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Wat We Wen Talk About In Part 4

Wat We Wen Talk About In Part 4

Talk story wit yoa teacha about dese questions:

  1. Read um Smart Guys 13:20.

    • How come is importan fo be akamai wen you pick yoa frenz?

      (Check out Lesson 48.)

  2. Wat inside da Bible can help you if you stay . . .

    • one husban o one wife?

    • one parent o one keiki?

      (Check out Lessons 49 an 50.)

  3. Da way peopo talk, wat kine make Jehovah happy? Wat kine make him sad?

    (Check out Lesson 51.)

  4. Wat Bible truts goin help you make good kine choices about how you look?

    (Check out Lesson 52.)

  5. How you can make Jehovah happy wit wat you do fo fun?

    (Check out Lesson 53.)

  6. Read um Matthew 24:45-47.

    • Who “da akamai worka guy dat da boss trus”?

      (Check out Lesson 54.)

  7. How you can use yoa time, energy, money, an tings you get fo help da local hui?

    (Check out Lesson 55.)

  8. Read um Songs Fo God 133:1.

    • How you can help da hui stick togedda?

      (Check out Lesson 56.)

  9. How we can get Jehovah’s help if we do someting really bad?

    (Check out Lesson 57.)

  10. Read um 1 Records 28:9.

    • How you can show you “make up yoa mind” fo work ony fo Jehovah wen oddas go agains da right way fo worship o bag from da trut?

    • Get any kine changes you gotta make fo stick tight wit Jehovah an no be part of bulai kine religion o wat?

      (Check out Lesson 58.)

  11. How you can make ready fo wen peopo go agains you?

    (Check out Lesson 59.)

  12. Wat you plan fo do fo keep making yoa frenship wit Jehovah moa strong?

    (Check out Lesson 60.)