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SONG 139

I Stay Make Erytin All New

I Stay Make Erytin All New

(Wat Jesus Show John 21:1-5)

  1. 1. Jus close yoa eyes, an really see,

    Try tink bumbye how erytin goin be.

    Wen no moa pain, how you goin feel.

    Az like one dream but goin be fo real.

    Not go-in get da bad kine guys,

    Dey not goin be dea wit dea bulais.

    Da way tings wen happen befo time goin pau.

    Oua hearts good inside,

    We go sing dis supa loud:


    “Mahalo oua God, look all you wen do!

    You use yoa Boy who make erytin new.

    Jus blow all of oua minds wen we tink bout yoa love.

    So awesome da way you show yoa unreal powa!

  2. 2. Try see da time wen you stay dea,

    Wea tings goin be all pono erywea.

    Wea nottin goin bodda us guys,

    No need be sked, o stay soa inside.

    We not goin tink tings from befo,

    No moa sad teas fo cry any moa.

    Da guys who wen mahke goin wake up again,

    Togedda, all us guys

    Sing to God, ou-a fren:


    “Mahalo oua God, look all you wen do!

    You use yoa Boy who make erytin new.

    Jus blow all of oua minds wen we tink bout yoa love.

    So awesome da way you show yoa unreal powa!