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PART 8 • JESUS GUYS 21:18–28:31

“He Teach Um How Fo Get God Fo Dea King . . . He Not Sked Fo Tell Um All Dat”

“He Teach Um How Fo Get God Fo Dea King . . . He Not Sked Fo Tell Um All Dat”


In dis part, we goin see how Paul wen hando wen guys wanted fo bus him up, how he hang in dea da times he had get lock up, an wen he had fo go court an face da Rome leada guys one afta anodda. Thru all dat, Paul no stop fo teach um fo how fo get God fo be dea king. Da las part of da book Jesus Guys is action packed. Wen you go ova um try ask yoaself, ‘How I can copy Paul an no be sked fo go preach?’