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SONG 148

Jehovah Proteck His Peopo

Jehovah Proteck His Peopo

(2 Samuel 22:1-8)

  1. 1. We kno fo shua Jehovah you da livin God.

    Get plenny proof fo see,

    From mauka to makai.

    No odda god can do da tings dat you do,

    Dats fo shua.

    You get all da powah.


    Jehovah goin get us thru all dese preshas.

    His peopo goin see he oua shelta from da storm.

    So we no sked, we trus in oua God,

    An go tell all,

    bout Jehovah, da one who proteck

    all his peopo.

  2. 2. Wen no can hando anymoa I pray to you,

    “Jehovah make me strong,

    An help me no be sked.”

    From way up dea you hear me,

    an ansa me, garuntee.

    You neva leave my side.


    Jehovah goin get us thru all dese preshas.

    His peopo goin see he oua shelta from da storm.

    So we no sked, we trus in oua God,

    An go tell all,

    bout Jehovah, da one who proteck

    all his peopo.

  3. 3. Da guys agains you goin see

    dat you God fo real.

    Your peopo you goin save,

    Your enemies destroy.

    You get powa fo be wat you gotta be.

    All goin see,

    How you proteck your guys.


    Jehovah goin get us thru all dese preshas.

    His peopo goin see he oua shelta from da storm.

    So we no sked, we trus in oua God,

    An go tell all,

    bout Jehovah, da one who proteck

    all his peopo.