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Learn From Daniel’s Exampo

Learn From Daniel’s Exampo

“God . . . tink real good bout you.”—DAN 9:23.

MELE 73 Grant Us Boldness


1. Why Daniel wen stand out to da Babylon guys?

 DANIEL, da guy dat wen talk fo God, was ony young wen da Babylon guys wen take um far away from his home an make um one prisona. He wen stand out to da guys in charge of Babylon. Dey “ony look wat stay da outside,” dat Daniel was one handsome guy an he had come from one importan ohana. (1 Sam 16:7) Cuz of dat, dey wen train um fo work fo da Babylon king inside his palace.—Dan 1:3, 4, 6.

2. How Jehovah wen feel about Daniel? (Ezekiel 14:14)

2 Jehovah wen love Daniel cuz of da kine person he wen choose fo be. Jehovah neva love him cuz how handsome he was o da spesho job he had inside da palace. Daniel was probly ony about 20 years ol wen Jehovah wen talk good about him togedda wit Noah an Job. Was unreal cuz dose guys wen spend long time building one good rep wit Jehovah. (Start 5:32; 6:9, 10; Job 42:16, 17; read Ezekiel 14:14.) Jehovah wen keep loving Daniel thru out da res of his long life.—Dan 10:11, 19.

3. Wat we going learn in dis lesson?

3 In dis lesson we going check out two qualities dat wen make Daniel spesho to Jehovah. Firs, we going talk about each quality an how he wen show um. An den, we going see wat wen kokua Daniel fo get dese qualities. Afta dat, we going try see how we can copy him. Even tho dis lesson is fo younga guys, all us can learn from Daniel.


4. How Daniel wen show courage? Tell one exampo.

4 Guys dat get courage maybe come sked sometimes, but dey no let dat stop dem from doing dat right ting. Daniel wen show plenny courage wen he was young. We go look two times he wen do dis. Da firs probly wen happen about two years afta Babylon wen smash Jerusalem. Da Babylon King Nebukadnezzar wen have one skery dream about one mangus statue. He wen threaten fo kill all his kahuna guys, an even Daniel, if dey no could tell um wat da dream was about. (Dan 2:3-5) Daniel had fo ack fas o else plenny peopo was going mahke. Daniel “tell da king fo wait, fo him tell da king wat da dream mean.” (Dan 2:16) Dat wen take faith an courage. Da Bible no say dat Daniel eva had fo tell wat dreams mean befoa. He wen go ask his boys, Shadrak, Meshak, an Abednego fo pray to God “fo give dem chance an show dem da secret a da dream.” (Dan 2:18) Jehovah wen ansa dose prayas. He wen help Daniel tell wat Nebukadnezzar’s dream wen mean. Cuz of dat, Daniel an his frenz neva die.

5. Wat was anodda time Daniel had fo show courage?

5 Afta Daniel wen tell wat da mangus statue dream was about, he had fo show courage again. Nebukadnezzar had anodda skery dream, an dis time was about one humangus tree. Daniel neva hold back but wen tell da king wat da dream was about, even da part wea da king was going go pupule an he no was going be king fo a while. (Dan 4:25) Ony easy da king could tink dat Daniel was going agains him an put um to death. But Daniel wen show courage an wen tell him wat da dream wen mean anyway.

6. Wat probly wen help Daniel fo show courage?

6 Wat probly wen help Daniel fo show courage his whole life? From small kid time, garans he wen learn from how his maddah an faddah was. Dey wen lissen to wat Jehovah wen tell parents fo do, an dey wen teach him God’s Rules. (Rules 6:6-9) Daniel wen know moa den jus da basics like da Ten Main Rules, he wen know da details, like wat one Israel guy can o no can eat. b (Pries 11:4-8; Dan 1:8, 11-13) Daniel wen learn about God’s peopo befoa time an wat wen happen to dem wen dey neva lissen to Jehovah. (Dan 9:10, 11) Wat Daniel had go thru wen make him know dat fo shua Jehovah an his angels was going back him up no matta wat.—Dan 2:19-24; 10:12, 18, 19.

Daniel wen get courage by study, praya, an trus in Jehovah (Go look numba 7)

7. Wat else wen help Daniel fo get courage? (Go look da picha.)

7 Daniel wen study wat Jeremiah an da odda guys dat wen talk fo God wen write. From studying all dat, Daniel wen figga dat da Jews was going get let go from Babylon pretty soon. (Dan 9:2) Daniel wen see Jehovah’s words come true, and dat wen make his trus come moa strong. An da guys dat get strong trus in Jehovah going get plenny courage. (Compare Fo Da Rome Peopo 8:31, 32, 37-39.) Da main ting Daniel wen do was pray to his Faddah all da time. (Dan 6:10) He wen tell Jehovah all da tings he wen feel, ask him fo hemo his shame, an fo kokua him. (Dan 9:4, 5, 19) Like all us, Daniel’s courage neva come automatic. He had fo build um up thru study, praya, an solid trus in Jehovah.

8. How us can build up oua courage?

8 Fo us build up oua courage, wat we need fo do? Oua parents might like us fo have courage, but dey no can jus pass um down to us like was one gif dey give to dea kid. Getting courage is like learning one new skill. Fo masta dat skill, you gotta watch wat da teacha do an den copy um. Same lidat, fo learn how fo have courage, we gotta watch close da guys dat show um, an try copy dem. So wat we had learn from Daniel? Jalike him we gotta know da scripchas real good. We gotta talk to Jehovah plenny an tell him all da stuff we feel so dat we can be real close to him. We need fo trus Jehovah dat he always get oua back. An den wen oua faith get tested, we going show courage.

9. How is good fo us wen we get courage?

9 Wen we get courage, is good in plenny diffren ways. Check out wat wen happen to Ben. He wen go to one school in Germany an erybody ova dea believe in evolution an tink dat wat da Bible tell about creation is ony fake. One day, Ben had one chance fo go in front da whole class an tell erybody why he believe get one creator. Had take courage fo do dat. So wat wen happen? Ben wen say, “My teacha wen lissen real good, an he had make copies of da info dat I wen use an gave um to erybody inside da class.” How Ben’s classmates wen reack? Ben wen say, “Plenny of dem wen lissen an give me props fo wat I wen do.” Wat Ben had do show dat peopo who get courage, plenny times oddas respeck dem. Anodda ting dat can happen is dis can make guys wit one good heart like learn about Jehovah. We get plenny good reasons fo build courage.


10. Wat mean fo be loyal?

10 Da Bible get one Hebrew word fo “stay tight”, o fo be loyal, an dat word give one warm kine feeling fo stay tight wit love. Plenny times it use um fo tell about da love Jehovah get fo his frenz. It use da same word fo tell about da love God’s peopo get fo each odda. (2 Sam 9:6, 7) We can come moa loyal ova time. We go see how dis wen happen wit Daniel.

Cuz Daniel was loyal, Jehovah wen take kea him an send one angel fo shut da lions’ mouts (Go look numba 11)

11. Wen Daniel was ol, wat he wen go thru dat made um hard fo stay loyal? (Go look da picha on da cova.)

11 Had plenny times in Daniel’s life wea he had fo show wedda o not he was going be loyal to Jehovah. One of da hardes times wen come wen he was ova 90 years ol. Dat time, da Mede an Persia peopo wen take ova Babylon, an King Darius was da rula. Some of da King’s guys wen hate Daniel an neva have respeck fo his God, so dey wen make one plan fo kill Daniel. Dey wen make one law dat da King wen sign fo tes wedda o not Daniel would be loyal to da King. All Daniel had fo do fo be loyal to da King was be like erybody else an no pray to Jehovah fo 30 days. Daniel wen stay loyal to Jehovah. Cuz of dat, dey wen throw him to da lions. But cuz Daniel was loyal, Jehovah wen save him from da lions mout. (Dan. 6:12-15, 20-22) How us can stay loyal to Jehovah jalike Daniel?

12. How Daniel wen stay loyal to Jehovah no matta wat?

12 Like we wen talk about earlia, fo be loyal to Jehovah, we gotta have strong love fo him. Daniel wen stay tight to Jehovah an notting could break dat cuz he had plenny love fo his Faddah in heaven. Garans Daniel’s love wen grow moa strong cuz he wen tink plenny about Jehovah’s qualities an how He wen show um. (Dan 9:4) Anodda ting Daniel wen do was tink about wat Jehovah wen do fo him an his peopo an he was tankful fo dat.—Dan 2:20-23; 9:15, 16.

Jalike Daniel, you can be loyal to Jehovah if you love Him plenny (Go look numba 13)

13. (a) Wat make um hard fo oua young peopo stay loyal? Tell one exampo. (Go look da picha.) (b) Like in da video, wat you can say if oddas ask if Witnesses Fo Jehovah is okay wit peopo who choose fo be gay?

13 Young peopo gotta go thru da same kine stuff Daniel wen go thru wea peopo no respeck Jehovah o da way he like us live. Some of dose guys no like anybody who love God. Some even bully oua young peopo fo no stay loyal to Jehovah. Dis wen happen to Graeme, one young braddah who live Australia. In high school he wen go thru someting real hard. His teacha wen ask da whole class wat dey would do if dea fren wen tell dem dey was one mahu. Da teacha wen tell da class if dey was good wit dat an would back um up, fo stand on one side of da class, an if dey not, go stand on da odda side. Graeme wen say, “Da whole class was good wit dat an wen go stand on one side of da room. Ony me an anodda Witness wen stand on da odda side.” But wat wen happen nex wen make um even moa hard fo Graeme stay loyal to Jehovah. He had tell, “Dat class was one hour long, an till da ting was pau, da odda kids an da teacha was making fun of us an putting us down. I wen try my bes fo keep one cool head an defend my faith but dey neva lissen.” How dis had make Graeme feel? He wen say, “Was junk getting attack by erybody, but I was real happy I could stay loyal to Jehovah an stand up fo wat I believe” c

14. Wass one way us can come moa loyal to Jehovah?

14 Jalike Daniel, da moa love we get fo Jehovah, da moa loyal we going stay to him. We going get dat kine love wen we learn about how Jehovah stay. One ting we can do is study da tings God wen make. (Rome 1:20) If you like yoa love an respeck fo Jehovah come moa strong, you can go read da articles inside “Was It Designed?” o go watch da videos. Can even go look da brochures Was Life Created? an The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking. One sistah named Esther from Denmark wen say about dose tings, “Da way dey wen bring um out was awesome! Dey no tell you wat fo believe, dey ony tell you da facts an you gotta choose fo yoaself.” Da guy we wen talk about earlia, Ben, wen say, “All dis stuff wen build up my faith an wen prove to me dat God wen make eryting.” Afta you study dis stuff, you going feel same same like how da Bible had tell, “[Jehovah] stay spesho fo get da right fo erybody tell dat you stay awesome an show respeck fo you, an let you take charge a dea powa. Cuz you wen make eryting fo be how you like.”—Jesus Show 4:11. d

15. Wat is anodda way we can come close frenz wit Jehovah?

15 Anodda way fo make oua love fo Jehovah grow is fo study da life of his boy, Jesus. Samira, one young sistah who live Germany, wen go do dis. She sed, “I wen know Jehovah betta from studying about Jesus.” Wen she was one kid, she wen have hard time undastand how Jehovah had feelings, but had undastand how Jesus wen feel. “I wen like Jesus cuz he was friendly an wen love da keiki.” Da moa she wen know about Jesus, da moa her love fo Jehovah had grow. How come? She wen say, “I wen start fo undastand how Jesus wen copy his Faddah. Dey same same jalike each odda. I wen figga dis was one of da reasons how come Jesus wen come to da earth, so dat peopo can know about Jehovah betta.” (John 14:9) If you like come moa close to Jehovah, go spend time learning eryting you can about Jesus. If you do dat, you going stay loyal to Jehovah an yoa love fo him going grow.

16. Why we should be loyal? (Songs Fo God 18:25; Micah 6:8)

16 If we loyal to odda peopo, den we going have good frenz dat going stay loyal to us. (Rut 1:14-17) An if we stay loyal to Jehovah, we going have peace inside cuz Jehovah promise fo be loyal to da guys dat stick to him. (Read um Songs Fo God 18:25; Micah 6:8.) How’s dat? We so manini nex to Jehovah, but he promise fo love us! So wen we stay tight to Jehovah, no moa nobody, no pilikia, not even death can break dat. (Dan 12:13; Luk 20:​37, 38; Rome 8:38, 39) Dass why az importan dat we copy Daniel an stay loyal to Jehovah.


17-18. Wat else can learn from Daniel?

17 In dis lesson, we wen check out ony two of da qualities Daniel had. But get plenny moa we can learn from him. Like how Jehovah wen give Daniel dreams an pichas inside his head, an even let him know wat dey mean. Plenny of dose stuff awready had happen. Odda prophecies tell about wat going happen in da future dat going affeck erybody on top da earth.

18 In da nex lesson we going look at two of da prophecies dat Daniel wen go write down. Undastanding um going help all us, no matta how ol we stay, fo make good choices now. Dose prophecies going help us fo be loyal an make oua courage moa strong so dat we going be ready fo wat going happen pretty soon.

MELE 119 Your Faith Stay Fo Real!

a Younga guys who serve Jehovah today go thru diffren stuff dat tes dea courage an if dey going stay loyal to him. Some kids in school maybe make fun of dem cuz dey believe in one Creator. Oddas might make um feel stupid fo living da way God like. But dis lesson going show dat da guys who copy Daniel an serve Jehovah wit courage an stay loyal is akamai.

b Had three reasons how come Daniel probly neva eat da Babylon food: (1) Da meat wen come from one animal dat dey no can eat. (Rules 14:7, 8) (2)  Dey neva bleed da meat good. (Pries 17:10-12) (3)  If dey wen eat da food, was like dey wen worship one odda god.—Compare Prieses 7:15 an 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 10:18, 21, 22.

d Anodda way fo make yoa love fo Jehovah moa strong is study da book Draw Close to Jehovah. Inside dea it go deep into Jehovah’s qualities an how he stay.