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How Us Can Show Oua Love Fo Jehovah?

How Us Can Show Oua Love Fo Jehovah?

You love God moa now den wen you firs had start fo learn da Bible? You like keep making yoa frenship wit him moa strong? If yeah, try rememba, da moa Jehovah see yoa love fo him come moa strong, da moa he goin love an kea fo you. How you can show you love him?

1. How we show Jehovah we love him?

Wen we do wat Jehovah like, dass how we show oua love fo him. (Read um 1 From John 5:3.) He no force nobody fo do wat he tell. But, he give all us da chance fo choose if we like lissen to him o not. How come? Jehovah like us “go fo broke . . . [an] lissen.” (Fo Da Rome Peopo 6:17) Dat mean he like you fo lissen him, not cuz you gotta, but cuz you love him. Parts 3 an 4 of dis book stay made fo help you fo show yoa love fo Jehovah by doing da tings dat make him happy an fo no do da tings dat make him soa.

2. How come az hard sometimes fo show oua love fo Jehovah?

“Get plenny bad tings happen to da peopo dat stay do da right ting.” (Songs Fo God 34:19) All us get hard time wit da stuffs dat stay wrong wit us. We might have hard time getting enuff money fo live, o tings no stay fair, o odda tings dat jam us up. Wen we goin thru hard times, sometimes is not easy fo do wat Jehovah ask us fo do. Dass cuz maybe is moa easy fo no lissen to Jehovah. Wen you trus Jehovah an you do wat he tell you fo do, you show dat get notting you love moa den him. Den you show dat you goin stick tight to him. Same same, he goin stick tight wit you. He neva goin bag from you.—Read um Songs Fo God 4:3.


Try learn how come it make Jehovah happy wen you lissen to him an wat can help you fo do dis.

3. Satan poin finga at you

Inside da Bible book of Job, Satan wen poin finga at Job an all da odda guys who like serve Jehovah. Read um Job 1:1, 6–2:10, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • From wat Satan wen tell, how come Job wen lissen to Jehovah?—Go look Job 1:9-11.

  • Wat Satan wen tell about all humans, even you?—Go look Job 2:4.

Read um Job 23:11, 12, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How Job wen show he love Jehovah fo real?

Job wen show his love fo Jehovah wen he stick tight to him

We show oua love fo Jehovah wen we stick tight to him

4. Make Jehovah feel real good inside

Read um Smart Guys 27:11, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How Jehovah feel wen you stay akamai an do wat he tell? How come?

5. You can stay tight wit Jehovah

Cuz we love Jehovah, we goin like tell oddas about him. Sticking tight wit him help us fo do dat, even wen az not easy fo do um. Play um da VIDEO, an den talk story about da questions afta.

  • You tink az hard fo tell odda peopo about Jehovah o wat?

  • Inside da video, wat wen help Grayson get ova being sked?

Az moa easy fo stay tight wit Jehovah wen we love wat he love an hate wat he hate. Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 12:9, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • From wat you wen learn, wat kine tings Jehovah love? Wat kine stuff he hate?

  • How you can learn fo love wat stay good an hate wat stay bad?

6. Tings come good fo us wen we do wat Jehovah tell

Fo do wat Jehovah tell, dass no ka ‘oi. Read um Isaiah 48:17, 18, an den talk story about dese questions afta:

  • Jehovah always know wat stay bes fo us. Can trus dat o wat? How come?

  • So far you wen learn from da Bible an about da God dass fo real, Jehovah. How dat wen make tings come good fo you?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “No really matta to God wat I do.”

  • Wat scripcha you can use fo show dat da tings we do can make Jehovah happy o sad?


You can show yoa love fo Jehovah by doing wat he tell an sticking tight wit him, even wen az hard.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Wat you wen learn from Job?

  • How you goin show yoa love fo Jehovah?

  • Wat goin help you fo stick tight wit Jehovah?

Someting Fo Do


Find out how you can stay tight wit Jehovah an da local hui.

“With Someone Loyal You Act in Loyalty” (16:49)

Try learn some moa about how Satan poin finga at humans.

“Job Keeps His Integrity” (The Bible—What Is Its Message? section 6)

Try look how even da keiki can show dey love Jehovah.

Make Jehovah Happy (8:16)

How one young guy dat get presha from odda younga guys can stick tight to God?

No Let Nobody Presha You Fo Do Bad Kine Tings! (3:59)