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Learn From Prophecy Inside Da Bible

Learn From Prophecy Inside Da Bible

“Da . . . guys dat know how come all dis stay happen, dey goin undastan.”​—DAN 12:10.

MELE 98 The Scriptures​—Inspired of God


1. Wat can help us learn fo like study prophecy inside da Bible?

 “I LOVE fo study prophecy inside da Bible.” Dass wat one young braddah name Ben wen say. You feel lidat too? O you feel like prophecy in da Bible is too hard fo undastand? Maybe you feel like da ting is boring. Wen you find out how come Jehovah put um inside da Bible, maybe you going change yoa mind an like um too.

2. Wat we going talk about in dis lesson?

2 In dis lesson, we going talk about why we gotta learn about prophecy inside da Bible, an how fo study um. We going check out two prophecies in da Bible inside da book of Daniel fo see how dat going help us out now.


3. Wat we gotta do fo undastand prophecy inside da Bible?

3 Fo undastand prophecy inside da Bible we gotta ask fo help. Try tink about dis. You stay hiking in one place you neva go befoa, but you get one fren wit you dat know all da trails real good. He know wea you guys stay an wea ery trail go. Fo shua you happy yoa fren stay wit you. Jehovah is jalike dat fren. He know wea we stay an wea we going in da future. So fo undastand prophecy in da Bible, we gotta be humbo an ask Jehovah fo help.—Dan 2:28; 2 Pet 1:19, 20.

Learning prophecy inside da Bible can kokua us fo make ready fo wat going happen (Go look numba 4)

4. How come Jehovah wen put prophecies inside da Bible? (Jeremiah 29:11) (Go look da picha.)

4 Jalike one good parent, Jehovah like his kids get one happy future. (Read um Jeremiah 29:11.) But Jehovah can do someting parents no can, He can tell wat going happen in da future an wat He say always going be right. Jehovah wen get guys fo write down prophecies inside da Bible so dat we can know about importan stuff dat neva happen yet. (Isa 46:10) Da prophecies inside da Bible is one gif from oua Faddah cuz he love us. But how you know dat wat da Bible tell really going happen?

5. Wat young peopo can learn from wat Max had go thru?

5 Oua young guys at school stay surrounded by guys dat ony respeck da Bible litto bit, o no respeck um at all. Wat dey say an how dey ack can throw off wat one young Witness believe. Try look wat wen happen to one young braddah name Max. He sed, “Wen I was in school I started fo wonda if my parents was teaching me da trut, an if da Bible really was from God.” How his parents wen ack? He tell, “Even tho I know dey was worried dey wen stay calm.” Max’s parents wen use da Bible fo ansa his questions. An Max wen do someting too. He sed, “I wen study prophecies inside da Bible an I wen talk about wat I wen learn wit odda young peopo.” So wat wen happen? Max wen tell, “Afta dat, I wen know fo real da Bible is from God!”

6. If you get doubts, wat you gotta do an why?

6 If you stay like Max an you doubt dat da Bible get da trut, you no need feel bad. But you need fo do someting about um fas. Doubt is jalike rust. If you no fix um, da ting can eat thru someting dass worth plenny. Fo hemo any “rust” from yoa faith, you gotta ask yoaself, “I believe wat da Bible tell about da future?” If you not shua about dat, den you gotta study prophecies dat stay inside da Bible dat wen happen awready. But how you do dat?


Fo build oua trus in Jehovah jalike Daniel, we gotta be humbo wen we study prophecy inside da Bible, study um real good, an fo da right reason (Go look numba 7)

7. How Daniel’s exampo help us study prophecy? (Daniel 12:10) (Go look da picha.)

7 Daniel was one good exampo in how fo study prophecy. He wen study um fo da right reasons, he wanted fo know da trut. Daniel was humbo an wen know dat if he stay close to Jehovah an lissen him, Jehovah would help him undastand prophecy. (Dan 2:27, 28; read um Daniel 12:10.) Daniel wen prove he was humbo cuz he wen trus in Jehovah fo help him. (Dan 2:18) Daniel wen study real good. He wen look in da parts of da Bible dat he had fo find da ansas. (Jer 25:11, 12; Dan 9:2) How you can copy Daniel?

8. Why some peopo like study prophecy, but wat we gotta do?

8 Tink about yoa reasons. You study prophecy in da Bible cuz you like know da trut? If az why, den Jehovah going help you. (John 4:23, 24; 14:16, 17) Some peopo get odda reasons fo study da Bible. Some like find proof dat da Bible no come from God. Dey tink if dey can prove dat, dey can choose wass right an wrong an live da way dey like. But we gotta study fo da right reasons. We need anodda importan ting fo undastand prophecy.

9. How we gotta be fo undastand prophecy inside da Bible? Try tell why.

9 Be humbo. Jehovah promise fo help da guys dass humbo. ( Jam 4:⁠6) So we gotta pray fo Jehovah help us undastand prophecy inside da Bible. If we humbo, we going recognize dat we need da help of da channel Jehovah use fo give us oua spiritual food da right time. (Luk 12:42) Jehovah always put tings in orda, so make sense dat he use ony one channel fo help us undastand da truts dat stay in da Bible.—1 Cor 14:33; Efe 4:4-6.

10. Wat you wen learn from Esther?

10 Study real good. Firs, pick one prophecy dat you like know moa about an go study um. Dass wat one sistah name Esther wen do. She wanted fo know about prophecies dat talk about wen da Messiah was going come. She tell, “I wen look real good fo da proof dat da prophecies about Jesus, dey wen write um befoa he was on da earth. I was ony 15 dat time.” Wat made her believe was wat she had read about da Dead Sea Scrolls. She sed, “Some of dem, dey wen write um befoa Christ’s time so da prophecies had fo come from God.” But Esther tell, “I had fo read um ova an ova fo undastand um.” But she happy she did um. Afta she wen study all kine prophecy she wen say, “I know garans dat da Bible is true!”

11. How come we gotta know dat da Bible is true?

11 Wen we see da prophecies inside da Bible dat awready wen come true, we going trus Jehovah an wat he tell us fo do. An dis going help us fo be happy no matta wat we go thru now cuz we know we get one unreal hope fo da future. We go look at two prophecies dat Daniel wen write down dass happening now. Undastanding um is going help us fo make akamai choices.


12. Wat da feets dass “part clay an part iron” rep? (Daniel 2:41-43, NWT)

12 Read um Daniel 2:41-43, NWT. Daniel had tell wat King Nebukadnezzar’s dream wen mean. Da King saw one statue wea da feets was “part clay an part iron.” By matching up dis prophecy wit oddas dat stay inside Daniel an Jesus Show, we can figga dat da feets rep da mos powaful govaments oua time who work togedda, United States an Britain. Daniel wen say dat dis world powa going be “litto bit strong, an da odda part easy fo broke.” Why easy fo broke? Cuz da peopo who jalike da clay, make um hard fo da govament be strong jalike iron. b

13. Wat importan truts we undastand from dis prophecy?

13 We learn importan truts from wat Daniel wen tell about da statue dream, speshly da feets. Firs, da United States an Britain World Powa wen show in some ways dat dey strong. Like in World War I an World War II, dey was part of da nations dat wen win dose wars. But dis world powa wen come all weak an going get moa weak cuz da peopo dat live unda dem fight wit each odda an da govament. Second, dis world powa going be da las one befoa God’s Govament smash all da human govaments. Even tho odda nations going go agains dis world powa, dey not going take um ova. We know dat cuz da mangus rock dat rep God’s Govament going smash da feets, da United States an Britain world powa.—Dan 2:34, 35, 44, 45.

14. If we undastand da prophecy about da feets of iron an clay, how dat going affeck us?

14 You full on believe Daniel’s prophecy about da feets of iron an clay stay true? If you do, dat going affeck da way you live yoa life. You not going ony try make money an get plenny tings cuz you know dat dis world pretty soon going get smash. (Luk 12:16-21; 1 John 2:15-17) If you undastand dis prophecy, you going see how importan stay fo preach an teach. (Mat 6:33, NWT; 28:18-20) Afta studying dis prophecy, why you no go ask yoaself dis, “Da choices I make, dey show dat I full on believe dat God’s Govament going pretty soon wipe out all da human govaments?”


15. Today who “da king of da north” an “da king of da south”? (Daniel 11:40, NWT)

15 Read um Daniel 11:40, NWT. Daniel chapta 11 talk about two kings, o govaments, who stay fighting wit each odda fo control da world. Wen we match up dis prophecy wit oddas dat stay inside da Bible, we know dat “da king of da north” is Russia an da guys dat back dem up, an “da king of da south” is Britain an da United States. c

Wen we know dat wat “da king of da north” an “da king of da south” doing to us is wat da Bible sed was going happen, dat not going stress us out but going make oua faith moa strong (Go look numbas 16-18)

16. How “da king of da north” stay treating God’s peopo?

16 God’s peopo dass living wea “da king of da north” stay in powa getting buss up by dis king. Some Witnesses ova dea getting beat up an thrown into jail fo wat dey believe. Instead of making oua braddahs sked, wat da king of da north doing is making dea faith moa strong. How come? Cuz da braddahs know dat da attacks dat God’s peopo getting, dass wat Daniel’s prophecy sed was going happen. d (Dan 11:41) Cuz we know dat, oua hope come moa strong an we going stick tight wit Jehovah.

17. Wat wen make um hard fo God’s peopo who “da king of da south” was rula ova?

17 “Da king of da south” wen buss up Jehovah’s peopo too. Like in da early 1900’s plenny of da braddahs had fo go jail cuz dey neva choose sides in da govament, an some of da Witness keikis was kick outa school fo da same ting. In da years afta dat, Jehovah’s peopo dat live wea dat king stay in charge dealing wit odda kine preshas dass hard fo see. Like election time, one Christian might feel presha fo choose sides an back up who dey like win. Maybe he not going vote, but inside he like one side betta den da odda. So fo us no take sides fo real kine, we no ony gotta look how we ack, but we gotta watch out how we tink an feel too.—John 15:18, 19; 18:36.

18. How we ack wen dese two kings go agains each odda? (Go look da picha.)

18 Da guys who no believe in prophecy inside da Bible can come all stress out wen dey see “da king of da south” an “da king of da north” go agains each odda. (Dan 11:40, NWT.) Both of dose kings get enuff weapons fo wipe out eryting dat stay on top da earth. But we know Jehovah not going let dat happen. (Isa 45:18) So instead of making us sked fo da future, da beefing between “da king of da north” an “da king of da south” make oua faith come moa strong. Dass proof dat da world almos pau.


19. Wat we gotta realize wen come to prophecy inside da Bible?

19 Some of da prophecies inside da Bible, we donno how going turn out. Even Daniel neva undastand eryting he wen write down. (Dan 12:8, 9) But jus cuz we donno how one prophecy going happen, dat no mean not going come true. Garuntee we can trus dat Jehovah going let us know wat we gotta wen da time stay right, jus like he wen do befoa.—Amos 3:7.

20. Wat unreal prophecies going happen pretty soon, an wat we gotta make shua we keep doing?

20 Peopo going say, “We get peace an erytin stay safe!” (1 Tess 5:3, NWT) Den da govaments going go agains bulai kine religion an wipe um out. (Jesus Show 17:16, 17) Den dey going attack God’s peopo. (Eze 38:18, 19) Afta all dis, da Armageddon war going start. (Jesus Show 16:14, 16) We know fo shua dat pretty soon all dis going happen. Til dat time come, we go show we tankful to Jehovah wen we keep oua eye on prophecies inside da Bible, an help oddas fo do da same ting.

MELE 95 The Light Gets Brighter

a No matta how bad da world get, we know dat garans tings going get betta pretty soon. We going build oua trus in dat wen we study prophecy inside da Bible. In dis lesson we going talk about why we should study wat da Bible tell about da future. Anodda ting we going check out is two prophecies in da Bible Daniel wen write down, an how come is good fo us undastand um.

b Go look da article “Jehovah Reveals What ‘Must Shortly Take Place,’” pars. 7-9, in da June 15, 2012, issue of The Watchtower.

c Go look da article “Who Is ‘the King of the North’ Today?” pars. 3-4, in the May 2020 issue of The Watchtower.

d Go look da article “Who Is ‘the King of the North’ Today?,” pars. 7-9, in da May 2020 issue of The Watchtower.