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“Stan Strong An Solid. No Let Notting Shake You Guys Up”

“Stan Strong An Solid. No Let Notting Shake You Guys Up”

“My braddahs an sistahs . . . stan strong an solid. No let notting shake you guys up.”—1 COR 15:58.

MELE 122 Be Steadfast, Immovable!


1-2. How one Christian jalike one supa tall building? (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 15:58)

 IN DA late 1970’s in Tokyo, Japan, dey wen build one supa tall building 60-stories high. Peopo wen tink how da ting going be able fo hold up cuz get so much earthquakes ova dea? Da secret? Da guys who wen design da building wen make um solid, but still yet could flex so dat could hando wen da ground shake plenny. How Christians stay jalike dat supa tall building?

2 One Christian gotta be solid but same time gotta be flexible. He gotta be strong an no let notting shake him up wen come to following Jehovah an his laws. (Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 15:58.) He going lissen an no give in. On da odda hand, he going bend wen can, o if gotta. (Jam 3:17) One Christian who stay jus right an balance not going be supa strick o too chillax. In dis lesson we going check out wat we gotta do so dat notting shake us up. We go look five tings Satan do fo try make um hard fo us, an how we can learn fo fight agains um.


3. Wat rules from Jehovah get inside Jesus Guys 15:28, 29?

3 Jehovah da One dat get da right fo give us guys oua rules, an he always make um easy fo his peopo undastand. (Isa 33:22) Like wen Jesus luna guys befoa time wen tell three ways dat us gotta stay strong an solid: (1) no worship idols an worship ony Jehovah, (2) follow Jehovah’s law dat blood is spesho, an (3) lissen wat da Bible tell about how fo live clean. (Read um Jesus Guys 15:28, 29.) How can Christians stand strong an solid wen come to dese three tings?

4. How we make shua we worship ony Jehovah? (Jesus Show 4:11)

4 No worship idols an worship ony Jehovah. He wen tell da Israel peopo fo ony worship him. (Rules 5:6-10) An wen Satan wen go tempt Jesus, he wen flat out tell um you gotta live an work ony fo Jehovah. (Mat 4:8-10) Dass how come we no worship idol kine stuff. Anodda ting, we no worship humans an treat dem like dey gods, no matta dey one religious leada, one govament leada, one athlete, o odda kine famous peopo. We stay solid on Jehovah’s side an worship ony him, da one who “wen make eryting.”—Read um Jesus Show 4:11.

5. How come we follow Jehovah’s rules about life an blood being spesho?

5 We follow Jehovah’s rules about life an blood being spesho. How come? Cuz Jehovah sed dat blood, dass wea da life stay an dass one gif from him. (Pries 17:14) Wen Jehovah wen firs tell humans dey could eat meat, he wen tell dem not fo eat da blood. (Start 9:4) An he wen say da same ting wen he wen give Moses da rules fo da Israel peopo. (Pries 17:10) He wen tell da luna guys befoa time fo tell all da Christians fo make shua dat dey “no eat . . . da blood.” (Jesus Guys 15:28, 29) We gotta stay strong fo follow dat rule wen we choose wat kine medical stuffs we going do. b

6. Wat we gotta do fo live clean da way Jehovah like?

6 We follow real close da way Jehovah like us live clean. (Heb 13:4) Da aposal Paul tell us fo “throw way all dese tings inside you.” Dat mean fo do all we can fo hemo anykine wrong kine tinking. We no going look at o do anyting dat could make us end up doing pilau kine sex. (Col 3:5; Job 31:1) Wen we tink about o like do someting dat going jam up oua frenship wit God, we gotta fas kine pump da breaks.

7. Wat we gotta make up oua mind fo do, an why?

7 Jehovah expeck us fo lissen real good. (Rome 6:17) Da stuff he tell us fo do is always da bes fo us, an his laws we no can change um. (Isa 48:17, 18; 1 Cor 6:9, 10) We try oua bes fo make Jehovah happy an fo have da same kine tinking like da song writa who wen say, “I make up my mind awready, fo do wateva you tell I gotta do, till I mahke.” (Songs 119:112) But Satan try shake us up so we no can stay solid. How he do dat?


8. How Satan use strait up attacks fo try make us weak?

8 Strait up attacks. Satan try attack us physical kine an he try presha us out so dat we come weak. Jalike one lion, he try fo eat us up fo cut us off from Jehovah. (1 Pet 5:8) Da firs Christians wen get threaten, buss up, an killed cuz dey wen stay strong an solid. (Jesus Guys 5:27, 28, 40; 7:54-60) Today, Satan still try attack us. We see dis happening in Russia an odda countries, an wen oua braddahs an sistahs get attack by da guys who go agains us.

9. Try tell how we gotta watch out fo preshas hard fo see.

9 Preshas hard fo see. Satan no ony use strait up attacks, but he try trick us “fo bulai” us too. (Efe 6:11) Try look wat wen happen to one braddah name Bob, who had fo go hospital fo one mayjah surgery. He wen tell da doctas no way he was going take one blood transfusion. So da docta dat was going do da surgery wen respeck wat he wen choose. But da nite befoa da surgery, afta da ohana wen leave da hospital, da anesthesiologist wen visit Bob. He wen tell Bob dat dey probly not going use blood, but he going have um ready jus in case. Maybe da docta wen figga dat Bob would change his mind once his ohana no was dea. But Bob wen stay solid an strong, an wen tell da doctas no way he was going take blood no matta wat happen.

10. Da way da world tink, how dat can be dangerous? (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 3:19, 20)

10 How da world tink. If we look at tings da way da world tink, we might start fo foget Jehovah an da tings he like us do. (Read um 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 3:19, 20.) “Da way da peopo inside da world figga,” dey like you tink jus do wat you like an no need lissen God. Some of da Christians who wen live Pergamum an Tyatira started fo tink like da peopo who live dea dat wen worship idols an had pilau kine tinking. Jesus wen scold both dose local huis fo letting peopo ova dea have pilau kine sex. (Jesus Show 2:14, 20) Today, we get presha from guys around us fo have wrong kine tinking. Oua ohana an da guys we know, might try make us tink dat wat we believe is too strick an we no need do wat Jehovah tell. Dey might tell us dat da Bible is ol-fashion so we can jus live da way we like.

11. Fo stay strong an solid, wat we no like do?

11 Sometimes we might feel like da instrucktions Jehovah give us is not good enuff. Jehovah tell us, “ony do wat da Bible tell you fo do,” but maybe we like add odda stuff to dat. (1 Cor 4:6) Da religious leadas Jesus time wen do dat all da time. Dey wen add dea own rules to Jehovah’s one, an wen make um supa hard fo da peopo fo follow um. (Mat 23:4) But Jehovah give us clear instrucktions thru his Word an his hui. We no moa reason fo add some moa rules to dat. (Smart Guys 3:5-7) Dass why we gotta “ony do wat da Bible tell” an no make oua own rules fo oua braddahs an sistahs wen come to odda stuff.

12. How Satan use sly kine tricks dat no mean notting?

12 Sly kine tricks. Satan use sly kine tricks an da “kine teaching ony from . . . peopo” fo throw erybody off an split um up. (Col 2:8) In da firs century had dis kine stuff. Had Jew teachings dat neva come from da Bible, an dey was teaching dat Christians gotta follow da Rules From Moses. Dese ideas was sly tricks cuz dey wen take peopos focus away from Jehovah. Satan use da news an social media fo spread conspiracy theories an fake kine news dat come from political leadas. We wen see plenny of dese fake kine stories during da COVID-19 pandemic. c Witnesses Fo Jehovah who wen lissen to da instrucktions from oua hui neva get all jam up an stress out like da guys who wen lissen to all dis fake stuff.—Mat 24:45.

13. Why we gotta watch out fo tings dat can throw us off?

13 Tings dat throw us off. We gotta stay focus on “da bestes kine stuff.” (Php 1:​9, 10) Wen tings throw us off, can make us waste plenny time an make us lose focus on da bestes stuff we could be doing. Da regula tings we do eryday in life like eating, drinking, having fun, an going work, all dat can throw us off if dass da mos importan tings to us. (Luk 21:34, 35) On top of all dat, eryday we hea choke stuff on top da news about guys protesting an political kine beefs. We gotta make shua dese beefs no throw us off. Cuz if we do dat, inside us we might start fo take sides. Satan use all dese diffren ways fo try make us come weak so dat we no stick to doing wass right. Now we go look wat we can do fo fight agains wat Satan stay doing so dat we can stay strong an solid.


Fo stay solid, tink about wen you wen give yoa life to Jehovah an get baptize, study da Bible an tink hard about um, come strong inside, an trus Jehovah (Go look numbas 14-18)

14. Wat going kokua us fo stay solid on Jehovah’s side?

14 Tink back to wen you had give yoa life to Jehovah an get baptize. You wen take dose steps cuz you wanted fo be on Jehovah’s side. Try rememba wat wen help you fo know fo shua dat you wen find da trut. You started fo learn about Jehovah an yoa love an respeck fo him az yoa Faddah in heaven wen start fo grow. Yoa faith wen come moa strong an you wen feel sorry fo da bad tings you wen do. An dat wen make you like stop doing bad kine tings an start fo do da good tings dat make Jehovah happy. Den you wen feel good cuz you wen know dat Jehovah wen let you go fo all da stuff you wen do befoa. (Songs 32:1, 2) You wen start fo go to da meetings an wen even share wit oddas da awesome kine tings you was learning. Az one Christian who wen give yoa life to Jehovah an get baptize, you stay walking on da road to life an you going try yoa bes fo stay on um.—Mat 7:13, 14.

15. How come is good fo us if we study an tink real hard?

15 Study da Bible an tink hard about um. Jalike one tree going be strong if da roots go deep, we can stay solid if we get strong faith in da Bible. Az da tree come moa big, da roots spread out an go moa deep. Wen we study da Bible an tink hard about um, oua faith come moa solid an we come moa shua dat God’s ways is da bes. (Col 2:6, 7) Try tink about how Jehovah wen teach, proteck, an give advice fo help his peopo befoa. Jalike wen Ezekiel wen watch real close wen one angel wen go measure da temple. Dat wen make him come strong, an dat can help us fo stick wit da tings we can do fo worship Jehovah da right way. d (Eze 40:1-4; 43:10-12) Same ting wit us, going be good wen we dig moa deep an tink real hard about da tings dat stay in da Bible.

16. Cuz Bob was solid inside, how dat wen proteck him? (Songs Fo God 112:7)

16 Come solid inside. King David wen tell dat notting could shake his love fo Jehovah wen he wen say, “I stay solid inside!” (Songs 57:⁠7) Us too can stay solid inside, having full on trus in Jehovah. (Read um Songs Fo God 112:7.) Try look wat wen help Bob, who we had talk about earlia. Wen da doctas wen let him know dey would keep blood ready in case dey wen need um, right away he wen tell dem dat if had chance dey was going give um blood, he was going leave da hospital right dea. Layta, Bob wen say, “I neva even have fo tink wat I was going do, an I neva worry notting.”

If we get strong faith, we can stay solid no matta wat kine pilikia we get (Go look numba 17)

17. Wat us can learn from wat Bob had go thru? (Go look da picha.)

17 Bob wen stick to his guns an stay solid cuz he wen make up his mind long time befoa he wen go to da hospital. Firs, he wanted fo make Jehovah happy. Den, he wen study real good da Bible an odda Bible tools fo help him know how spesho life an blood is. An den, he wen know fo shua dat wat Jehovah tell about blood would be da bes ting fo him. No matta wat kine pilikia we get, us can be solid inside too.

Barak an his guys no was sked an wen chase afta Sisera’s army (Go look numba 18)

18. How Barak teach us fo trus Jehovah? (Go look da picha on da cova.)

18 Trus Jehovah. Try tink how Barak wen win one war cuz he wen trus wat Jehovah wen tell um. Even tho neva have one shield o spear fo dem anywea, Jehovah still wen go tell um fo fight agains chief Sisera an his guys, who had choke weapons. (Leadas 5:8) Da wahine dat talk fo God, Deborah, wen tell Barak fo go down on top da flat ground fo go fight Sisera an his 900 war wagons. Even tho neva make sense fo fight agains da fas war wagons on da flat ground, Barak wen lissen. Wen Barak an his guys wen charge down Mount Tabor, Jehovah wen make um rain hard. Sisera’s iron war wagons wen get stuck in da mud, an Jehovah wen help Barak win da war. (Leadas 4:1-7, 10, 13-16) So same ting, Jehovah going help us come out on top if we trus him an follow da instrucktions his hui give.—Rules 31:6.


19. Why you like stay solid?

19 We going need fo fight fo stay solid til da world come pau. (1 Tim 6:11, 12; 2 Pet 3:17) We gotta make up oua mind fo no get shake up from strait up attacks, preshas dass hard fo see, da way da world tink, sly kine tricks, an tings dat throw us off. (Efe 4:14) We gotta stay strong an solid an no let anyting throw us off wen come to oua love fo Jehovah an wen we do da tings he tell us fo do. Same time we gotta be able fo bend wen can. In da nex lesson we going talk about how Jehovah an Jesus set da perfeck exampo of being flexible.

MELE 129 We Will Keep Enduring

a Since Adam an Eve time, Satan try make peopo tink dat dey can choose fo demselfs wat is good an bad. He like us fo get da same kine tinking az him wen come to wat Jehovah an his hui tell us fo do. Dis lesson going help us lissen Jehovah an no be like da guys who follow Satan. An is going help us fo stand strong an stay solid on Jehovah’s side.

b Fo learn how one Christian can follow da way God tink about blood, go look lesson 39 of da You Can Live Good Foeva! Book.

c Go look on da article “Protect Yourself From Misinformation.”