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Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus?

1. How Jesus life wen start?

How come everybody like go by Jesus?​—MATTHEW 11:29; MARK 10:13-16.

Jesus wuz one spirit livin in heaven befoa he wen get born hea on top da eart. ( John 8:23) God had make him firs in heaven, an den he had help create all da odda kine stuffs. Jesus is da only one Jehovah wen make wit his own hands. ( John 1:14) Part of Jesus’ kuleana is dat he talk fo God.​—John 7:16.​—Read Fo Da Colosse Peopo 1:15, 16.

2. How come Jesus wen come hea?

God did da most unreal ting eva, he wen sen his boy to da eart. God had put him into da opu of one Jewish wahine named Mary, who neva wen sleep wit anybody befoa. So Jesus, he no moa human faddah. (Luke 1:30-35) Jesus wen come hea to da eart (1) fo teach all da true stuffs bout God, (2) fo sho us how fo hando an still serve God, no matta wat we goin thru an (3) fo give his perfeck life fo cut us loose.​—Read Matthew 20:28.

3. How come somebody gotta cut us loose?

Jalike one honu stuck in one laynet, if no get cut loose, goin mahke. (Outa Egypt 21:29, 30) From da start Jehovah neva like peopo come old an mahke. How we kno dat? God told da first guy Adam, he can live foeva, but if he neva lissen, fo shua he goin mahke. Adam, neva lissen, wat he wen do, da bible call um “sin.” If Adam neva sin, buggah would still be cruzin wit us right now. (Da Start 2:16, 17; 5:5) Da Bible tell, he da one “wen start fo do bad kine stuff,” now evrybody gotta mahke. Now, all us his keikis, stay all tangled up in dat laynet of sin. Dat makin evrybody mahke. We need somebody fo cut us loose.​—Read Fo Da Rome Peopo 5:12; 6:23.

No imperfeck guy, can cut us loose from death. Wen us mahke, dats payin fo wat we owe fo oua sins. Who goin cut us loose from sin an death?​—Read Psalm 49:7-9, NW.

4. How come Jesus had mahke?

Jesus he perfeck, us not. He neva need mahke, cuz he neva sin. Jesus had mahke fo evrybody elses sins. God had sho unreal love an aloha fo us guys by lettin his boy mahke fo us. Jesus wen lissen to his faddah an wen go mahke fo oua sins, dats love right dea!​—Read John 3:16; Fo Da Rome Peopo 5:18, 19.

Watch da video How Come Jesus Had Mahke?

5. Jesus, wat he stay up to now?

Wen he wuz hea, Jesus wen make da sick peopo come all good, bring some dead guys back to life, an da peopo in danger, he wen kokua dem. Dats da proof right dea, of wat he goin do in da future fo evrybody who lissen. (Matthew 15:30, 31; John 5:28) Afta Jesus had mahke, God wen bring um back again, az one spirit person. (Numba 1 From Peter 3:18) Jesus had go back by God’s right hand side, till Jehovah gave him da powah fo rule az King ova all da eart. (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 10:12, 13) Now, Jesus stay rulin az King up dea in heaven. His peopo stay tellin evrybody bout God’s good kine tings, all ova da eart.​—Read Daniel 7:13, 14; Matthew 24:14.

Not too long moa, oua King Jesus, wit da mana he get, goin hemo all da pilau peopo who makin peopo suffa. Den, da whole eart no goin get no moa worries. All da peopo who trus Jesus all da way, goin live foeva on one cherreh paradise eart.​—Read Luke 23:42, 43.