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SONG 127 Da Kine Guy I Like Be

Feel Good Cuz Jehovah Stay Happy Wit You

Feel Good Cuz Jehovah Stay Happy Wit You

“I stay good inside cuz a you.”​—LUKE 3:22.


How fo know Jehovah stay happy wit you, even wen you no feel shua about dat.

1. Wat kine feelings some of da guys dat trus Jehovah get hard time wit?

 AZ GOOD fo know Jehovah stay happy wit all his guys! Da Bible tell, “Da One In Charge feel real good bout his peopo.” (Songs 149:4) But sometimes, some of us come so bum out an start fo tink, “Jehovah stay happy wit me?” Plenny guys dat worship Jehovah befoa time wen tink da same ting.​—1 Sam 1:6-10; Job 29:2, 4; Songs 51:11.

2. Who da ones dat make Jehovah happy?

2 Da Bible make um clear dat even if we not perfeck we still can do tings dat make Jehovah happy. How we do dat? We gotta show we get faith in Jesus an get baptize. (John 3:16) Dass how we show oddas we wen change an not going do bad kine stuff anymoa, an we promise God we going do wat he like. (Jesus Guys 2:38; 3:19) Jehovah stay real happy cuz we do dis fo come tight wit him. So long we keep trying oua bes fo keep oua promise to serve him, dat going make Jehovah happy an we can be his frenz.​—Songs 25:14, NWT.

3. Wat three questions we going talk about?

3 How come sometimes peopo feel like God no stay happy wit dem? How Jehovah show he stay happy wit us? An how one Christian can be shua dat he stay make Jehovah happy?


4-5. Even if we feel we not worth notting, wat we know fo shua?

4 Plenny of us had feel like we good fo notting from small kid time. (Songs 88:15) One braddah name Adrián tell, “I wen always feel like I no was worth notting. From az far back az I can rememba I had pray dat my family was going live in Paradise, but I was shua dat I no was good enuff fo be dea.” Tony, who neva grow up in one Witness family tell, “My maddah an faddah neva did tell me dey love me o was proud of me. I wen feel like eryting I had do no was good enuff.”

5 If sometime we feel like we worth notting, no foget, Jehovah da one who wen bring you by him. (John 6:44) He see da good tings about us, an know who we stay fo real kine. (1 Sam 16:7; 2 Rec 6:30) So we can trus him wen he tell we worth plenny to him.​—1 John 3:19, 20.

6. How da aposal Paul wen feel about da bad kine stuff he wen do befoa?

6 Befoa we wen learn da trut, some of us wen do tings dat still make us feel soa inside. (1 Pet 4:3) Even guys dat been serving Jehovah long time, still yet get hard time fo no do bad kine stuff. How about you? You feel like Jehovah no going let you go? If yeah, can make you feel betta fo know dat oddas who serve Jehovah feel da same way. Fo exampo, da aposal Paul wen feel like his life was poho cuz a wat he had do befoa time. (Rome 7:24) Paul wen awready change da way he tink, had stop doing bad kine stuff an wen get baptize. Still yet he wen say da odda aposals was “moa importan den me” an “I da one wen do moa plenny bad kine stuff.”​—1 Cor 15:9; 1 Tim 1:15.

7. Wat we gotta rememba about da bad tings we had do?

7 Oua Faddah in heaven wen promise fo let us go if we change da way we tink an no do bad kine stuff anymoa. (Songs 86:5) So if we fo real kine sorry fo da bad tings we wen do, we can trus dat Jehovah wen let us go.​—Col 2:13.

8-9. If we feel like we no can do enuff fo make Jehovah happy, wat we gotta do?

8 All us like do eryting we can fo serve Jehovah. But, some feel like dey no can do enuff fo make Jehovah happy. One sistah Amanda tell, “I tink dat doing my bes fo Jehovah mean dat I always gotta do moa. So plenny time I try fo do moa den I can. Den wen I no can do um, I come bum out cuz I tink Jehovah no stay happy wit me.”

9 Wat we can do fo no feel lidat? Rememba dat Jehovah no expeck us fo be perfeck. He no expeck us fo do moa den we can. So long we do oua bes, he happy wit dat. Tink about da guys in da Bible who wen go all out fo serve Jehovah, like Paul. He wen work real hard fo long time, wen go tousands of miles an help set up plenny huis. But wen his life wen change an he no could preach plenny like befoa, dat wen mean Jehovah no was happy wit him? No. He wen jus keep doing wat he could, an Jehovah wen bless him. (Jesus Guys 28:30, 31) Same wit us, wat we can do fo Jehovah no always going stay da same. Da mos importan ting to Jehovah is why we do um. We go talk about some ways Jehovah show he stay happy wit us.


10. How we can “hear” Jehovah tell us he happy wit us? (John 16:27)

10 Wit da Bible. Jehovah look fo ways fo show his peopo dat he love dem an stay happy wit dem. Two times in da Bible He wen tell Jesus dat He love him an feel real good inside cuz a him. (Mat 3:17; 17:5) You like hear Jehovah tell you dat he stay happy wit you? Jehovah no going talk to us from heaven. He can use da Bible fo do dat. Wen we read da tings Jesus wen tell his followas, dass jalike Jehovah telling dat to us. (Read um John 16:27.) Jesus wen ack jalike his faddah would. Wen we read about Jesus telling his followas he was happy wit dem even if dey no was perfeck, can be jalike Jehovah saying um to us too.​—John 15:9, 15.

Get plenny ways Jehovah tell he happy with us (Go look numba 10)

11. Wen bad tings happen to us, dat mean Jehovah no stay happy wit us o wat? (From James 1:12)

11 Wit da tings he do. Jehovah like help us, like wen he give us da tings we need. But sometimes, Jehovah let bad tings happen to us, jalike he wen do wit Job. (Job 1:8-11, NWT.) Wen we get hard time, dat no mean Jehovah no stay happy wit us. Radda, dat give us chance fo show how much we love an trus Jehovah. (Read um From James 1:12.) Wen we go thru hard times, we going see how much Jehovah love us an how he help us fo hando.

12. Wat we learn from wat wen happen to Dmitrii?

12 Check out wat wen happen to Dmitrii, one braddah in Asia. He wen lose his job an neva work fo months. He wen show his trus in Jehovah by spending moa time preaching. Afta plenny months he still no could find one job. Den he wen come real sick an no could even get outa bed. He started fo tink he no was one good husband an faddah an wen even wonda if Jehovah was mad wit him. Den one night his bebe girl wen write on one paypa wat tell in Isaiah 30:15, “Fo you guys come strong inside, you gotta stay quiet an trus me.” She wen bring um to da bed an tell him, “Daddy wen you stay feeling bad, rememba dis scripcha.” Dmitrii wen figga dat, cuz of Jehovah, his ohana had nuff food, clotheses, an one place fo live. He tell, “Wat I wen need fo do was fo stay quiet an trus my God,” If you going thru someting lidat you can know fo shua dat Jehovah kea fo you an going help you hang in dea.

Get plenny ways Jehovah tell he happy with us (Go look numba 12) a

13. Who Jehovah can use fo show he happy wit us, an how he do um?

13 Wit da braddahs an sistahs. Jehovah use oua braddahs an sistahs fo show us he happy wit us. Fo exampo, he can use oddas fo tell us good kine words wen da time stay right. Dis wen happen to one sistah in Asia wen she had plenny stress. Den her husband wen do someting real bad an no could be one elda anymoa. She tell, “I neva undastan how come all dat wen happen. I wen tink maybe I wen do someting wrong and Jehovah was mad at me.” She wen beg Jehovah fo show her he neva feel lidat. How he wen do dat? She tell, “Da eldas in da local hui wen talk to me an wen help me fo see Jehovah still wen love me.” Layta on, one moa time she wen ask Jehovah fo help her. “Dat same day, I wen get one letta from a bunch of braddahs an sistahs in da local hui. Wen I was reading dea good kine words, I wen feel like Jehovah wen hear me.” Fo shua, Jehovah show he happy wit us thru da good kine words from oddas.​—Songs 10:17.

Get plenny ways Jehovah tell he happy with us (Go look numba 13) b

14. Wat anodda way Jehovah tell he happy wit us?

14 Jehovah even show he happy wit us wen he use da braddahs fo warn us wen gotta. Befoa time, Jehovah wen use da aposal Paul fo write 14 lettas to da braddahs an sistahs. Inside dose lettas, Paul wen warn dem in one strait but loving way. How come Jehovah wen use Paul fo give dat kine warning? Jehovah is one good Faddah, an he going train his kids cuz “he get love an aloha” fo dem. (Smart Guys 3:11, 12) So if somebody use da Bible fo warn us, dat no mean Jehovah stay mad wit us. Dat mean he love us. (Heb 12:6) Wat some odda ways we know dat Jehovah stay happy wit us?


15. Who Jehovah give his spesho spirit to, an wat dat make us know fo shua?

15 Jehovah give his spesho spirit to da guys dat get um right wit him. (Mat 12:18) Can ask ouaself, “I show part of da fruit of God’s spesho spirit in my life?” Like, you tink you moa patient now den befoa you got fo know Jehovah? Da moa you learn how fo show da fruit of God’s spesho spirit in yoa life, da moa you going know dat you get um right with Jehovah!​—Go look da box “ Da Fruit Of God’s Spesho Spirit Is . . .

Wat kine proof you see dat Jehovah stay happy wit you? (Go look numba 15)

16. Who Jehovah use fo preach good kine stuff an how dat make you feel? (1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 2:4)

16 Jehovah like give da good kine stuff to da guys he happy wit. (Read um 1 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 2:4.) Try look how one sistah, Jocelyn, wen know dis fo shua wen she had give good kine stuff to oddas. One time she wen wake up all depressed. She tell, “I wen feel like I neva have notting fo give. But I was one pionea an dat was da day I go out preach. So I wen say one prayer an wen go.” Dat morning she wen meet Mary, one nice lady who wen like learn da Bible. Layta on Mary wen tell she was praying to God fo help. An den Jocelyn wen knock her door. Tinking about dat, Jocelyn wen tell, “Was jalike Jehovah wen tell me “I stay happy wit you.”” Of course, we know not erybody going lissen wat we preach. But we can know fo shua dat Jehovah happy wit us wen we try oua bes fo share good kine stuff wit oddas.

Wat kine proof you see dat Jehovah stay happy wit you? (Go look numba 16) c

17. Wat you learn from wat Vicky wen tell about da ransom? (Songs Fo God 5:12)

17 Thru da ransom, Jehovah wen pay da price fo da guys he stay happy wit. (1 Tim 2:5, 6) But wat if we no feel dat Jehovah stay happy wit us even if we believe in da ransom an stay baptize? No foget, we no can always trus da way we feel, but we can always trus Jehovah. To Jehovah erybody dat believe in da ransom stay do da right ting an he promise fo bless dem. (Read um Songs Fo God 5:12; Rome 3:26) Tinking hard about da ransom wen help Vicky. One day wen she was doing dat, she wen come fo see, “Jehovah wen hang in dea wit me long time . . . But was like I was telling him, “You no can love somebody like me. Yoa Boy’s sacrifice no can cova da bad tings I wen do.”” By tinking hard about da ransom, she wen feel Jehovah’s love fo her. Same ting, we going feel Jehovah’s love an know he happy wit us if we tink hard about da ransom.

Wat kine proof you see dat Jehovah stay happy wit you? (Go look numba 17)

18. Wat we can know fo shua if we keep loving oua Faddah in da heaven?

18 Even if we try hard fo do wat we wen learn in dis lesson, we still can get bum out an wonda if Jehovah stay happy wit us. If dat happen, no foget he love “da peopo dat get love an aloha fo him.” (Jam 1:12) So no stop coming closa to Jehovah an look fo da ways he show he happy wit you. Rememba, Jehovah “no stay far away from all us guys.”​—Jesus Guys 17:27.


  • How come some guys tink Jehovah no stay happy wit dem?

  • Wat some ways Jehovah tell he happy wit us?

  • How come we know fo shua dat God stay happy wit us?

SONG 88 Show Me Da Way

a WAT DA PICHA STAY ABOUT: Da guys in some a dese pichas is jus actors

b WAT DA PICHA STAY ABOUT: Da guys in some a dese pichas is jus actors

c WAT DA PICHA STAY ABOUT: Da guys in some a dese pichas is jus actors