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Help Fo Study

Help Fo Study

Wat Fo Study Firs

All us ony get so much time fo study. How we can make da mos of um? Firs ting, no rush. Going be moa betta fo study ony litto bit real good, den study plenny real fas.

Den figga out wat fo study firs. (Efe 5:15, 16) Try tink about dese tings fo help you:

  • Read da Bible ery day. (Songs 1:2) One good place fo start is fo try keep up wit da middo of da week Bible reading.

  • Study fo Da Place Fo Watch From an da middo of da week meeting an be ready fo give one ansa.—Songs 22:22.

  • An wen can, try read an go look all da odda spiritual food, like oua magazines, videos, an odda stuff on top

  • Study someting you like know moa about. Can be about someting you going thru, one question you get, o someting in da Bible you like know moa betta.