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SONG 7 Jehovah, Oua Pohaku

Rememba Dat Jehovah “Stay Alive”

Rememba Dat Jehovah “Stay Alive”

“Da One In Charge, he alive fo real kine!”​—SONGS 18:46.


Going help us plenny fo rememba dat da God we worship stay alive fo real kine.

1. Wat help Jehovah’s peopo fo keep worshipping him even tho dey get problems?

 WEN da Bible talk about da time we live in, it tell “erybody going presha out.” (2 Tim 3:1) Jehovah’s peopo get da same kine problems dat erybody else get. But on top of dat, peopo make trouble an give us hard time cuz we worship Jehovah. Wat help us fo keep worshipping Jehovah even tho we get all dese problems? One big ting dat help us is we wen come fo know dat Jehovah “stay alive.”​—Jer 10:10; John 17:3

2. Wat we know about Jehovah dat help us stay strong?

2 Jehovah is one real Person dat see all da problems we stay going thru an he look fo all kine ways fo help us. (2 Rec 16:9; Songs 23:4) Wen we rememba dat oua God kea about us an he always ready fo help us, we can stay strong fo get thru anykine problem. We go check out how dis wen happen fo King David.

3. Wat David wen mean wen he had tell dat Jehovah “stay alive fo real kine”?

3 David had know Jehovah an wen go to Him fo help. Wen King Saul an odda guys was trying fo kill David, he had pray to Jehovah fo help. (Songs 18:6) Afta Jehovah wen ansa David’s prayer an save him, David wen tell dat Jehovah, “he alive fo real kine!” (Songs 18:46) Wat David wen mean by dat? One book wen tell dat David had say dis fo show he wen trus dat Jehovah, “stay one God dass alive an always going help his peopo.” Cuz a wat David wen go thru, he wen know dat Jehovah was alive fo real kine an was ready fo help him. Dat wen help him fo keep serving Jehovah an keep telling how awesome He stay.​—Songs 18:28, 29, 49.

4. How come az good fo us know Jehovah stay alive?

4 Wen us know fo shua dat Jehovah stay alive, dat can help us fo go all out fo him. Going help us be strong enuff fo hando oua problems an keep working hard fo Jehovah. An is going make us like do eryting we can fo stick close to him.


5. Wat we know fo shua wen we go thru problems? (Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:13, NWT)

5 We going be able fo hando any problem, no matta how big o small, if we rememba dat Jehovah stay alive an dat he can always help us. No moa any problem we gotta deal wit dat stay too hard fo Jehovah hando. He da mos stronges an he can give us da powa fo hando anyting. (Read um Fo Da Philippi Peopo 4:13, NWT.) Dis can help us trus dat Jehovah can get us thru any problem. Wen we see Jehovah help us thru small kine problems, garans we know he going get oua back wen we get bigga problems.

6. Wat wen happen to David wen he was younga dat wen make him trus Jehovah moa?

6 Try look two tings dat wen happen to David dat wen help him trus Jehovah moa. Wen David was one young shepherd guy, one bear an one lion wen take one of his faddah’s sheep. Dose two times, David no was sked fo go afta da animals an save da sheep. But he neva tink he wen do um by himself, he had know dat Jehovah wen give him da powa. (1 Sam 17:34-37) David wen always tink about dese tings dat had happen an cuz he wen do dat, he had know fo shua dat Jehovah was going help him in da future too.

7. Wat David wen tink about, an how come dat wen help him fo fight Goliat?

7 Layta on wen David probly was one teenager, he wen go to da army camp of da Israel guys. He wen see dat da soldiers was all sked cuz one giant Philistine named Goliat was out dea talking all stink to da Israel guys.” (1 Sam 17:10, 11) Da soldiers wen come sked cuz dey ony was looking at how big Goliat was an wat he was saying to dem. (1 Sam 17:24, 25) But David was looking at tings anodda way. He neva look um like Goliat was jus calling out da Israel soldiers but Goliat was calling out “da army fo da God dat stay alive.” (1 Sam 17:26) David was tinking about Jehovah. He wen trus dat da God dat wen help him wit da sheep was going help him again wit dis. Cuz David had know fo shua dat Jehovah was going help him, he wen fight Goliat an wen win!​—1 Sam 17:45-51.

8. Wat can make oua trus moa strong dat Jehovah going help us? (Go look da picha.)

8 We can be like David an get thru oua problems if we rememba dat Jehovah always stay ready fo help us. (Songs 118:6) We can make oua trus in Jehovah moa strong if we tink about da tings he wen do befoa. Like can read stories in da Bible dat help you fo see how Jehovah wen save his worshipas. (Isa 37:17, 33-37) An go look da reports on oua website dat show how Jehovah wen take kea oua braddahs an sistahs in oua time. Anodda ting we can do, tink about times Jehovah wen do someting fo you. But maybe you feel like you neva have someting crazy happen to you, like Jehovah helping you fight one bear o lion. But try tink, Jehovah wen do plenny tings fo you in yoa life. Jehovah wen invite you fo come be his fren. (John 6:44) Even now, az ony cuz of his help dat you still yet stay in da trut. Try ask Jehovah fo help you rememba times wen he wen ansa yoa prayers, wen he wen take kea you right wen you needed um, o he wen help you fo hando thru some heavy pilikia. Tinking about tings lidis going make you trus moa dat Jehovah going keep taking kea you.

Oua problems stay part of one bigga problem (Go look numba 8-9)

9. Wat we gotta rememba wen we get problems? (Smart Guys 27:11)

9 If we see Jehovah az somebody dat stay alive fo real kine, dat going help us fo look at oua problems da right way. Cuz if we do dat, den we going see dat oua problems stay part of one bigga problem between Jehovah an Satan. Da Devil tell dat wen we get hard times we going bag out on Jehovah. (Job 1:10, 11; read um Smart Guys 27:11.) But wen we stick to Jehovah no matta wat kine hard stuff happen, we show we love Jehovah an prove Satan one bulaia. Maybe you get all kine problems, like presha from da govament, money kine problems, o peopo give you hard time wen you go preach. If dass da case wit you, rememba dat wat you going thru give you one chance fo make Jehovah happy. No foget, Jehovah going make shua you can hando wateva problem you get. (1 Cor 10:13) He going give you da powa fo get thru um.


10. Wat Jehovah going do fo da guys dat worship him?

10 Jehovah always give plenny to da guys dat worship him. (Heb 11:6) He give us peace, one happy life now, an going give us da chance fo live foeva in da future. We can trus full on dat Jehovah like give us plenny, an dat garans he can. Cuz a dat we like give Jehovah oua bes, jalike his guys from befoa wen do. Dass wat Timoty wen do in da firs century.​—Heb 6:10-12.

11. How come Timoty wen work hard in da local hui? (1 Fo Timoty 4:10)

11 Read um 1 Fo Timoty 4:10. Timoty wen full on trus dat Jehovah was going give him plenny fo wat he wen do. Az how come Timoty wen work hard fo Jehovah an oddas. Wat he wen do? He did wat da aposal Paul wen tell him fo do, fo come one betta teacha in da ministry an in da local hui. Paul wen also tell him fo be one good exampo fo oddas, both da younga an older guys. He wen even get some kuleana dat was hard fo hando, like telling da braddahs in one loving way wat dey gotta work on. (1 Tim 4:11-16; 2 Tim 4:1-5) Even if guys neva tank him o see wat he wen do, he was shua dat Jehovah was going give him plenny.​—Rome 2:6, 7.

12. How come da eldas like keep working hard in da local hui? (Go look da picha.)

12 Same ting, jus like Timoty, today eldas can know fo shua dat Jehovah see an kea about da hard work dey do. Da eldas preach, teach, an take kea da local hui. An on top a dat, dey help out wit construcktion projecks an wen get disastas. Odda eldas serve on Patient Visitation Groups o Hospital Liaison Committees. Eldas know dat da local hui belong to Jehovah, not humans. Cuz a dat, dey work hard fo take kea dea kuleana in da local hui an full on trus dat Jehovah going give dem good tings bumbye fo wat dey do.​—Col 3:23, 24.

Da God who stay alive going give you plenny wen you work hard fo da local hui (Go look numba 12-13)

13. How Jehovah feel about wat we do fo him?

13 Not erybody can be one elda. But all us can give Jehovah someting. Jehovah stay happy wen we do oua bes fo serve him. Even if we no can give plenny, he see wat we do fo help da worldwide work. He stay happy wen we raise oua hand fo comment at da meeting even tho we sked, an wen we let peopo go wen dey do someting to us. Even if you feel like you no can do az much az you like fo Jehovah, trus dat wat you can do, az worth plenny to him. He love you fo dat, an he going give you someting good.​—Luk 21:1-4.


14. How staying close to Jehovah help us fo stay faithful to him? (Go look da picha.)

14 If we stay close to Jehovah, going be moa easy fo stay faithful to him. Dass wat wen happen wit Joseph. Dea was no way he was going fool aroun wit somebody. He had know dat wat he do, matta to Jehovah. (Start 39:9) Fo stay close to Jehovah, we gotta make time fo pray to him an study da Bible. Dat way oua frenship wit him going grow. Wen we stay tight wit Jehovah, like Joseph, we not going like do anyting dat make Him sad.​—Jam 4:8.

Coming moa close to da God who stay alive going help you fo stay faithful (Go look numba 14-15)

15. Wat we can learn from wat wen happen to da Israel peopo in da boonies? (Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 3:12)

15 If we stop trusting in Jehovah, ony easy fo start fo do tings he no like. We go look wat wen happen to da Israel peopo wen dey was in da boonies. Dey wen know Jehovah was real but dey neva tink he was going take kea of dem. Dey wen ask, “Fo real, Da One In Charge stay wit us guys o not?” (Egypt 17:2, 7) Cuz of dat dey neva lissen an had go agains Jehovah. Dass how come we no like copy dem.​—Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 3:12.

16. Wat can tes oua faith?

16 Da world make um hard fo us stay close to Jehovah. Plenny peopo no tink God stay real. Mos times, da guys who no do wass right look like dey get one good life. Seeing dat can tes oua faith. Even tho we know God is real, sometimes we might start fo tink dat he no going help us. Da guy who wen write Songs Fo God 73 wen feel dis way. He wen see da guys aroun him having one good life even tho dey neva lissen to God. Cuz a dat, he wen start fo wonda if was even worth it fo serve God.​—Songs 73:11-13.

17. Wat going help us fo stay close to Jehovah?

17 Wat wen help da songwrita fo change da way he wen tink? He wen tink hard about wat was going happen to da guys who stop trusting Jehovah. (Songs 73:18, 19, 27) An he wen tink about da good tings dat come from serving God. (Songs 73:24) Us too can tink a all da ways Jehovah wen bless us. Try picha how yoa life would be if you no was serving Jehovah. If we rememba how come az good fo us serve Jehovah, dat going help us stay faithful to him. An jalike da songwrita, we going tell, “Fo me, da bestes ting is dis: Fo me come mo tight wit you, God.”​—Songs 73:28.

18. How come we no need be sked a da future?

18 We can stay strong an get thru anykine problems befoa da world come pau, cuz God “stay fo real, an [we] work fo him.” (1 Tess 1:9) Oua God is somebody who kea fo us an who always going help us. He was dea fo his guys befoa, an he stay wit us guys today. Pretty soon, da bigges trouble eva, going happen on top da earth. But we not going be by ouaself, cuz Jehovah going help us. (Isa 41:10) All us can tell, “Da One In Charge, he da One dat help me wen I need him. Az why I no goin come sked.”​—Heb 13:5, 6.

SONG 3 All da Time You Give Us Wat We Need