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Wat Chance Get fo da Guys Who Mahke?

Wat Chance Get fo da Guys Who Mahke?

1. Wat good tings God get fo da mahke guys?

Jesus had one good fren Lazarus, dat wen mahke four days befoa, so he wen Betany wea Lazarus had live. Jesus wen go wit Lazarus sistas Marta an Mary to wea he wuz buried. Plenny peopo wuz dea. Try pikcha in your mind how happy Marta an Mary wuz fo see Jesus bring dea braddah back alive again.​—Read John 11:21-24, 38-44.

Befoa dis wen happen, Marta awready kno fo shua dat Jehovah goin bring da mahke guys alive on eart, in da future.​—Read 1 Kings 17:17-24.

2. Wat happen wen we mahke?

God tell Adam: “Cuz I wen make you outta da dirt. You come from dirt, an you goin come dirt one mo time.”​—DA START 3:19.

Da Bible says us guys made from dirt. (Da Start 2:7; 3:19) Wen Jesus fren Lazarus wen mahke, he neva tell peopo wat wuz like fo be dead. He no could tink, his brain wuz pau.​—Read John 11:11-14; Psalms 146:4, NW.

Da Bible get proof dat wen you mahke, you no can tink, talk, eat, nottin. You tink God punish da bad guys wit hellfire? Az one bulai from Satan, cuz he only like talk stink bout Jehovah fo make him look bad. Oua loving faddah would neva eva burn somebody wit fire! He would neva even tink of someting so pilau lidat.​—Read Da Rules Secon Time 12:31.

Watch da video Wat Stay Like fo da Makhe Guys?

3. Can da mahke guys talk to us?

Da mahke guys no can talk to us or hear wat we say. (Psalms 115:17, NW; Isaiah 38:18,19) But get bad kine angel guys dat can talk to peopo. Dey like fake us out an make like you stay talkin to da guys who wen mahke. (Fo Da Efesus Peopo 6:12) Jehovah tell us no try fo talk to da dead.​—Read Da Rules Secon Time 18:10, 11.

4. Who goin come alive again?

Choke peopo who wen mahke get chance fo come alive on eart again. Even peopo who neva kno God an had do bad kine stuffs get chance.​—Read Jesus Guys 24:15.

Those who goin come back to life can learn da truth bout God an sho dey trus in wat he say, an do um. (Wat Jesus Show John 20:12,13) Da guys dat goin come back to life an do da good kine tings can live one cherreh life foeva!​—Read John 11:25, 26.

5. Da guys coming back to life, wat dat tell you bout Jehovah?

Da dead get chance fo come back alive on eart cuz God had sen his boy to mahke fo cut us loose. Right dea, dat sho us God get plenny love an aloha fo us! Even tho we no deserve um. Wen da dead come back to life, who you goin look fo?​—Read John 3:16; Fo Da Rome Peopo 6:23.