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How Come God Wen Make One Hui fo Him?

How Come God Wen Make One Hui fo Him?

1. How come God wen pick da Israelites fo be his hui?

Befoa time had one guy who wen lissen to God. His name wuz Abraham. Jehovah had bring all da peopo from his bloodline togedda an wen give dem his laws. (Psalms 147:19, 20, NW ) He name dem “Israel.” Dey wuz da only ones who wen do evryting God tell, so Jehovah wen give dem da kuleana fo teach an proteck all he wen say. Cuz a Israel guys, even peopo dat not from Abraham ohana get chance fo learn bout God an get blessings.​—Read Da Start 22:18.

God wen pick dem fo be his witnesses. Dat mean dey tell evrybody da truth bout him. Dea exampo had sho all da peopo aroun dem dat if dey lissen to wat God say, dey goin be happy an live one good life. (Da Rules Secon Time 4:6) So thru dem, oddas get chance fo learn.​—Read Isaiah 43:10, 12.

2. How come God like his peopo work togedda?

Lattah on, da Israel guys had make hard head an neva like lissen to wat God tell dem. So Jehovah wen hemo dem an pick new guys fo be his peopo. (Matthew 21:43; 23:37, 38) True Christians, Witnesses fo Jehovah, wen take dea place an stay his guys today.​—Read Jesus Guys 15:14, 17.

Jesus wen put togedda one hui fo tell peopo bout his faddah. (Matthew 10:11; 24:14; 28:19, 20) Dis work stay almost pau cuz Jehovah goin wipe out all da pilau stuffs in dis world. Firs time eva, Jehovah had bring peopo from all ova da world togedda fo worship him da way he like. (Wat Jesus Show John 7:9, 10) True Christians get togedda at dea meeting places fo learn from da Bible an help each odda stay solid.​—Read Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 10:24, 25.

3. How Witnesses fo Jehovah today wen start?

In 1870, had some guys who wen get togedda an read da Bible ova an ova fo find da real truth again. Dey figga Jesus wen tell da Christians befoa time fo go an teach bout da Bible. So dey wen do da same. Dey had start one spesho work fo tell peopo all ova da eart bout Jehovah’s govament. Den in 1931, dey wen make one hui an take da name Witnesses fo Jehovah.​—Read Jesus Guys 1:8; 2:1, 4; 5:42.

4. Witnesses fo Jehovah, how dey stay set up?

Befoa time, Jesus had pick some guys dat he wen trus fo malama an teach his peopo all ova da eart. ( Jesus Guys 16:4, 5) Az still lidat fo us today. Get one small numba of braddahs stay called da Governing Body. Dey da ones dat in charge of da work places dat print an translate da books fo help peopo study da Bible in ova 800 languages. Cuz a dat, dey kokua ova 120,000 groups of peopo called congregations, all ova da world wit good kine Bible words. Dis help dem keep goin an do wat God like. In all those congregations, get guys called elders who stay trained from da Bible fo take kea God’s peopo, jalike sheep farma guys kea fo dea sheeps.​—Read Numba 1 From Peter 5:2, 3.

Witnesses fo Jehovah stay set up fo work togedda an go evrybody’s house fo give dem chance fo hear da truth from da Bible. ( Jesus Guys 5:42) An if dey like learn, we moa den happy fo study da Bible wit dem. Us guys stay moa den one church group. Witnesses fo Jehovah stay one ohana wit one loving faddah. We get choke love an aloha fo oua braddahs and sistahs. (Numba 1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 1:3) We da happiest ohana on eart cuz we do evryting fo make Jehovah happy and kokua each odda.​—Read Psalms 33:12, NW; Jesus Guys 20:35.