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How “He Goin Make You Guys Stan Up Mo Strong”?

How “He Goin Make You Guys Stan Up Mo Strong”?

“[Jehovah] will make you firm, he will make you strong, he will firmly ground you.”​—1 PET 5:10.

MELE 38 Jehovah Stay Wit You, You Neva Stay Alone


1. How God wen give powa to his guys who had faith befoa time?

 PLENNY times da Bible tell dat guys dat had faith was strong. But even da strongest guys outa dem neva always feel strong. Like sometimes King David wen feel like he was “strong an solid, jalike one mountain,” but odda times he came “real sked.” (Songs 30:7) Even if Samson had choke powa wen he had God’s spesho spirit, he wen know dat witout da powa dat God wen give him, he was “goin come weak jalike da odda guys.” (Leadas 14:5, 6; 16:17) Jehovah da one who wen give dem powa.

2. How come da aposal Paul wen tell dat wen he no could hando, he had powa? (2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 12:9, 10)

2 Da aposal Paul wen admit dat even he wen need powa from Jehovah. (Read um 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 12:9, 10.) Jalike plenny of us, Paul had fo deal wit health kine problems. (Gal 4:13, 14) Sometimes he even had hard time fo do da right ting. (Rome 7:18, 19) An odda times he wen come all presha out cuz he neva know if he was going be ok. (2 Cor 1:8, 9) But even wen Paul wen feel like he no could hando, he wen get powa. How? Jehovah wen make Paul strong so dat he could hando wat he was going thru.

3. Wat questions we going ansa in dis lesson?

3 Jehovah promise he going give us powa too. (1 Pet 5:10) But we no can jus sit back an do notting an expeck fo get dat powa. Jalike one car, da engine give um da powa fo go. But da driva gotta step da gas fo da car move. Same ting, Jehovah ready fo give us da powa we need. But we gotta do someting so dat we can get um. Wat Jehovah give fo make us strong? An wat we gotta do fo get da powa dat come from him? We go find da ansa by looking how Jehovah wen give powa to three guys inside da Bible​—da prophet Jonah, Mary Jesus’ maddah, an da aposal Paul. We even going see how Jehovah give powa to his peopo today.


4. How we can get powa from Jehovah?

4 One way we get powa from Jehovah is wen we pray to him. Jehovah can ansa oua prayer an give us “da fo real powa.” (2 Cor 4:7) We can come strong wen we read da Bible an tink hard about um. (Songs 86:11) Wat Jehovah tell us inside da Bible give us “da powa.” (Heb 4:12) Wen you pray to Jehovah an read da Bible, you going get da powa you need so dat you can keep going, stay happy, o finish one hard assignment. Try look how Jehovah wen make da prophet Jonah come strong.

5. How come da prophet Jonah wen need courage?

5 Da prophet Jonah wen need courage. He was sked fo go wea Jehovah wen tell um fo go, so he wen get on one boat dat was going someplace else. Cuz of dat, him an da guys on da boat almos wen mahke in one storm. Wen dey wen throw him inside da watta, one big fish wen swallow him up. Jonah was in one skery place​—inside da opu of da fish. How you tink Jonah wen feel? He wen tink he was going mahke inside dea? Maybe he wen tink Jehovah wen bag from him. Jonah musta feel all sked.

Jalike da prophet Jonah, how us can come strong wen going thru pilikia? (Go look numba 6-9)

6. In Jonah 2:1, 2, 7, how Jonah wen get powa wen he was inside da opu of da fish?

6 Wat Jonah wen do fo get powa wen he was in da opu of da fish? He wen pray to Jehovah. (Read um Jonah 2:1, 2, 7.) Even if he neva lissen to Jehovah, Jonah was sorry fo wat he wen do an he had faith Jehovah was going lissen to him. Jonah wen tink hard about da scripchas he wen read befoa. We know dat cuz da prayer dat stay in Jonah chapta 2 use some of da same kine words dat get in Songs Fo God. (Go check Jonah 2:2, 5 wit Songs Fo God 69:1; 86:7.) Az clear dat Jonah wen know da scripchas real good. Dose scripchas wen help Jonah know fo shua dat Jehovah was going help him. Jehovah wen save Jonah, an layta on he was ready fo do da work Jehovah wen tell him fo do.​—Jonah 2:10–3:4.

7-8. Wen one braddah in Taiwan had problems, how he wen come strong?

7 Wat Jonah wen go thru can help us wen we get diffren kine problems. Zhiming, b one braddah from Taiwan, suffa from some mayjah health problems. On top of dat, cuz he wanted fo serve Jehovah, his family was abusing him. He wen get powa from Jehovah thru prayer an study. He wen say, “Sometimes wen problems come up, I get so stress out an worried dat I no can even calm down enuff fo study.” But he no give up. He tell, “Firs I pray to Jehovah. Den I put on my earphones a lissen to da music we get from oua hui. Sometimes I even sing um soft kine until I calm down. Den I can start fo study.”

8 Da tings Zhiming wen study wen make um strong enuff fo hando all kine hard stuff. Like one time wen he was recovering from one mayjah operation, one nurse wen tell him dat his red blood cell count was so low, he wen need one blood transfusion. Da night befoa his operation, Zhiming wen read about one sistah who had same kine operation. Her red blood cell count had drop moa low den his, but she neva take blood an she wen get betta. Wat wen happen to her wen make Zhiming strong enuff fo stay faithful.

9. If wat you going thru make you come weak, wat you can do? (Go look da pichas.)

9 Wen you going thru someting hard you eva feel so stress out an worried, you no can even pray? O you feel too weak fo even study? Rememba Jehovah know exackly how you feel. So even if you say one simpo prayer, you can know fo shua dat Jehovah going give you exackly wat you need. (Efe 3:20) If az hard fo you read o study cuz you stay sick, tired, o all stress out, you can lissen to da recording of da Bible o one of oua odda Bible tools. You can even lissen to one of oua songs o watch one video on top Jehovah like make you strong, an he going wen you pray an look fo da ansa inside da Bible an all da odda stuff he give us.


10. How oua braddahs an sistahs make us come strong?

10 Jehovah can use oua braddahs an sistahs fo help us come strong. Dey can help us fo “stay real good inside” wen we get one hard kine assignment. (Col 4:10, 11) We speshly need frenz wen “get trouble.” (Smart Guys 17:17) Oua braddahs an sistahs can give us wat we need, make us feel betta, an help us fo keep going fo serve Jehovah. We go see how oddas wen make Jesus’ maddah Mary come strong.

11. Why Mary wen need fo come strong?

11 Mary wen need fo come strong. Try tink how Mary had feel wen da angel Gabriel wen tell her she was going come hapai even tho she no was married. She neva wen raise kids befoa, but now she was going take kea da boy who was going come da Messiah. An since Mary neva had sex befoa, how she tell all dis to Joseph, da guy who she was going marry?​—Luk 1:26-33.

12. Inside Luke 1:39-45, how Mary wen come strong?

12 How Mary wen come strong fo do dis real hard assignment dat nobody had do befoa? She wen go get help from oddas. One ting she wen do was ask Gabriel fo tell her some moa about dis assignment. (Luk 1:34) Den afta dat, she wen go “da hills Judea side” fo visit one of her ohana, Elizabet. Dat was one good trip. Elizabet wen build Mary up an Jehovah wen use her fo tell Mary about one prophecy about da boy she was going have. (Read um Luke 1:39-45.) Mary wen say dat Jehovah wen “show his powa.” (Luk 1:46-51) Jehovah wen use Gabriel an Elizabet fo help Mary come strong.

13. How wen turn out good fo one sistah in Bolivia wen she wen ask oddas fo help?

13 Jalike Mary, yoa braddahs an sistahs can make you strong too. Dasuri, one sistah in Bolivia wen need dat kine help. Wen her faddah wen go hospital cuz he wen come sick an no was going get betta, Dasuri wanted fo be wit him az much az can. (1 Tim 5:4) Dat no was easy. She wen tell, “Plenny times I wen like give up.” She neva ask fo help at firs. She wen say, “I neva like bodda da braddahs an sistahs. I wen tink az Jehovah da one who going help me. But den I wen figga dat staying away from odda peopo, I was trying fo hando da problem all by myself.  (Smart Guys 18:1) Dasuri wen write to some of her frenz fo tell dem wat was going on. She wen tell, “I no can even explain um how much da braddahs an sistahs wen help me out. Dey wen bring food an wen share good kine words from da Bible. So unreal fo know dat we no stay by ouaself. We part of Jehovah’s big ohana. Oua braddahs an sistahs like take kea us, cry wit us, an help us keep serving Jehovah.”

14. How come we should let da eldas help us?

14 One way Jehovah give us powa is thru da eldas. He use dem fo help us come strong an feel betta. (Isa 32:1, 2) So wen you stay stress out, tell da eldas how you feel. An wen dey try help you, let um. Cuz Jehovah can use dem fo help you come strong.


15. Wat hope all Christians get?

15 Da hope we get in da Bible can give us da powa fo keep serving Jehovah. (Rome 4:3, 18-20) Some Christians get da hope fo live foeva in heaven, an oddas get da hope fo live foeva on paradise earth. Dis hope give us da powa fo hando problems, fo preach, an fo work hard fo oua braddahs an sistahs. (1 Tess 1:3) Dat same hope wen make da aposal Paul strong.

16. How come da aposal Paul wen need fo come strong?

16 Paul wen need fo come strong. In his letta to da Corint peopo, he wen tell he was jalike one clay dish dat was easy fo broke. He wen “get plenny presha,” he neva “undastan eryting,” had “guys dat make [him] suffa plenny,” an wen “bus [him] up.” Plenny times he almos wen mahke. (2 Cor 4:8-10) Paul wen write all dis da third time he wen go all ova fo preach. He neva know dat time, but his pilikia no was pau yet. He was going get mob, arrested, thown in jail, an wen almos drown in da ocean.

17. In 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 4:16-18, wat wen make Paul strong enuff fo hando wat he was going thru?

17 Paul wen come strong enuff fo hando wat he was going thru cuz he wen focus on his hope. (Read um 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 4:16-18.) He wen tell da Corint peopo dat even if his body wen “come mo an mo junk outside,” dat wasn’t going bring him down. He wen go focus on da future. Da hope he wen get fo live in heaven was so spesho to him dat he was willing fo go thru anyting fo get um. Paul wen tink hard about dat hope an cuz of dat he wen come “mo an mo strong ery day.”

18. How hope wen make Tihomir an his ohana strong?

18 Tihomir, one braddah in Bulgaria, wen come strong cuz da hope he get. Few years ago his younga braddah, Zdravko, wen mahke in one car accident. Fo long time afta dat, Tihomir had hard time cuz he was real sad about um. Fo dem hando, him an his ohana wen tink about wat was going be like wen Zdravko come back alive. He wen say, “We talk about wea we going meet him wen he come back, wat kine food we going make fo him, who we going invite to da party, an all da stuff dat wen happen befoa da world wen pau.” Tihomir sed dat wen dey tink about da hope, da ohana come strong an dey can wait fo wen Jehovah bring his braddah back alive.

Wat you tink yoa life going be like in da new world? (Go look numba 19) c

19. Wat you can do fo make yoa hope strong? (Go look da picha.)

19 How you can make yoa hope strong? If you get da hope fo live foeva on top da earth, go read wat da Bible tell about Paradise an tink hard about um. (Isa 25:8; 32:16-18) Tink about wat going be like in da new world. Try picha yoaself dea. Who you see? Wat you hear? How you feel? Fo jump start yoa mind, go look at da pichas dat show da Paradise inside da Bible tools we get, o watch one music video like The New World to Come, Just Around the Corner, o Imagine the Time. If we keep da hope solid in oua mind, den oua problems going be “ony manini kine!” (2 Cor 4:17) Da hope Jehovah give you going help you fo hando wateva pilikia you get.

20. Even wen we weak, how we can come strong?

20 Even wen we feel weak, “cuz a God, us guys goin be da winnas!” (Songs 108:13) Jehovah wen awready give you wat you need fo come strong. So wen you need help fo take kea one assignment, fo hando one problem, o fo stay happy, pray to Jehovah an study fo get da help you need. Let yoa braddahs an sistahs kokua you. Take da time fo tink about yoa hope fo da future. Den you going “get mo strong inside from God awesome kine powa, dat goin make you guys handle any kine an hang in dea long time.”​—Col 1:11.

MELE 33 Throw Your Burden on Jehovah

a Dis lesson going help da guys dat tink dea problem is too hard fo hando, o dea assignment is too hard fo do. We going see how Jehovah can make us come strong an wat we can do fo get his help.

b Some names wen get change.

c WAT DA PICHA STAY ABOUT: One sistah who deaf tink about wat da Bible promise an play one music video fo jump start her mind about wat her life going be like in da new world.