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Da Masoretes wen do one good job copyin da scripchas


Da Bible Wen Survive Even Tho Guys Wen Try Change Um

Da Bible Wen Survive Even Tho Guys Wen Try Change Um

DA DANGER: Had guys who had go agains da Bible, an da stuff written on um wuz easy fo fall apart. But still yet, da Bible had make um. But some guys who had copy um an translate um would try change up da message. Instead of teachin da trut from da Bible, dey wen try change um fo match up wit wat dey wen believe. We go try talk about some of da stuff dey had change.

  • Wea fo worship: Long time ago, da Samaritans wanted fo build one temple on one place called Mount Gerizim. So wen dey wen write wat iz called Da Samaritan Pentateuch, dey wen change up some words from Outa Egypt 20:17 fo back up dat plan.

  • Teachin of da Trinity: Less den 300 years afta da Bible wuz pau, one guy who believe in da trinity wen add stuff to 1 From John 5:7 an he wen add dese words: “In heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” Da original scripchas neva say dat. One guy who study da Bible plenny, Bruce Metzger, wen tell dat about da year 500 dese words wuz in plenny of da Latin Bibles.

  • God’s name: Plenny Bible translators wen hemo God’s name from da Bible cuz dey wen follow da Jew guys who wen believe it was kapu fo use God’s name. Dey wen swap out God’s name wit titles like “God” o “Lord”. But dose titles can use um fo any kine stuff. Can use um fo God, random kine guys, false kine worship, even fo da Devil.—John 10:34, 35; 1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 8:5, 6; 2 Fo Da Corint Peopo 4:4. *

HOW DA BIBLE WEN MAKE UM: Firs, even tho had guys dat had copy da Bible an dey neva kea dey neva wen do one good job, o dea wuz sneaky buggas who wen change um up, had odda guys who had copy um real good, spot on. Some of dese guys wuz da Masoretes. Dey would copy da Hebrew Scripchas an dey wen make wat iz called da Masoretic text. Fo make shua da ting was perfeck an spot on, some peopo wen say dat dey wen count ery word an ery letta fo make shua dey neva make mistake. If dey thought had one mistake in da stuff dey was copyin from, dey would write um down on da side fo make one note. Dey would neva mess wit da Bible. One guy who teach at da college, Moshe Goshen-Gottstein, wen say: ‘Fo dem mess wit da Bible on purpose, wuz da worses crime eva.’

Secon, cuz get so much copies of da Bible today, fo da guys who study da Bible real good, easy fo spot da mistakes. One exampo, one church leada wuz taught fo long time dat da Latin translation wuz da real deal. But at 1 From John 5:7 dey wen add in bogus kine words, da ones we talked about earlier. Dat mistake wen even come inside da English King James Version, da one plenny peopo trus. But wen dey started fo find odda kine copies, wat all dat wen show? Bruce Metzger wen tell dat dose bogus words at 1 From John 5:7 neva had um in da ol kine versions of da Bible in diffren languages. Ony had um in da Latin one. Cuz of dat, da newer versions of da King James Version an odda Bibles, dey wen fix um an hemo dose bogus kine words.

Chester Beatty P46, one papyrus Bible copy from about 200 C.E.

Olda copies of da Bible dey had find had show dat wat stay in da Bible neva change. In 1947, dey had find some supa ol scrolls by da Dead Sea an dey wen go match um up wit wat da Masoretes had copy ova tousan years layta. So wat dey wen find? One guy who know plenny about all dis stuff wen tell dat wen dey wen match up da two, wuz same an wat da Masoretes had do, dey wen do one real good job. An dass why can trus wat stay in da Bible.

One library inside Ireland get supa ol parts of da Bible, some so ol wuz from ony 100 years afta da Bible wuz pau. One dictionary wen tell dat even tho dey had copy da Bible plenny times, ony had manini kine changes dat neva affeck da meanin.

’Safe fo say, no moa no odda ol book dat wuz copied dat good.’

CUZ OF DAT: Wen you match up all da ol copies of da Bible, wen show da message of da Bible neva wen change. Like wen come to da Greek Scripchas, one guy who know plenny about um wen tell: ‘Da Bible wuz copied so much times, way moa den any odda book. An we know garanz dat wat tell still stay da same.’ Wen come to da Hebrew Scripchas, one guy who know plenny about um wen tell: ‘Da copies we get iz spot on.’

^ Fo learn some moa, go look da Appendix A4 an A5 in da New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures on