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Take Kea Wat You Gotta, An Hemo Da Res

Take Kea Wat You Gotta, An Hemo Da Res

“We gotta hemo all da heavy kine stuff . . .  , hang in dea an no give up, an run da whole race dass fo us.”—HEB 12:1.

MELE 33 Throw Your Burden on Jehovah


1. Wat Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 12:1 tell we gotta do fo pau da race fo life?

 DA BIBLE tell fo live az one Christian, az jalike you running one race. Da guys who pau da race going get da real kine life. (2 Tim 4:7, 8) We gotta try hard fo keep running speshly cuz we stay so close to da end. Da aposal Paul wen pau da race fo life an he wen tell us wat fo do so we can win um too. He wen tell us fo “hemo all da heavy kine stuff . . . hang in dea an no give up, an run da whole race dass fo us.”—Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 12:1.

2. Wat mean fo “hemo all da heavy kine stuff”?

2 Wen Paul wen tell “we gotta hemo all da heavy kine stuff,” dat wen mean one Christian neva have to take kea notting? No. He was telling us fo no bodda wit da tings dat no need. Dat kine stuff can slow us down an make us tired. Fo keep going, we gotta be quick fo see dose tings we no need, an hemo um. But same time, we no like hemo da tings dat we suppose to hando on oua own. Cuz if we do dat, we can lose da race. (2 Tim 2:5) Wat kine tings we gotta take kea of?

3. (a) In Fo Da Galatia Peopo 6:5, NWT wat we gotta hando? (b)  Wat we going talk about in dis lesson, an why we going talk about um?

3 Read um Fo Da Galatia Peopo 6:5, NWT. Paul wen show someting we all gotta hando. He wen go write “Erybody gotta take kea dea own kuleana.” Paul was talking about oua kuleana with God dat nobody else can take kea fo us. In dis lesson, we going talk about wat is dat kuleana an how we take kea um. An den we going spock out some of da tings dat maybe we stay carry dat we no need bodda wit, an learn how we can hemo um. If we take kea oua kuleana an hemo da stuff we no need, dass going help us win da race fo life.


Taking kea oua kuleana mean living up to oua promise to Jehovah, taking kea of oua ohana, an living wit da choices we make (Go look numbas 4-9)

4. How come oua promise to Jehovah not too hard fo keep? (Go look da picha.)

4 Oua promise to Jehovah. Wen we wen give oua life to Jehovah, we wen promise fo worship him an do wat he like. We gotta keep dat promise. Dass someting real importan, but is not too hard. If you tink about um, Jehovah wen create us fo do wat he like. (Jesus Show 4:11) He wen put in us da need fo know him an he wen make us fo be jalike one copy of him. Cuz of dat we can be tight wit him an we can be happy wen we lissen him. (Songs 40:8) On top of dat, wen we do wat God like an follow his Boy, we going feel good about um.—Mat 11:28-30.

(Go look numbas 4-5)

5. Wat going help you fo keep yoa promise to Jehovah? (1 From John 5:3)

5 How we can take kea dat kuleana? Two tings can help us. Numba one, keep making yoa love fo Jehovah strong. You can do dat if you tink hard about all da good tings he wen do fo you an wat he going do fo you bumbye. Da moa yoa love fo Jehovah grow da moa easy going be fo lissen him. (Read um 1 From John 5:3.) Numba two, copy Jesus. He was able fo do wat God wanted him fo do cuz he wen pray fo help an kept tinking about wat God was going give him. (Heb 5:7; 12:2, NWT) Jalike Jesus, pray to Jehovah fo da strength an keep da hope of living foeva right in front you. Az yoa love fo Jehovah come moa strong an you copy his Boy, you going be able fo keep yoa promise.

6. How come is importan fo take kea oua ohana? (Go look da picha.)

6 Take kea oua ohana. In oua race fo life, we gotta have moa love fo Jehovah an Jesus den we get fo oua ohana. (Mat 10:37) But dat no mean we can push oua family on da side cuz we tink dey in da way of us doing moa fo Jehovah an Jesus. But da trut is, if we like make Jehovah an Jesus happy, we gotta take kea oua ohana. (1 Tim 5:4, 8) We going be happy if we do dat. Jehovah know da ohana going be happy wen da husband an wife get love an respeck fo each odda, wen da parents love an teach dea keiki, an da keiki lissen to dea parents.​—Efe 5:33; 6:1, 4.

(Go look numbas 6-7)

7. How you can do wat you suppose to in da ohana?

7 How we can take kea dat kuleana? Wateva yoa role stay inside da ohana, trus wat da Bible tell an no go wit how you feel, yoa culture, o wat odda peopo say. (Smart Guys 24:3, 4) Make use of da Bible tools we get. Get good kine advice fo help us fo do wat da Bible say. Like inside da You Can Live Good Foeva! book lessons 49 an 50, get Bible truts dat can help couples, parents, an teenagas. b Make up yoa mind fo do wat da Bible tell, even if odda guys in yoa ohana no do um. Wen you do dat, going be good fo yoa ohana, an Jehovah going bless you.—1 Pet 3:1, 2.

8. How wat we choose affeck us?

8 Live wit da choices we make. Jehovah wen give us da gif fo choose wat we like do, an he like us be happy from da good choices we make. But wen we make bad choices, he going let us deal wit um. (Gal 6:7, 8) Dass how come wen we make bad choices, o wen we do o say someting dass wrong, we gotta live wit um. Maybe we going feel guilty cuz of someting we wen do, an dat can make us admit wat we wen do, fix oua mistake, an no do um again. Wen we do all dis, dat going help us stay in da race fo life.

(Go look numbas 8-9)

9. Wat you can do if you make one bad choice? (Go look da picha.)

9 How we can take kea dat kuleana? If you wen make one bad choice, wat you can do? You gotta figga you no can change wat wen happen. No waste yoa time making excuses o blaming oddas fo da bad choice you wen make. Own up to yoa mistakes an do da bes you can right now. If you feel guilty about someting you wen do, be humbo an pray to Jehovah, admit you was wrong, an ask him fo let you go. (Songs 25:11; 51:3, 4) Say sorry to da guys you wen hurt, an if gotta, go talk to da eldas. (Jam 5:14, 15) Learn from yoa mistakes an try no do um again. If you do dat, garans Jehovah going pity you an give you da kokua you need.—Songs 103:8-13.


10. How come dass hard fo us wen we always feel dat we need fo do moa? (Fo Da Galatia Peopo 6:4)

10 Feeling dat we always need fo do moa. We can make um hard fo us wen we feel like we need fo do moa cuz we compare ouaselfs wit oddas. (Read um Fo Da Galatia Peopo 6:4.) If we always compare ouaselfs wit oddas, den we going be jealous an we going like be moa betta den erybody else. (Gal 5:26) If we try push ouaselfs fo do wat odda peopo do an we no can, we ony going hurt ouaself. Da Bible tell, “Wen you wait long time fo someting good, an no get um, make you lose fight an come sick,” but even moa worse wen we wait fo someting we neva going get. (Smart Guys 13:12) If we do dat, we going come all weak an dat going slow us down in oua race fo life.—Smart Guys 24:10.

11. Wat going help you fo no always feel like you gotta do moa wen you no can?

11 How you can hemo dat heavy stuff? No expeck moa of yoaself den wat Jehovah ask. He no expeck you fo do wat you no can. (2 Cor 8:12) Know fo shua dat Jehovah no compare you wit wat odda peopo do. (Mat 25:20-23) Da way you go all out fo Him, da way you trus Him, an da way you hang in dea is worth plenny to Him. Be humbo an know dat you no can do eryting you like cuz how ol you, yoa health, o odda stuff. Jalike Barzillai, say you no can wen yoa health o how ol you, make um hard. (2 Sam 19:35, 36) Jalike Moses, let oddas help you an even ask oddas fo help you take kea yoa kuleana wen can. (Egypt 18:21, 22) If you humbo den you no going always feel like you gotta do moa wen you no can, cuz dat can make you come tired in da race fo life.

12. Da bad choices oddas make, az oua fault? Tell how come.

12 Tinking az oua fault wen oddas make bad choices. We no can choose fo oddas, an we no can always proteck dem from wat happen cuz of da bad choices dey make. Like if one boy o girl bumbye choose fo no worship Jehovah anymoa, dat can broke da maddah an faddah’s heart. Parents who tink az dea fault fo da bad choice dea kids wen make, az one heavy ting fo dem put on demselfs, an Jehovah no expeck dem fo carry dat.—Rome 14:12.

13. How one parent can deal wit dea kid’s bad choice?

13 How you can hemo dat heavy stuff? Rememba dat Jehovah let all us choose wateva we like do, even wedda o not we going serve him. Jehovah know dat you not one perfeck parent, he ony like you do da bes you can. Da choice yoa kid make, dass dea kuleana, not yoas. (Smart Guys 20:11) Still yet maybe you no can stop tinking about mistakes you wen make raising yoa kids. If you feel lidat, tell Jehovah an ask him fo let you go. He know you no can press rewind an go back an change wat you wen do awready. An he no expeck you fo proteck dem cuz of da bad choices dey wen make. An rememba dat if yoa kid make any moves fo come back to Jehovah, He ready fo take dem back.—Luk 15:18-20.

14. How come too much guilt is one heavy ting we gotta hemo?

14 Too much guilt. Wen we do someting wrong, we suppose to feel guilty. But Jehovah no like us feel too much guilt cuz dass hard fo carry. Dass someting heavy we gotta hemo. How we know if we get too much guilt? If we wen admit wat we wen do, feel sorry fo um, an we try hard fo no do um again, we can trus dat Jehovah wen let us go. (Jesus Guys 3:19) If we wen do all dose tings awready, Jehovah no like us keep feeling guilty. He know az ony going hurt us if we keep on feeling lidat. (Songs 31:10) If oua sad feelings take ova us, maybe we going give up in oua race fo life.—2 Cor 2:7.

Afta you sorry fo real kine, Jehovah no keep tinking about wat you wen do, an you no need do dat too (Go look numba 15)

15. Wat going help you hando wen you get too much guilt? (1 From John 3:19, 20) (Go look da picha.)

15 How you can hemo dat heavy stuff? If you no can stop feeling too much guilt, tink hard about how Jehovah wen let you go. (Songs 130:4) Wen he let guys go dat sorry fo real kine, he promise “I no goin even rememba da bad kine stuffs dey wen do.” ( Jer 31:34) Dat mean Jehovah no going eva tink about da tings he wen let you go fo. So no tink wat stay happening cuz of yoa bad choices mean Jehovah neva let you go. Jus cuz you wen lose some of yoa kuleana in da hui, no beat yoaself up ova dat. Jehovah no rememba all da bad stuff you wen do, so you no need feel lidat.—Read um 1 From John 3:19, 20.


16. Wat we gotta undastand az runnas?

16 Wen we run da race fo life, we gotta “go fo broke.” (1 Cor 9:24) We can do dat if we undastand da diffrence between da kuleana we gotta take kea an da heavy kine stuff we gotta hemo. In dis lesson, we wen talk about some of da tings we gotta carry an wat we gotta throw off. But get odda stuff too. Jesus wen say we can “come all jam up wit too much partying, getting piloot, an worrying bout all kine stuff.” (Luk 21:34) Dis stuff an odda scripchas can help you spock odda tings you might have fo change in da race fo life.

17. How us know fo shua dat we going win da race fo life?

17 We know fo shua we going win da race fo life cuz Jehovah going give us da powa we need. (Isa 40:29-31) So dat mean, no slow down! Copy da aposal Paul who wen go all out fo win da medal. (Php 3:13, 14) Nobody can run um fo you, but Jehovah can help you fo win. Jehovah can help you take kea yoa kuleana an hemo da heavy stuff you no need. (Songs 68:19) Wit Jehovah on yoa side, you going be able fo keep running yoa race an win!

MELE 65 Move Ahead!

a Dis lesson going help us fo run da race fo life. Wen we run, get some tings dat we gotta hando. Like oua promise fo give oua life to Jehovah, taking kea oua ohana, an living wit da choices dat we make. But we gotta hemo anyting we no need dat can make us slow down. In dis lesson we going find out some of da tings dat can do dat to us.

b Fo find out some moa, go look da article series “Help for the Family” on Some exampos of articles dat get fo married couples is, “How to Show Respect” an “How to Show Appreciation”, fo parents, “Teaching Children Smartphone Sense” an “How to Communicate With Your Teenager”, an fo teenagas, “How to Resist Peer Pressure” an “How to Deal With Loneliness.”