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Wats da Good News Bout Religion?

Wats da Good News Bout Religion?

1. All churches good?

Get plenny good peopo, dat like do good kine stuffs in all religions. God spock um all, he kea bout dem. Peopo now days, stay using dea religion fo do pilau kine stuffs, poho! (Numba 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 4:3, 4; 11:13-15) Look da news, religion stay all tangle up wit terrorist, mass killin, wars an child abuse. Peopo who really kea bout God an see dis kine stuffs happenin aroun dem stay hurtin!​—Read Matthew 24:3-5, 11, 12.

Da true religion, only make Jehovah happy. Da false kine, he no like um, cuz dey teach tings dat no stay in da Bible. Dey bulai bout God an wat wen happen to peopo dat had mahke. Jehovah like all da peopo kno, all da good kine tings bout him.—Ezekiel 18:4, NW.​Read Fo Da Rome Peopo 3:23, Numba 1 Fo Timoty 2:3-5.

2. Religion, wat goin happen to um?

Peopo only ack like dey love God, but dey stay all tangle up wit da way dis world stay. Dey stay agains God. (From James 4:4) Dey no can fake out God, he spockin evryting. Da Bible tell dat da bulai kine religion is called “Babylon Nui.” (Revelation 17:5, NW ) Das wea all da bulai religions wen come from afta Noah’s time. Bulai religions, stay makin all da peopos lives only hard an makin choke pilikia fo dem. Not long moa, Jehovah goin smash um all.​—Read Wat Jesus Show John 17:1, 2, 5, 16, 17; 18:8.

Get moa good kine tings, Jehovah neva foget all da good peopo dat stay mixed up in da bulai religions all ova da eart. He stay huki dem in his ohana, by teachin dem da true stuffs.​—Read John 6:45.

3. Fo make God happy inside, wat gotta do?

Da true kine religion stay bringin peopo togedda

Peopo who love an kea bout God do good kine stuffs an like change dea ways fo make God happy. Jehovah love dem so much, he tellin dem fo dig out of false religion.​—Read Wat Jesus Show John 18:4.

Afta Jesus had mahke, wen da peopo hear da good kine stuff from Jesus’ guys, dey wuz supa happy. Jehovah wen give dem one betta way fo live dea life. Wuz one cherreh exampo fo us, cuz dey wen lissen to Jehovah, an do all wat he wen tell um fo do.​—Read Numba 1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 1:8, 9; 2:13.

Anybody who give up dea old way of life an pau do bad kine stuff, can be in Jehovah’s ohana. Evrybody goin get fo real kine frens. Jalike Jehovah stay tellin, e komo mai, come live foevas.​—Read Mark 10:29, 30; Numba 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 6:17, 18.

4. How God goin make evrybody happy?

Not goin get false religion awready, goin be history, dats good news, cuz nobody goin feel presha anymoa. You goin look aroun, no goin get bulaiahs awready. All da bulaiahs, not goin be splittin up an throwin peopo off anymoa. Moa betta yet, God’s peopo goin be one big ohana, worshippin Jehovah togedda.​—Read Wat Jesus Show John 18:20, 21; 21:3, 4.