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How Come Oua Clotheses An Wat We Look Like Stay Importan?

How Come Oua Clotheses An Wat We Look Like Stay Importan?

We all like fo choose wat kine clothes we goin wea an how we goin look. Get simple kine truts in da Bible, an if we follow dat we can choose fo wea wat we like, an still yet make Jehovah stay good inside. We go talk story about some of um.

1. Wat goin help us fo choose wat we goin wear an how we goin look?

Da Bible tell us fo “ack da right way . . . dress good, an show respeck fo who [us] wen [we] put on clotheses,” an always look clean so oddas see oua “respeck fo God.” (1 Fo Timoty 2:9, 10) Try tink about: (1) We gotta dress good. Jalike you wen see at meetings wit da local hui, Jehovah’s peopo wear plenny diffren kine clotheses, but wat we wear an how we make oua hair, show respeck fo da God dat we worship. (2) Wen we pick clotheses dat show respeck fo who us, we no goin dress in one way dat make oddas tink da wrong way, o make jalike we tantaran. (3) We show we ack da right way an no jus follow wat stay popular wen come to wat we wear an how we look. (4) How we look always gotta show dat we get respeck fo God, so oddas can see dat we worship da God dass fo real.​—1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 10:31.

2. How come we gotta tink about oua braddahs an sistahs wen we choose wat fo wear?

Az true, we can choose wat we like fo wear, but we gotta tink about if wat we look like goin be one problem fo oddas. We no like make anybody come huhu wit us, but we like try “make [dem] come mo strong fo handle all dat. Den dey goin stay good inside too.”​—Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 15:1, 2.

3. How da way we look can make peopo like learn moa about Jehovah?

We always try fo dress good erytime, but even moa wen we go meetings wit da local hui an go field service. We like peopo pay attention to da importan message we bringing dem, an not da way we look. So den, da way we look can make oddas learn moa about God an make da stuff we teach “look real good.”​—Fo Titus 2:10.


Check out how wat we wear an how we look goin help oddas fo see dat we stay Christians.

Da way we look can show if we get respeck fo da peopo who get powa. Even if Jehovah see wat stay inside oua heart, da way we look gotta show respeck fo him

4. Wen we dress good, we show respeck fo Jehovah

Wass da mos importan reason us kea about how we look? Read um Songs Fo God 47:2, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Cuz we rep Jehovah, how dat goin help us choose wat fo wear?

  • We really gotta kea about how we look wen we go meetings an field service o wat? How come?

5. Wat can help us fo choose wat fo wear an how fo look?

Play um da VIDEO.

Wedda oua clothes cost plenny o only litto bit, dey gotta be clean an match wea we stay an wat we stay doing. Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 10:24 an 1 Fo Timoty 2:9, 10. Den, talk story about how come we no like wear clothes dat  . . .

  • stay messy o too relax fo wea you stay.

  • stay too tight, show too much stuffs, o make oddas tink wrong kine thoughts.

Even tho Christians no need follow da rules dat God give Moses fo give to da Israel peopo, dey can learn plenny from um about how Jehovah tink. Read um Da Rules Secon Time 22:5, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come we gotta stay away from clotheses an da kine styles dat make one guy look like one wahine, o one wahine look like one guy?

Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 10:32, 33 an 1 From John 2:15, 16, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How come we gotta kea if da way we look go make peopo wear we live o in da local hui come huhu?

  • Wea you live, wat kine clothes peopo wea an how dey look like?

  • You tink some of dose kine styles az ok fo one Christian wear o wat? How come?

Da clothes we wear an how we look can all be diffren, an still yet make Jehovah stay good inside

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Eh, I can wear wateva I like.”

  • You believe dat o wat? How come?


We show respeck fo Jehovah an fo oddas wen we make good kine choices about wat fo wear an how fo look.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How come wat we wear an how we look stay importan to Jehovah?

  • Wat can help us fo choose wat we goin wear an how we goin look?

  • How da way we look can make oddas like learn moa about Jehovah?

Someting Fo Do


See wat oddas might tink about you wen dey see yoa clothes.

“How Do I Look?” (Web article)

Learn how come is akamai fo tink good about wat can happen befoa you get one tattoo.

“What Does the Bible Say About Tattoos?” (Web article)

Try look some odda tings dat can help us choose wat fo do.

“Does Your Style of Dress Glorify God?” (The Watchtower, September 2016)

How one lady who wanted fo make God happy had learn how fo be ok wit how oddas wen choose fo dress?

“Dress and Grooming Was My Stumbling Block” (Awake!, December 22, 2003)