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 6:9, 10, an Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 10:22. Den talk story about dese questions:

  • How you tink da world goin be like wen erybody ack da way God tell? a

  • Jehovah expeck peopo unda his Govament fo lissen him. You tink dass fair? How come?

  • How we know peopo who no lissen God’s laws now, can change?—Go look Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 10:22.

Govaments make laws fo do good fo da peopo an proteck dem. God get da bes laws fo do good an proteck da peopo unda his Govament

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “God’s Govament, wat is dat?”

  • Wat you would tell um?


God’s Govament is one real govament in heaven dat goin be in charge ova da whole earth.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Who da leadas of God’s Govament?

  • How come God’s Govament is da bes?

  • Wat Jehovah expeck from da peopo unda his Govament?

Someting Fo Do


Try look wat Jesus wen tell about wea God’s Govament stay.

“Is the Kingdom of God in Your Heart?” (Web article)

How come Witnesses Fo Jehovah choose fo take sides wit God’s Govament an not human govaments?

Devoted to God’s Kingdom (1:43)

Da 144,000 dat Jehovah wen choose fo be leadas wit Jesus, wat da Bible tell about dem?

“Who Go to Heaven?” (Web article)

Wat wen prove to one lady who was lock up dat ony God can make da world fair?

“How I Found the Answer to Injustice” (Awake!, November 2011)

a Us goin learn moa about how God like us ack in Part 3.