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Wat is God’s Govament?

Wat is God’s Govament?

1. Wat is God’s Govament?

How come Jesus is da perfeck King?​—MARK 1:40-42.

God’s Govament stay setup in heaven, goin hando evryting from heaven to da eart. Da peopo on da eart, God’s Govament goin unite um all. From den on, only one govament goin get, Jehovah’s! Not too long moa, peopo not goin need scrap each odda fo one betta govament. Finally, goin get one dat evrybody like.​—Read Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:14.

One govament gotta get one Boss ah? Jehovah wen make his Boy, Jesus, fo be Da Boss of his Govament.​—Read Numba 2 From Peter 1:11.

Watch da video Wat Is God’s Govament?

2. How come Jesus is da perfeck King?

God’s Boy is da perfeck King, cuz he sho plenny aloha an he no sked fo stand his groun fo do da right tings. (Matthew 11:28-30) All da way from up dea in heaven, he goin malama da peopo on eart. Afta his faddah bring um back from da dead, Jesus wen go back heaven, by Jehovah’s right hand side. (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 10:12, 13) At da right time, Jesus wen get da mana from his faddah, fo go rule.​—Read Daniel 7:13, 14.

3. Jesus, who goin rule wit him?

Get one group dat is called “God’s spesho peopo,” dey goin rule wit Jesus up heaven. (Daniel 7:27) Jesus wen choose da firs spesho ones, da faithful apostles. Dese spesho ones, Jehovah still yet choosin um, dey is faithful men an women. Same same like Jesus, dey came back to life in heaven wit one spirit body.​—Read John 14:1-3; Numba 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 15:42-44.

How much peopo get fo go heaven? Jesus tell dem, dey one “small-kine pile sheep”. (Luke 12:32, NW ) Bumbye, wen dey all hui up, goin get 144,000 of dem. Wit Jesus, dey goin rule ova da eart.​—Read Wat Jesus Show John 14:1b.

4. Wen Jesus start rulin, wat kine action had?

1914 wuz da year God’s Govament had start fo rule. * Firs ting Jesus’ wen scrap an throw Satan an his pilau demons to da eart. Satan wuz all nutz! Choke pilikia he stay make on da eart afta dat. (Wat Jesus Show John 12:7-10, 12) Cuz of dat, da pilikia hea gettin moa worse. Da eart stay boilin ova wit wars, guys gettin sick left an right, peopo all ova no moa kaukau, an all ova get eartquakes. Easy kine signs fo see dat God’s Govament goin take ova soon.​—Read Luke 21:7, 10, 11, 31.

5. Wat God’s Govament goin do?

Peopo stay tellin God’s good kine news all ova da earth. Cuz of dis, God’s Govament stay awready bringin togedda one uku paila peopo from all kine areas, millions of humbo peopo who follow Jesus. Da way dis world stay now, is all upside down. Evryting dat making da world hammajang, God’s Govament goin smash um. Anybody who like catch da blessings from God’s Govament, gotta learn how fo open dea ear an get in da right line fo follow Jesus.​—Read Wat Jesus Show John 7:9, 14, 16, 17.

Goin take 1,000 years fo God’s Govament bring tings back how Jehovah had like um from da start. Da whole eart goin come one cherreh paradise place. Right den an dea, Jesus goin give da Govament back to his faddah. (Numba 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 15:24-26) You kno somebody you like tell bout God’s Govament?​—Read Numba 2 From Peter 3:13.


^ par. 6 Fo undastand da year 1914 Bible prophecy look da pages 217-219 of da book What Can the Bible Teach Us?