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Go All Out

Go All Out

Bible trut: “We neva like ony tell you guys da Good Stuff From God, but we wen like go all out fo you guys, cuz we get real plenny love an aloha fo you guys.”​—1 Tess 2:8.

Wat Jesus Wen Do

1. Watch um da VIDEO, o read um John 3:1, 2. Den tink about da questions:

  1. How come Nicodemus wanted fo see Jesus night time?​—Check out John 12:42, 43.

  2. Jesus was ok fo meet Nicodemus night time. How dat show he wen go all out fo make followas?

Wat We Learn From Jesus?

2. Cuz we love peopo, we go all out fo help dem be followas.

Copy Jesus

3. Talk story at one time an place dat stay good fo yoa Bible learna. Maybe he like one certain day o time. He going be moa relaxed learning da Bible at his work, at his hale, o anodda place? If can, try change up da time an place yoa Bible learna like do um.

4. Talk story ery week. If you no going be aroun, no cancel da talk story sesh but try dis:

  1. Can talk story anodda day of da week?

  2. O maybe can do um on da phone o by videoconference?

  3. Can ask somebody else fo talk story wit dem?

5. Pule fo tink da right way. Ask Jehovah fo help you go all out fo yoa learna, even tho dey get hard time fo learn da Bible ery week, o follow thru on wat dey stay learning. (Php 2:13) Mos likely, yoa learna get plenny good tings about dem; so we ask Jehovah fo help us tink about dose tings.