Original Songs

Enjoy one bunch of nice music dat come from oua love fo wea oua spiritual stuffs comes from.

Give Me Powa

Jehovah can give us da powa fo hando wateva happen to us.

Foeva Hau’oli

Jehovah always as why, us stay foeva hau’oli.

Cuz of My Trus

Try pikcha da awesome future God get planned fo us guys.

All Pono (2022 Convention Song)

See pas yoa pilikia fo God’s promise fo be pono.

Goin Happen Fo Shua! (2023 Big Kine Meeting Mele)

Copy da guys who get faith while you hang in dea an wait fo Jehovah.

“Good Kine Tings”! (2024 Big Kine Meeting Song)

From da firs years til now, peopo been happy fo preach da good kine tings an fo be paht of someting dat stay bigga den any of us. Jesus stay leading dis work an each one of da angels back up dat work.