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You Ready Fo Da Big Trouble?

You Ready Fo Da Big Trouble?

“You guys betta be ready.”MAT 24:44.

MELE 150 Jehovah Goin Save You


1. How come is akamai fo make ready fo one disasta?

 MAKING ready befoa someting happen can save yoa life. Wen get one disasta, peopo dat stay ready get moa chance fo make um, an help oddas make um too. One hui in Europe dat try fo help peopo tell, “Wen you make ready befoa someting happen, dat make one big diffrence.”

2. Why we gotta make ready fo da big trouble? (Matthew 24:44)

2 In da big trouble erybody going “suffa to da max.” Dis going happen fas. (Mat 24:21) But going be diffren from odda disatas cuz we know da ting stay coming. 2,000 years ago, Jesus wen warn his followas fo get ready fo dat time. (Read um Matthew 24:44.) Wen we make ready now, going be moa easy fo make um thru dat time an help oddas too.—Luk 21:36.

3. How hanging in dea, an showing pity an love going help us fo be ready fo da big trouble?

3 Get three tings dat going help us fo be ready fo da big trouble. If we gotta tell peopo dat Jehovah going wipe dem out an dey go agains us, wat us going do? (Jesus Show 16:21) Fo lissen an keep preaching, we gotta hang in dea an trus dat Jehovah no going let anyting bad happen. If oua braddahs lose all dea stuff, pity going help us fo give dem da tings dat dey need. (Hab 3:17, 18) An how we going ack if one bunch of nations attack us, an maybe we gotta live togedda wit oua braddahs an sistahs. (Eze 38:10-12) We going need plenny love fo make um thru dat.

4. How da Bible show we gotta keep learning how fo hang in dea, have pity, an show love?

4 Da Bible tell we gotta keep trying fo hang in dea, have pity, an show love moa betta. Luke 21:19 tell, “If you guys hang in dea to da end, you guys goin get da kine life dass fo real.” Fo Da Colosse Peopo 3:12 tell, “put on dis, jalike you put on yoa clotheses: Show . . . pity fo odda peopo.” 1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 4:9, 10 tell, “God wen teach you guys dat awready . . . jalike how you guys get love an aloha fo all oua braddahs an sistahs . . . we beg you guys fo make lidat mo plenny still yet.” Dese scripchas was talking to da guys dat awready was doing dese tings. But dey had fo keep learning how fo do um moa betta. We gotta do da same ting. Fo help us do dat, we go look how da firs Christians wen show each one of dese tings, an how we can copy dem fo show dat we ready fo da big trouble.


5. How da firs Christians wen hang in dea wen dey had hard time?

5 Da firs Christians had fo hang in dea. (Heb 10:36) Dey had same kine problems jalike erybody else, but even moa cuz dey was Christians. Da Jew leada guys, da Rome peopo, an even some of dea ohana was going agains dem. (Mat 10:21) Inside da local hui dey had fo watch out fo da apostates dat was trying fo split up da local hui wit dea fake teachings. (Smart Guys 20:29, 30) But dey wen hang in dea. (Jesus Show 2:3) How dey wen do dat? Dey wen tink about how guys like Job neva give up. (Jam 5:10, 11) Dey wen pray to Jehovah fo make dem strong. (Jesus Guys 4:29-31) An dey wen rememba dat if dey no give up, Jehovah was going take kea dem.—Jesus Guys 5:41.

6. Wat you wen learn from wat Merita wen do?

6 If we study hard about da guys in da Bible an oua time dat wen hang in dea, dat going help us fo do da same ting. Merita, one sistah in Albania, wen do dat. Dat wen help her fo no give up even wen her ohana had go agains her an buss her up. She tell, “Job’s story in da Bible wen help me plenny. He wen suffa so much an he neva even know who was doing um. But still yet, he neva give up. (Job 27:5) My problems manini nex to his, an at leas I know how come stay happening.”

7. Wat we gotta learn fo do now, even if we not going thru notting mayjah?

7 If we pray to Jehovah all da time an we tell him da tings dat bodda us, dat going help us fo hang in dea. (Php 4:6; 1 Tess 5:17) But maybe notting mayjah happening right now. You pray to Jehovah wen you mad, donno wat fo do, o feel like stuffs stay pile up o wat? If you always ask him fo help wit yoa eryday problems, bumbye wen bigga stuff happen in yoa life, you not going hold back from going to him den. You going know fo shua dat he going help you in da right way an at da right time.—Songs 27:1, 3.


Erytime we hang in dea can make us moa strong fo hang in dea da nex time (Go look numba 8)

8. How Mira’s exampo show dat how we hando oua problems now going help us layta on? (From James 1:2-4) (Go look da picha.)

8 If we no give up wen get problems now, get moa chance we going hang in dea layta on wen da big trouble come. (Rome 5:3) How you figga dat? Plenny braddahs wen see dat erytime dey hando one problem, dat help dem fo hando da nex one dat come up. Cuz Jehovah had help dem befoa, dea trus come moa strong dat he like help dem again. An dat trus in Jehovah is wat help dem hando wateva come nex. (Read um From James 1:2-4.) Mira, one pionea sistah in Albania, wen see dat cuz she neva give up in da pas, dat help her wit da stuff she gotta go thru now. She sed sometimes she feel she da ony one dat get plenny problems. But den she rememba how much Jehovah wen do fo help her in da las 20 years an she tell herself, “No cave in. No throw away all dose times Jehovah wen help you win da fight.” You can do da same ting. Tink about how Jehovah wen awready help you, an know fo shua dat erytime you hando one problem, he see um an he goin take kea you. (Mat 5:10-12) Den wen da big trouble start you going awready know how fo hang in dea, an you going fight hard fo keep on doing um.


9. How da local hui in Antiok of Syria wen show dey had pity?

9 Try look wat wen happen wen da Christians in Judea neva have nuff food fo live. Da local hui in Antiok of Syria wen hea about um an fo shua dey wen feel pity fo dea braddahs in Judea. But dey neva ony feel pity, dey wen do someting about um. Dey wen “help da braddahs an sistahs dat stay Judea side. An erybody give um wat dey can give.” (Smart Guys 11:27-30) Even tho dose braddahs wen live far away, da Christians in Antiok neva let dat stop dem from helping dea braddahs.—1 John 3:17, 18.


Disastas is one good chance fo us show pity (Go look numba 10)

10. How we can show pity wen oua braddahs an sistahs suffa cuz of one disasta? (Go look da picha.)

10 We can show pity too wen we help da braddahs an sistahs dat suffa cuz of one disasta. We no hold back fo help out. Maybe we can ask da eldas if we can help out wit one construcktion projeck, give money to da worldwide work o pray fo da guys dat wen get hit by da disasta. b (Smart Guys 17:17) In 2020 all ova da world, dey wen use 950 Disasta Relief Committees fo take kea oua braddahs dealing wit da COVID-19 pandemic. Big mahalo to dose braddahs an sistahs who wen kokua wit all dat. Cuz dey had pity fo dea braddahs an sistahs dey wen give dem da tings dey wen need, help dem fo keep serving Jehovah, an even wen fix o make brand new houses an places fo worship.—Compare 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 8:1-4.

11. Wen we show pity how dat make Jehovah look good?

11 Wen we show pity afta get one disasta, peopo see da tings we do. Like in 2019, Hurricane Dorian wen wipe out one Meeting Place in da Bahamas. While oua braddahs was building um back up, dey wen ask one contracta who no was one Witness how much would cost fo do some of da work. He wen tell dem, “Free99 . . . I like donate da equipment, da labor, an da materials. I like do dis fo yoa hui cuz is unreal how you guys take kea each odda.” Plenny peopo in da world donno Jehovah, but plenny of dem see da tings da Witnesses Fo Jehovah do. We stay happy dat da tings we do can make peopo like know Jehovah, da one who give “choke plenny chance erytime.”—Efe 2:4.

12. How learning fo show pity now get us ready fo da big trouble? (Jesus Show 13:16, 17)

12 How come us gotta show pity wen get da big trouble? Da Bible tell dat da guys dat no hui up wit da govament going get problems now, an even layta on during da big trouble. (Read um Jesus Show 13:16, 17.) Oua braddahs an sistahs might need help jus fo get da stuffs dey need. Wen Jesus Christ come fo judge da peopo, if he find us showing pity to oddas, den he going invite us fo live foeva.—Mat 25:34-40.


13. In Fo Da Rome Peopo 15:7, how da firs Christians wen make dea love moa strong?

13 Erybody wen know dat da firs Christians all wen love one anodda. Was easy fo dem do dat? Try look how diffren da local hui was in Rome. Inside dea had Jew guys dat wen grow up wit da law from Moses. But had odda guys from da nations dat wen grow up diffren. Some of dem maybe was slaves, an oddas maybe wen own slaves. How dose Christians could make dea love moa strong even if dey was diffren? Da aposal Paul wen tell um fo “come each odda ohana.” (Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 15:7.) Wat dat mean? Dat wen mean fo take kea dem an make um feel at home jalike you would fo yoa ohana o da guys you stay tight wit. Wen Paul wen talk to Filemon about Onesimus, one slave who wen run away, he sed, “I like you take him in.” (Fil 17) Even tho Apollos neva know az much az Priscilla an Aquila about bein one Christian, dey wen “tell him fo come dea house.” (Jesus Guys 18:26) Even if dey was all diffren, dat neva matta. Dey still yet wen come each odda ohana.


We need oua braddahs an sistahs love (Go look numba 15)

14. How Anna an her husband wen show love?

14 We can show love an aloha to oua braddahs an sistahs if we come dea fren an spend time wit dem. Plenny times, dat going make dem like do da same fo us. (2 Cor 6:11-13) Try look wat wen happen to Anna an her husband. Dey wen get sent to Africa fo be missionaries an right afta dey wen get dea, da COVID-19 pandemic wen start. Dey no could meet wit da local hui in person, so no was easy fo get fo know da braddahs an sistahs. How dey wen show dea love? Dey wen videoconference dem fo tell um dey like get fo know dem moa betta. Da ohanas ova dea wen like dat an wen call dem an send dem plenny messages. How come Anna an her husband wen do dat? She tell, “I neva going foget da braddahs an sistahs who wen show love to my ohana wen times was good an wen times was bad. Dat wen touch my heart an wen make me like show love to odda peopo.”

15. Wat you learn from how Vanessa wen love all da braddahs an sistahs? (Go look da picha.)

15 Plenny of us stay in one local hui dat get peopo who wen grow up diffren an wen come from all kine places. We can show oua love fo dem if we try tink about da good stuff dey do. One sistah named Vanessa in New Zealand, had hard time be frenz wit erybody in da local hui. But instead of jus staying away from da peopo dat wen make her all irraz, she wen go spend even moa time wit dem. Dat wen help her fo see wat Jehovah love about dem. She tell, “Now dat my husband one circuit ovaseah we stay around one big mix plate of plenny braddahs an sistahs an is easy fo be frenz wit all dem even if dey diffren. I love dat all us not da same, an cuz Jehovah let all kine diffren peopo worship him, he mus love dat too.” If we try look at peopo same like Jehovah, dass how we show dat we love dem.—2 Cor 8:24.

Inside da big trouble, Jehovah promise fo proteck us az we stick tight togedda wit oua braddahs an sistahs (Go look numba 16)

16. Why we gotta love oua braddahs an sistahs during da big trouble? (Go look da picha.)

16 Wen da big trouble come, we gotta love each odda. Wen dat time come, how Jehovah going proteck us? Try tink about wat Jehovah wen tell his peopo fo do wen Babylon was getting attack. “My peopo, go inside yoa room an shut da door. Hide inside dea fo litto bit till Da One In Charge pau come huhu.” (Isa 26:20) Maybe we going have to follow da same instrucktions wen da big trouble come. “Yoa room” might be talking about oua local hui. Inside da big trouble, Jehovah promise fo proteck us az we stick tight togedda wit oua braddahs an sistahs. So we gotta work hard now fo no jus put up wit oua braddahs an sistahs, but love dem fo real kine. We not going make um if we no do dat!


17. Wat we going be able fo do during da big trouble if we make ready now?

17 Wen Jehovah’s day come, going be hard fo erybody. (Zef 1:​14, 15) Even Jehovah’s peopo going suffa. But if we make ready now, we going stay calm an be ready fo help oddas. We goin hang in dea an keep going no matta wat kine pilikia we get. Wen oua braddahs an sistahs get hard time, we going do oua bes fo help dem an show pity by giving dem wat dey need. An if we learn fo love oua braddahs an sistahs now, garans we going love dem in da future. Den Jehovah going let us live foeva an nobody even going rememba all da disastas an pilikia.—Isa 65:17.

MELE 144 Tink Good Bout Da Life Fo Real Kine

a Pretty soon da big trouble going start. Da ony way us going make um thru da mos hardes times eva is if we hang in dea, feel pity, an show love an aloha. We go look how da firs Christians wen learn how fo do um, how we can learn um, an how all dat going help us get ready fo da big trouble.

b Dose who like help out on one projeck wen get one disasta gotta fill out one Local Design/Construction Volunteer Application (DC-50) o one Application for Volunteer Program (A-19) an den wait fo get da invite fo go help.