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Wen Yoa Odda Half Look At Porn

Wen Yoa Odda Half Look At Porn
  • “I wen feel like my husband was fooling aroun on me ova an ova.”

  • “I wen feel shame, ugly, jalike rubbish.”

  • “I neva have nobody fo talk to about um. I wen suffa by myself.”

  • “I wen feel like Jehovah neva kea about me.”

Dose words show how much one wife suffa wen her husband look at porn. An if he was bein sly about um an was watching um fo months o even years, maybe she feel like she no can trus um awready. One wife wen tell, “I wen tink, who dis guy I stay married to? Get odda stuff he hiding o wat?”

We wen write dis fo da wifes whose husbands look at porn. a We going go ova Bible truts dat can help da wife feel betta, an let her know Jehovah going help her, so dat she can have peace an stay close to Jehovah. b


Even tho you no can control eryting yoa husband do, get some stuff you can do fo make um litto bit moa easy an get peace of mind. Try look.

No blame yoaself. One wife might feel like az her fault her husband look at porn. Alice wen feel like she no was pretty enuff fo her husband. She wen tink, “How come my husband radda look at odda wahines den me?” Some wifes blame demself fo how dey reack, tinking dat ony going make um moa worse. Danielle c wen say, “I wen feel like I was bussing up my marriage cuz I was salty an mad all da time.”

If you feel lidat, Jehovah no blame you fo wat yoa husband do. From James 1:14 tell, ““Eh, I like do bad kine stuff!” Cuz da bad kine tinking pull us all ova.” (Rome 14:12; Php 2:12) Jehovah no blame you, but he love you cuz you loyal to him.—2 Rec 16:9.

Anodda ting dat can help is undastanding dat wen one husband look at porn, dat no mean da wife not good enuff. Da experts on dis tell dat porn make one person get sex desires dat no wahine can satisfy.

No worry too much. Catherine wen say dat always tinking about her husband’s porn problem wen take ova her whole life. Frances wen say, “I get all stress out wen I donno wea my husband stay. I stay all presha out.” Odda wifes wen tell how shame dey feel in front odda braddahs an sistahs who maybe know about dea husband’s problem. Oddas feel all alone cuz dey tink nobody undastand wat dey going thru.

Dis kine feelings ony natural. But tinking about um all da time ony make um moa worse. Try tink about yoa frenship wit Jehovah. Dat going help you come moa strong an hang in dea..—Songs 62:2; Efe 6:10.

Maybe going help fo read an tink about da wahines inside da Bible dat was stress out but den wen feel betta afta praying to Jehovah. He neva always take away dea problem, but he wen give dem peace. Like Hannah, she wen “feel real junk” cuz wat she was going thru. But afta she wen “pray long time” to Jehovah, she wen feel betta even if she neva know wat was going happen.—1 Sam 1:10, 12, 18; 2 Cor 1:3, 4

Maybe da husband an wife gotta ask fo help from da eldas

Ask da eldas fo help. Dey can be “one place fo da peopo hide from da strong wind o da rain.” (Isa 32:2) Maybe dey can let you know of one sistah you can talk to an can help you.—Smart Guys 17:17.


You can help yoa husband get ova his bad habit of looking at porn? Maybe. Da Bible show dat wen you fight one powaful enemy, “Two moa betta den one.” (Teacha 4:9-12) Studies dey wen do had show dat wen one couple work togedda fo get ova one addiction to porn an get trus in da marriage again, plenny times is going turn out good.

But all dis going depend on wedda yoa odda half really like work hard fo stop looking at porn. He wen beg Jehovah fo be strong an wen go to da eldas fo help? (2 Cor 4:7; Jam 5:14, 15) He wen make plans fo help him stay away from um? Like cutting back on da electronic devices an staying away from anyting dass easy fo him get tempted. (Smart Guys 27:12) He going take da help you give him an tell you da trut? If he do dat, den maybe you can help him.

How you can do dat? Try look wat wen happen to one married couple, Felicia an Ethan. Ethan wen come addicted to porn from small kid time. Felicia make um easy fo him talk to her about wen he like look at um. Ethan wen say, “I can open up to my wife. She show me love an help me fo put boundaries and she check how I doing all da time. An she help me fo not use da intanet too much.” Ony natural Felicia feel hurt cuz Ethan like look at porn. But she tell, “Me feeling mad an hurt no help him stay away from his problem. Afta we talk about wat he going thru, den he ready fo help me work thru my hurt.”

Talking about um lidis no ony help one husband fo stay away from porn, but going help one wife fo trus him again. Cuz wen one husband no hold back from telling his wife about his weakness, wea he go an wat he do, no moa secrets anymoa.

You tink you can help yoa husband lidat? If you tink can, go read an talk about dis article togedda. His goal going be fo quit porn an give you one reason fo trus him. Instead of getting mad wit you cuz you like talk about his problem, he should try fo undastand how his problem make you feel. You need fo get his back an give um da chance fo get yoa trus again. Both of you gotta learn wat make somebody like look at porn an how fo get ova dat problem. d

If you sked dat wen you talk is going get outa control, ask one elda dat you no shame talk to fo be dea wen you do. Know dat even tho yoa odda half wen get ova his addiction to porn, might take some time befoa you able fo trus him again. No give up. Look fo even da manini kine stuff dass getting betta in da marriage. Know dat if  you hang in dea an you patient, yoa marriage going come strong again.—Teacha 7:8; 1 Cor 13:4.


If yoa husband relapse, dat mean he not fo real sorry o no moa hope fo him quit? Not really. If dis is one addiction, maybe he going struggle wit um fo da res of his life. Even if he neva look at um fo years, he can relapse. Fo dat no happen, he gotta make moa strick boundaries an stick wit um even if he tink is not one problem anymoa. (Smart Guys 28:14; Mat 5:29, NWT; 1 Cor 10:12) He going have to “come all new kine inside how [he] feel an . . . tink” an learn fo “hate all da bad kine stuff,” like porn an anyting else pilau like masturbation. (Efe 4:23; Songs 97:10; Rome 12:9) He willing fo do all dis? If yah, den get hope he going stop. e

Tink hard about yoa relationship wit Jehovah

Wat if yoa odda half no like stop? Can undastand why you going feel bum out, mad, an stabbed in da back. Throw all yoa worries on Jehovah. Dis going give you peace. (1 Pet 5:7) No stop coming close to Jehovah thru yoa study, praya, an tinking hard about um. Wen you do, garans Jehovah going come moa close to you too. Like Isaiah 57:15 tell, he stay wit da guys dat “feel heavy inside,” an he like help dem fo be happy. Try fo be da bes Christian you can be, get help from da eldas, an keep yoa hopes up dat bumbye yoa husband going like change.—Rome 2:4; 2 Pet 3:9.

a Fo make um moa easy, we going talk about da husband az da one looking at porn. But plenny of da truts we going go ova going be good fo one husband whose wife look at porn.

b You no can get one Scrpitural divorce if you look at porn.—Mat 19:9.

c Names wen get change.

d Info dat can help stay on top an odda bible tools. Go look “Pornography Can Shatter Your Marriage” on; “You Can Resist Temptation!” in The Watchtower, April 1, 2014, pp. 10-12; an “Pornography—Harmless or Toxic?” in The Watchtower, August 1, 2013, pp. 3-7.

e Cuz looking porn can be one addiction, some couples wen make da choice fo get professional help on top of da help dey get from da eldas.