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Da Good Tings in da Bible, az From God or Wat?

Da Good Tings in da Bible, az From God or Wat?

1. Who da real maykah of da Bible?

Da unreal kine tings God like tell us is dat goin get peopo who goin live foeva on dis eart. (Matthew 25:46) He wen use 40 guys dat was tight wit him fo write um in da Bible. Da Bible get 66 small kine books all togedda. Moses had write da first five books bout 3,500 years ago. Da last book, da apostle John wen write bout 1,900 years ago. God wen use his angel messenjas fo tell dem wat fo write. (Wat Jesus Show John 1:1) An he wen use his holy powah fo show dem wat he was tinking. Cuz of dat, he da one who stay da true maykah of da Bible, even tho he had use guys fo write um down.​—Read Numba 2 Fo Timoty 3:16; Numba 2 From Peter 1:20, 21.

Watch da video Who da Real Maykah of da Bible?

2. Da Bible, teach da truth or wat?

We kno da Bible from God cuz it had tell da tings dat had happen befoa time, an wat goin happen in da future. Come true evrytime! Nobody else can do dat. (1 Kings 8:56) Only God can see da future correck.​—Read Isaiah 42:9; 46:10.

You tink one book from God would be moa spesho den all da odda books? Fo shua! Get tons of Bibles in choke languages. Even tho da Bible is old, plenny tings we kno now bout da eart da Bible wen tell um from long time ago! 40 diffren guys wen write um at diffren times. But jalike one puzzle, da tings dat dey had write wen all match up perfeck. * Az clea fo see dat da Bible show how much God love us. All dese years lattah, still get da powah fo change da way peopo live fo da betta. All dese tings make peopo kno fo shua dat da Bible from Jehovah God!​—Read Numba 1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 2:13.

Watch da video How We Kno fo Shua Can Trus Da Bible

3. Da Bible, wat dis book stay bout?

Da Bible stay bout da good kine tings God like fo us. Da pages in dis book talk bout how long time ago, us guys wen lose out in living in one paradise an how dea goin be one paradise again.​—Read Wat Jesus Show John 21:4, 5.

Da Bible tell us how fo come tight wit God. Goin teach us how God feel and tink. How he wen deal wit oddas befoa time, he goin make da same wit us today. He goin tell us wat tings he like us do, an wat tings dat goin make us moa akamai.​—Read Fo Da Rome Peopo 15:4; From James 2:23; 4:8.

4. How can undastan da Bible?

Jesus wen teach his guys fo undastan da Bible. He had read da scripchas, den explain um. We copy him, and use da Bible lidat.​—Read Luke 24:27, 45.

Da tings God like tell you is unreal. But plenny peopo tell you, “poho you lissen.” Odda peopo get huhu, give you stink eye. But no give up! You gotta come tight wit God, den you goin live foeva.​—Read John 17:3.


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