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How da Truths in da Bible Kokua Us?

How da Truths in da Bible Kokua Us?

1. How come we need da Bible fo sho us da way?

How da truths in da Bible help us make shua we no put oua selves an oddas in danger?​—JESUS GUYS 17:28.

Jehovah like oua faddah, he kea bout us. He da one who wen make evryting so he kno moa den us. He kno we no can do tings oua own way cuz dats not how he wen make us. (Isaiah 29:16) Jehovah sho us da way fo go, jalike da keiki need dea maddah an faddah’s hand wen dey learning fo walk. (Isaiah 48:17,18) Jehovah wen put his laws in da Bible like one map fo oua life.​—Read Numba 2 Fo Timoty 3:16.

Jehovah’s laws teach us da right way fo go now an sho us how we can live foeva in one paradise. Cuz Jehovah had make us, az only right dat we give him plenny respeck an big mahalos, by doin wat he tell us.​—Read Fo Da Rome Peopo 15:4; Wat Jesus Show John 4:11.

2. How da Bible sho us wea fo go?

Da truths in da Bible jalike da solid foundation of one hale, no change. Same fo da laws in da Bible, stay built on solid Bible truths dat no change. Da laws tell us wat we can an no can do. Jalike wen you build one hale, gotta build um da right way. (Da Rules Secon Time 22:8) We gotta use oua brains fo see how we can use those truths in oua life. (Proverbs 2:10-12, NW ) Fo exampo, one Bible truth is dat life is one spesho gift from God. Dat sho us dat we gotta do oua bes fo be safe, no matta wat we stay doin.​—Read Jesus Guys 17:28.

3. Wat two truths stay da mos importan?

Jesus said get two laws dat moa importan den da oddas. Da firs one tell us da reason we stay alive is fo kno God, love him, an evrytime do wat he say. We like stick to Jehovah jalike one opihi dat no let go. Wen we stay making choices in oua life, da main ting we like do is make Jehovah happy. (Da Rules Secon Time 11:1) Da one dat really put dis Bible truth in dea heart goin be real tight wit Jehovah, goin be happy fo real an live foeva!​—Read Matthew 22:36-38.

Da secon one help us get along wit evrybody. (Numba 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 13:4-7) Wen we sho love an aloha to dem we stay copy Jehovah.​—Read Matthew 7:12; 22:39, 40.

4. How da truths in da Bible kokua us?

Bible truths teach da ohana how fo come moa tight an have plenny love fo each odda. (Fo Da Colosse Peopo 3:12-14) Da Bible tell dat husbans an wives should stay togedda thru thick an thin, as how goin proteck da ohana.​—Read Mark 10:7-9.

Wen we lissen wat da Bible say, goin help oua whole life! Fo exampo, peopo like workas dat stay honest, work hard an no cockroach nottin from dem. Das wat da Bible teach us! (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:18; Fo Da Efesus Peopo 4:28) Be happy wit wat you get, no try fo stash moa an moa tings. Da Bible say being God’s fren is moa importan den stuffs.​—Read Matthew 6:24, 25, 33; Numba 1 Fo Timoty 6:8-10.

Da Bible tell how we can take kea ouaself. (Proverbs 14:30, NW; From James 3:14, 16; Fo Da Efesus Peopo 4:26) Like wea he tell no drink till you get all buss. If we lissen to dat rule, goin keep us safe from catching da kine diseases an from accidents. (Fo Da Rome Peopo 13:13) Jehovah let us drink an enjoy wit one level head. But no can drink too much. (Numba 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 6:10; Numba 1 Fo Timoty 3:8) Da Bible stay good fo us cuz it teach us fo watch wat we doin an wat we tinkin. (Psalms 119:97-100, NW ) But peopo who stay God’s real frens no do all dis cuz dey like make demselves look good, but fo sho evrybody how awesome Jehovah stay.​—Read Matthew 5:14-16.