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Talk About Tings Oddas Like

Talk About Tings Oddas Like

Bible trut: “Wen you get love an aloha . . . you no . . . gotta do eryting yoa way.”​—1 Cor 13:4, 5.

Wat Jesus Wen Do

1. Watch um da VIDEO, o read um John 4:6-9. Den tink about da questions:

  1. Wat Jesus wen spock about da wahine befoa he wen try fo talk story da firs time?

  2. Jesus wen ask: “You can give me some watta fo drink?” Why dis one good way fo try talk story?

Wat We Learn From Jesus?

2. Peopo going like talk story wit us moa if we start off wit someting dat dey like talk about.

Copy Jesus

3. Be ready fo change um up. No jus be stuck on someting dat you was ready fo talk about. Start off wit someting dat stay on da minds of oddas today. Try tink:

  1. ‘Wass going on in da news?’

  2. ‘Wat my neighbas, guys I work wit, guys I go school wit talking about?’

4. Pay attention. Try tink:

  1. ‘Wat is dis guy doing right now? Wat he stay tinking about?’

  2. ‘Wat da person’s clotheses, da way he look o his hale tell me about wat he believe in o his culture?’

  3. ‘Is dis one good time to talk story wit dis guy?’

5. Lissen.

  1. No talk too much.

  2. Let da odda person share wat he tink an feel. Wen can, ask questions.