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Who God?

Who God?

1. Gotta respeck God, wat fo?

He da true God, he wen make evryting. He neva had one start an no moa one end. (Numba 1 Fo Timoty 1:17) He tell us good kine tings from da Bible. (Numba 1 Fo Timoty 1:11) Only God wen give us life, so only him, should get da right kine love an respeck.​—Read Wat Jesus Show John 4:11.

2. God, wat he stay like?

No man has eva seen God, cuz he one spirit. He live in da heavens. ( John 1:18; 4:24) We see how God love us by all da diffren kine tings he wen make fo us, like all da sweet smellin plumerias an da ono mangos tell us how much he kea fo us an how akamai he stay. He sho us his powah by how big an awesome da universe stay.​—Read Fo Da Rome Peopo 1:20.

We can learn moa, if we read da Bible. Dat book tell us wat he like an wat he no like, how he take kea us, how he do tings wit love an aloha.​—Read Numba 1 From John 4:8.

3. God, He get one name?

God get plenny titles but he only get one name. Evry language say um small kine diffren, some guys call him “Jehovah,” odda guys dey call um “Yahweh.” All mean da same but Jesus wen tell us “Oua Faddah in da heavens, we like give your name plenny respeck.”—Matthew 6:9, New World Translation.​Read Outa Egypt 6:3.

Some guys wen take his name outta da Bible, but wuz inside da Bible ova 7,000 times. Jesus always made shua dat dey knew his Faddah’s name.​—Read John 17:26.

Watch da video God, He Get One Name?

4. God get love fo us?

Like dis loving faddah, God stay lookin out fo us all da time

Wen you see peopo suffa, you tink God no kea? Some guys tink he testin us wen we suffa, but dats one lie.​—Read From James 1:13.

God no presha us, we can choose fo serve him or not. (Rut 1:15, 16) Plenny guys no like lissen, dey do da pilau stuff, dats why get plenny suffering. Jehovah stay soa inside wen he see dat.​—Read Da Start 6:5, 6.

Jehovah kea about us, he like us guys be happy an enjoy life. Pretty soon he goin stop all da pilikia. We goin learn why in Lesson 8.​—Read Numba 2 From Peter 2:9; Fo Da Rome Peopo 2:6-8.

5. How us guys can stay moa tight wit God?

Jehovah like us guys fo pray to him evryday. He like kno wat kine stuff boddah us. (Numba 1 From John 5:14) Wen we mess up he like fogive us, but we gotta try hard fo do da right tings an make him happy. Even tho we make plenny mistakes, he still like us guys come tight wit him.​—Read Numba 1 From John 1:9; From James 4:8.

Cuz Jehovah wen give us life, we gotta love him moa den anybody else. (Mark 12:30) Da moa you learn bout Jehovah an do wat he say, you goin come moa tight wit him.​—Read Numba 1 Fo Timoty 2:4; Numba 1 From John 5:3.