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Wat is da Good Kine Tings?

Wat is da Good Kine Tings?

1. Good kine tings from God?

God like evrybody live one cherreh life hea on da eart. God get so much love an aloha fo us, he wen make da eart an evryting so prime! Jehovah only like wats good fo us. Peopo all ova da place goin get one moa betta future. All da presha an pilikia we get today, goin be all pau.​—Read Numba 1 Fo Timoty 2:3, 4.

Try look um, plenny peopo do pilau kine stuffs, stay gettin sick, an peopo still mahke. Da govaments no can hemo um. But, God get good kine tings fo tell. Pretty soon, God goin hemo all da govaments an put his own govament. Den, all his peopo no goin be soa inside any moa.​—Read Isaiah 25:8; 33:24; Daniel 2:44.

2. How come da good tings is supa importan?

God goin wipe out all da pilau peopo, dats wen all da suffering goin pau. (Numba 2 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 1:8) Wen dat goin come? Da Bible tell dat befoa da world goin pau, da peopo goin be so pilau. Da way peopo acking now days, easy fo see God goin do someting soon.​—Read Numba 2 Fo Timoty 3:1-5.

3. Us gotta do wat?

No moa nottin betta den learning bout God from da Bible. Dats one cherreh gift from oua Faddah. Jalike he talkin story wit us fo make oua life betta, down da road get future fo us. Maybe, couple guys no goin like you study da Bible. No let dat boddah you, your future moa betta, bumbye you goin go lose out.​—Read Numba 2 Fo Timoty 3:12; Wat Jesus Show John 14:6, 7.