Tink About Da Main Points Again
You eva had hard time rememba wat you jus wen study? Dat happens to all us. Wat you can do? Tink about da main points again.
Wen you study, stop from time to time fo tink about wat you jus wen learn. Try look how da aposal Paul wen help da braddahs an sistahs fo do dis wen dey had study his letta. He wen write, “Dis da main ting.” (Heb 8:1) Cuz he wen do dis, dat wen help dem fo undastan wat he wen mean, an how eryting he tell wen conneck to da main message.
Maybe you set time, like ten minutes at da end of yoa study, fo tink about da main points. If you no can rememba da main points, check da subheadings an read da firs sentence of each paragraph fo help you rememba. If you wen learn someting new, try fo explain um in yoa own words. Wen you go ova da main points, you goin make yoa memory moa betta an you goin be able fo see moa betta how you can use wat you learn in yoa life.