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Hope—Really Matta O Wat?

Hope—Really Matta O Wat?

Hope​—Really Matta O Wat?

Daniel was ony ten years ol an was fighting cancer awready fo one year. Da guys close to him an da doctors wen give up awready, dey said neva have hope. Daniel neva give up hope. He wen believe he would grow up an find da cure fo cancer. Had one doctor who wen specialize in his kine cancer. Daniel no could wait fo him fo come an see him. Wen da doctor was suppose to come he had fo cancel cuz da weather was bad. Fo da firs time Daniel felt like kill fight, he wen give up, he neva have powa. An den few days layta he wen mahke.

One health kea worka who wen study how wen you get hope an wen you no moa hope, affeck yoa health​—she wen go tell Daniel’s story. Maybe you heard one story lidat. Like one makule person who hang on to life litto bit longa cuz dey looking forward to someting​—maybe one anniversary or somebody in da ohana goin come visit dem. But wen Iz all pau dey mahke. How come lidat? Hope dat powaful?

Moa an moa researcher guys tell dat one positive view an hope have one powaful effeck on yoa life an health. But not erybody feel lidat. Odda researcher guys say ah das all stories, science no back dat up. Dey tink hope no affeck da physical problems we get.

Fo long time peopo feel like hope not importan. Tousans of years ago da smart Greek guy Aristotle wen say “hope was jus like one dream.” Moa recent Benjamin Franklin wen say “jus cuz you get hope no mean goin happen.”

So wats da trut bout hope den? Iz jus one nice way fo tink fo make you feel betta or iz it moa den dat? Iz it legit? Iz it someting dat we need fo be happy an healthy an goin foreal kine help us?