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Wat You Gotta Do fo Live in da New World

Wat You Gotta Do fo Live in da New World

Earlier we wen talk bout how God goin put one end to dis world, it’s pilikia, an all da guys who no kea bout him. How us kno garans dis goin happen? Cuz God’s Word had promise:

“Dis world goin pau.”​—1 JOHN 2:17.

We kno fo shua dat guys goin make um cuz da same Bible verse tell dis too:

“Da guy dat do wat God like him fo do, he goin live fo real foeva!”

So fo make um we gotta do wat God like. Fo kno wat God like, we gotta know who him firs.


Jesus wen tell dat peopo who get da fo real kine life foeva “kno you da ony God das fo real.” (John 17:3) So fo survive da end an live foeva we gotta kno God. Fo kno God dat no mean jus we kno wea he stay or some small kine stuff bout him. We gotta be his fren. Fo come moa tight wit any fren, you gotta make time fo kno um. Same ting wit God. We go try look some tru stuffs in da Bible dat goin help us come God’s fren an stay tight wit him.


You can make um to da end of da world by prayin for God’s kokua an doing wat he tell

You gotta eat evryday fo live yeah? Look wat Jesus tell ova hea: “No mo nobody dat can live ony wit food, Gotta lissen eryting God tell, Fo live fo real kine.”​—Matthew 4:4.

Evryting God tell stay inside da Bible an wen you study um you goin learn da truths bout wat God wen do befoa time, wat he stay doing right now, an den wat he goin do bumbye.


Wat if you like do wat God tell but you getting hard time? If you feel lidat, get fo kno God moa an moa. Dat goin help you out in one unreal way.

How’s dis one, had one wahine we goin call her Sakura, da way she was living she wen go fool aroun an make anykine. But wen she wen start fo study da Bible she wen learn wat God wen tell “If you get chance fo fool aroun somebody, run da odda way!” (1 Corint 6:18) Sakura wen pule to God fo da mana fo stop wat she was doing. But still yet she had hard time. She wen tell “if I started fo tink bout bad kine stuff I neva hold back from telling Jehovah how I feel cuz I knew I no could hando dis by myself. Wen I had pray, I wen see how Jehovah wen give me da powah fo hando an dat wen make me feel moa close to him.” Jalike Sakura, millions of peopo getting fo kno God. He giving dem da mana fo change dea life an live da way he like.​—Philippians 4:13

Da moa you get fo kno God, da mo betta God kno you guys as one good fren. (Galatia 4:9; Songs 25:14) Dass wen you can make um to God’s new world. But how da new world goin be? We goin talk story bout um in da nex part.

a Da Bible sho dat Jehovah is God’s name.