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Stay Tight Wit Jehovah

Stay Tight Wit Jehovah

Fo real kine Christians no goin let anyting o anybody get in da way of dem worshipping Jehovah. Garans dass how you feel, aah? Is worth plenny to Jehovah wen you choose fo stay tight wit him. (Read um 1 Records 28:9.) Wat kine tings can tes how tight you stay wit Jehovah, an wat can help you?

1. How oddas can tes how tight we stay wit Jehovah?

Some peopo goin try stop us from serving Jehovah. How come dey like do dat? Some peopo who no serve Jehovah anymoa, bulai about his hui cuz dey like wipe out oua faith. Dese guys stay apostates. Also, some church leada guys tell bulais about us fo get guys who donno betta fo stop serving Jehovah. If we try talk wit da guys who go agains us, read dea books, o blogs, check out dea websites, o watch dea videos, dat can jam us up real bad. Talking about da guys who like try pull us away from serving Jehovah an sticking tight wit him, Jesus wen tell: “Laytas wit dem awready! Dey jalike one blind guy stay go aroun, an show anodda blind guy wea fo go. Bumbye da two blind guys goin fall down inside one puka.”​—Matthew 15:14.

2. How wat we choose fo do can tes how tight we stay wit Jehovah?

Cuz we love Jehovah, we goin have notting fo do wit bulai kine religion. Oua job, da huis we stay in, an anyting we stay doing no can be paht of one bulai kine religion. Jehovah tell us fo watch out: “Eh, my peopo, get outa [Babylon Da Great]!”​—Jesus Show 18:2, 4.


Try learn how you can stick tight wit Jehovah an no let anybody pull you away from him. An try look how you can stay on Jehovah’s side an no be part of Babylon Da Great anymoa.

3. Watch out fo peopo who teach bulais

If we hear bad kine stuff about Jehovah’s hui, how we goin ack? Read um Smart Guys 14:15, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come we no like believe eryting we hear?

Read um 2 From John 9-11, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • How we goin treat da apostates?

  • Even if we no talk story wit apostates, wea else we can run into wat dey teach?

  • How you tink Jehovah goin feel if we wen lissen to bad kine stuff about him o his hui?

4. Stick tight wit Jehovah wen one braddah sin

Wat we gotta do if we learn somebody in da local hui wen do someting really bad? Try look wat da Bible wen tell fo da Israel peopo befoa time. Read um Da Prieses 5:1.

Like da scripcha tell, if we learn somebody wen do someting really bad, we gotta tell da eldas wat we know. But befoa we do dat, would be nice fo tell dat person fo try go to da eldas an tell wat he wen do wrong. If he no do dat, oua love fo Jehovah goin move us fo tell da eldas wat we know. How doing dis goin show we stick tight wit . . .

  • Jehovah God?

  • da person who wen sin?

  • oddas in da local hui?

If one braddah o sistah stay in trouble, help um!

5. Stay outa Babylon Da Great

Read um Luke 4:8 an Jesus Show 18:4, 5, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • My name still on one membaship lis of one bulai kine religion o wat

  • I stay in one hui dat stay part of one odda religion o wat?

  • My work get anyting fo do wit bulai kine religion o wat?

  • Get any odda tings in my life wea I gotta get away from bulai kine religion?

  • If I wen tell yeah to any of dese questions, wat kine changes I gotta make?

No matta wat, choose fo do someting dat not goin bodda you an show you stay tight wit Jehovah.

Wat you goin do if somebody asks you fo donate to one religious kine charity?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “I gotta know wat apostates telling about da Witnesses Fo Jehovah so I can prove dem wrong.”

  • Dass smart o wat? How come?


Fo stay tight wit Jehovah, we gotta stop hanging out wit da guys who try fo bulai us.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • How come we no like lissen wat apostates tell?

  • If we find out dat one braddah wen sin mayjah, wat we gotta do?

  • How we can lissen da warning fo get out of bulai kine religion?

Someting Fo Do


Learn how fo ack wen oddas tell bulais about Witnesses Fo Jehovah.

“Do You Have the Facts?” (The Watchtower, August 2018)

Wat some guys who go agains us wen do fo try make oua faith moa weak?

Beware of Deceit (9:32)

In da story “I Had Been Looking for God Since Childhood,” read about one Shinto pries who wen get out of bulai kine religion.

“The Bible Changes Lifes” (The Watchtower, July 1, 2011)