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Can Trus da Bible, o Wat?

Can Trus da Bible, o Wat?

Da Bible tell plenny good stuffs goin happen, an even tell how can help you now. You like know moa about um, but maybe you tink, ‘I can believe all dat, o wat?’ Da Bible is one old book. Can trus da promises an good kine tings dat get in dea? Da Bible tell, can live good now an in da future. How we know fo shua is true? Uku million peopo believe um. Us go see if you can too.

1. Da Bible is fo real, o is jus stories?

Da Bible tell dat az one book dat get “da tings dat stay true.” (Da Teacha 12:10) It talk about tings dat wen happen fo real an da peopo dat was dea. (Read um Luke 1:3; 3:1, 2.) Wen da Bible tell one story, tell wat wen happen, who wen happen to, wen had happen, an wea had happen. Cuz of dat, is supa clear fo know wat really wen happen.

2. Can trus da Bible even tho is old?

Get stuff in da Bible dat wen dey firs wen write um down, plenny peopo neva know about um yet. Wen talk about da earth an da universe. Da time dey wen write um, plenny peopo neva believe um. Wat da science guys wen find prove dat wat da Bible tell is right on. Wat da Bible tell “fo shua no goin change, eva.” You can trus um.​—Songs Fo God 111:8.

3. How come we can trus wat da Bible tell about da future?

Inside da Bible, God tell about tings dat goin happen in da future, da “tings dat nobody do yet.” (Isaiah 46:10) Had talk about stuffs dat wen happen long time befoa wen happen. Even talk about wat stay happening in da world today, an is right on. Us go look at some of da tings da Bible tell wen happen. Wat you read goin blow yoa mind!


Us go look at some exampos of how da science dat we know now match up wit da Bible.

4. Science match up wit da Bible

Befoa time plenny peopo wen believe dat someting was holding up da earth. Play um da VIDEO.

Da book of Job was written 3,500 years ago. Read um Job 26:7, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How come is unreal dat da scripcha tell “He hang da earth wea no mo notting fo hold um”?

Peopo neva really know wat da earth’s watta cycle was until about 200 years ago. But try look wat da Bible wen tell 3,500 years ago. Read um Job 36:27, 28, an den talk story about dese questions:

  • Wat you tink about wat da Bible tell about da earth’s watta cycle?

  • Da scripchas you jus wen read make yoa trus in da Bible moa strong, o wat?

5. Da Bible wen tell about importan stuffs befoa wen happen

Read um Isaiah 44:27–45:2, an den talk story about dis question:

  • Wat kine tings da Bible tell was goin happen 200 years befoa Babylon wen come pau?

History wen prove um, dat King Cyrus of Persia an his army wen take ova da city of Babylon in 539 B.C.E. Da riva dat wen proteck da city wen dry up. Cuz da gates was lef wide open, dey wen walk right inside an was easy fo dem take ova da city witout one fight. Nowdays, 2,500 years layta Babylon still stay all bus up. Try look wat da Bible wen tell was goin happen.

Read um Isaiah 13:19, 20, an den talk story about dis question:

  • How we know dis wen come true?

Wat lef of Babylon stay wea Iraq stay today

6. Da Bible wen tell about stuffs we see today

Da Bible tell dat we stay living in da time jus “befo da world goin come pau.” (2 Fo Timoty 3:1) Try look wat da Bible tell about um.

Read um Matthew 24:6, 7, an den talk story about dis question afta:

  • Wat kine stuffs da Bible tell was goin happen befoa da world come pau?

Read um 2 Fo Timoty 3:1-5, an den talk story about da questions afta:

  • How da Bible wen tell plenny peopo was goin ack befoa da world come pau?

  • Which ones you see now?

WAT SOME PEOPO TELL: “Da Bible, dass ony stories an legends inside dea.”

  • Wat made you believe dat can trus da Bible?


Can trus da Bible cuz of history, science, an da tings da Bible sed was goin happen.

Wat You Wen Learn

  • Da Bible, az fo real, o is jus stories?

  • How science an da Bible match up?

  • You tink da Bible can tell wat goin happen bumbye? Yeah, o no? How come?

Someting Fo Do


Get science stuff dass wrong in da Bible?

“Science An Da Bible Match Up O Wat?” (Web article)

Wat da facts about da time befoa “da world goin come pau”?

“6 Tings Da Bible Tell Dat Stay Happening Now” (Da Place Fo Watch From, May 1, 2011)

Go learn how wat da Bible wen tell about da Greek Empire wen come true.

Fortified by “the Prophetic Word” (5:22)

Go find out how Bible prophecies wen change da way one guy wen look at da Bible.

“I Neva Believe In God” (Da Place Fo Watch From No. 5 2017)